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Hearthstone |OT4| The warsong has ended, please patron other decks

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Dreadsteed Report:

Game 1: Fel Cannon works with Mechs, not demons. Cannon proceeds to shoot and kill DS almost every turn.

Game 2: Baron + DS goes off. I now have 6 slots filled with 1/1 DSs. lol

Game 3: Tiny Knight may be small, but he's huge on evil. Discard synergy with Soul Burn and the 5/7 dood is fun. Tiny into Succubus and Fist seem fun. Imp-ploded my own DS for minions.

Game 4: Really need Malganis. Mortal Coil on DS is good for cycling. Tournament Medic in Warlock is fun. The wait time that incurs the turn after I summon DS is funny as my opponents try to figure out what is up.

Will post deck list soon. It's a lot of fun. Just need a smexy belf or Worgan as an alternate hero and I'd play it more....

Cutputse Report:

Buccaneer is AWESOME.

Cutpurse is great on turn two. Has a huge target on it though. Easy-ish to protect with Buccaneer - weapon, backstab, SAP.

Free coins are awesome with SI, faster Sprints, and OK with new phat panda.

Fun deck. Gold Cutpurse looks glorious -- cha-ching!


I looked up some decklists. Is there a budget version of this deck?

Not especially. The expensive cards are:

Sky Capn' Cragg
2x Preparation
2x Those epic 3/3 pirates that give your other pirates +1/+1

After that, things get much cheaper. Do you have those things?


If I run Innervate and Wild Growth then I'd have to cut some of the core beasts out of the deck and significantly alter my gameplan. If I only run 1 Wildwalker and 2 Druids of the Fang then all I am doing is running a worse version of midrange Druid. Without those two cards now I have an archetype that is distinctly different and can measurably be called a different deck. It is more aggressive and has better matchups against other kinds of decks, like zoo. If you wanna run midrange druid than play midrange Druid. If you wanna run beasts then play beasts.

I mean, not really. Sub out 1 FoN + 1 Druid of the Flame and put the 2 Innervates in. you lose 1 beast and it's the same deck. Running 2xCombo and treating your beasts like tokens or Shades doesn't sound too different to me if you are really that interested in running a pure beast deck. Why not tech in a beast like tempo Kodo as well for that matter?

But hey, it's just suggestions. I thought you were asking for different perspectives *shrug* I think your deck is solid. I've found card draw is sometimes a bitch too.


needs to show more effort.
My current paladin deck I'm tinkering with

I played from rank 8 to rank 3 last night with a 73% win rate. Not spectacular but pretty good. Justicar + garrison commander + murloc knight + quarter master is the real heart of the deck. It allows for the deck to have an extremely low curve and yet win in the late game by just grinding opponents out of resources via its token generation. I've found that a single cult master is plenty of draw for this deck. He draws 2-4 cards which can turn the game but also this concept just doesn't need much draw to begin with.

Garrison Commander, Murloc Knight, and Justicar allow you to just keep sinking mana to power up your board without using up cards. And justicar is a fucking powerhouse in paladin. In any control matchup a turn 6 justicar is gg. I've started just keeping this guy in my opening hand because it is that absurd.

I decked control warriors while still having like 8 cards left in my deck.

One of the cards I still waffle on is Eadric. I think he's good but he might be better as just a lay on hands? Maybe? The other option is Dr Boom but I actually think Eadric is better in this deck. Boom would be the only big game target in the deck which is a problem but also Boom is very... swingy board control. Yeah sometimes your opponent doesn't have great answers and you just win but if they do have great answers playing boom can lose you board control. Eadric is much more 'stable' in that it just neuters their board and puts a big body in play that can't easily be dealt with my any means.

This deck isn't aggressive and so because Dr Boom hitting them in the face for 7 isn't an interesting proposition, I think Eadric is better. However, I still might end up cutting him for just a lay on hands.

The weakest matchup by far is face hunter (50%). The reason for this is because while this can out board control other aggro decks in the early game (I'm something like 6-0 against aggro pally with this deck) it can't kill hunter fast enough to not just die to chargers + hero power + unleash. And the Tuskarr Jousters just haven't given me enough sustainability. The heal is nice when it happens but sometimes you also just lose games on a bad joust flip.

The tweaks I plan to make tonight are -2 shredder, -2tuskarr, +2refreshment vendor, +2 belcher. My hope here is that it will help stablize me against hunters. I don't want to put in healbot because I think a 3/3 body is just too weak for a board control deck. I think refreshment vendor will fight board similarly to a piloted shredder and give me just a bit more healing.

Belcher also for defensive reasons but I'm also interested in seeing if a belcher will be capable of protecting my garrison commanders and murloc knights.

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
That swamp paladin deck is so hard to control


So many mill rogues today.. sigh. all my brand new cards being destroyed since i'm playing a control mage hybrid.

I played a Mill Rogue as Patron yesterday. I was like, "You fool! You're drawing me into my combo pieces faster!" Nothing important got burned, never made it to fatigue.

I did learn that the Ambush from Under the Ground doesn't spawn a spider if it never goes into your hand. Dude never got anything from that card.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
I mean, not really. Sub out 1 FoN + 1 Druid of the Flame and put the 2 Innervates in. you lose 1 beast and it's the same deck. Running 2xCombo and treating your beasts like tokens or Shades doesn't sound too different to me if you are really that interested in running a pure beast deck.

You have no idea. I had two stealthed jungle panthers one game and and so my combo turned into 26 damage. I really don't want to cut a FoN because it is such a huge part of my deck's gameplan that I need that consistency. Stealth plays so incredibly well into Savage Roar, and into Wildwalker for that matter. So having 6 stealthed beasts is pretty significant.

As for Stampeding Kodo, I think it is a viable sub for a Stranglethorn Tiger when you are up against a lot of aggressive decks. But I found that the meta has currently slowed as people experiment with new decks so I preferred the reach of Stranglethorn Tiger.

Sorry, I wasn't really looking for suggestions. Somebody just stated that they felt their Beast Druid was clunky and I didn't feel that way at all about mine.


You have no idea. I had two stealthed jungle panthers one game and and so my combo turned into 26 damage. I really don't want to cut a FoN because it is such a huge part of my deck's gameplan that I need that consistency. Stealth plays so incredibly well into Savage Roar, and into Wildwalker for that matter. So having 6 stealthed beasts is pretty significant.

As for Stampeding Kodo, I think it is a viable sub for a Stranglethorn Tiger when you are up against a lot of aggressive decks. But I found that the meta has currently slowed as people experiment with new decks so I preferred the reach of Stranglethorn Tiger.

Sorry, I wasn't really looking for suggestions. Somebody just stated that they felt their Beast Druid was clunky and I didn't feel that way at all about mine.

Fair enough. It thought of making a strong case for Innervate not because it's a card for a specific strategy imo, but because it is such a strong advantage building tool unique to Druids. Like you, I don't think Wild Growth or Aspirant improve my beast deck at all, but Innervate is a game changer. I definitely can see the strengths of your deck considering I built something similar :p

The rest comes down to playstyles.


Mirror CW matchup, going pretty slow but standard for first 10 turns, he's still got 30hp/5armor I'm 23hp/8armor. I drop Varian who pulls Troggzor, Sludge Belcher and Acolyte of pain, he concedes.


Legendaries I have after opening my 60 packs and doing some crafting

Justicar Trueheart
Eydis Darkbane
The Mistcaller
Wilfred Fizzlebang
Varian Wrynn

Are there any more that I should craft, or am I safe to start crafting Epic's and Rares? I have around 6000 dust left.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Jesus Bigkrev.


I think Aviana might be worthwhile.

Lock and Load also seem to be picking up steam. Control Hunter is nearly there.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I would not craft Pirate Rogue. It's still 1 or 2 sets away from being viable.

The big problem is that it doesn't have any hyper value drops like Shredder, Tusk Totemic, or Wrangler. Hell, even Murloc Knight. All the pirates rely on synergy, and are expensive to boot, unlike Murlocs. They get wrecked by any kind of consistent board control.


Sooooo I am still missing a bunch of regular and goblins legendarys. I bought the 50 packs of the TGT and got 2 legendarys, dreadscale and nexus-champ saraad. Would it be best for me to pick up Dr. Boom or wait until some newer deck ideas come out and craft a legendary from TGT. Thanks :)


Jesus Bigkrev.


I think Aviana might be worthwhile.

Lock and Load also seem to be picking up steam. Control Hunter is nearly there.

I got very lucky with my packs. I had something like 12 golden Rares and 2 golden Epics, and the 3 legendaries I got were Justicar, Varian and Eydris, and the 10 packs I bought with gold had 2 more legendares (Rhonin and Fizzlebang), and I was already starting with close to 9000 Dust. Even got the Anub'arak from a 1-2 drop in Arena!


I would not craft Pirate Rogue. It's still 1 or 2 sets away from being viable.

The big problem is that it doesn't have any hyper value drops like Shredder, Tusk Totemic, or Wrangler. Hell, even Murloc Knight. All the pirates rely on synergy, and are expensive to boot, unlike Murlocs. They get wrecked by any kind of consistent board control.

I think Pirate rogue is far closer than you're giving it credit for. Maybe not top tier deck, but it's 1 set away at most.


Sooooo I am still missing a bunch of regular and goblins legendarys. I bought the 50 packs of the TGT and got 2 legendarys, dreadscale and nexus-champ saraad. Would it be best for me to pick up Dr. Boom or wait until some newer deck ideas come out and craft a legendary from TGT. Thanks :)
You can't go wrong with Dr.Boom, he's still insanely good.


Welp, EU is pretty much unplayable, and when you get to play you risk getting kicked out for whatever reason anyway.

Wish I had just started on NA instead :/


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I think Pirate rogue is far closer than you're giving it credit for. Maybe not top tier deck, but it's 1 set away at most.

I would say once the meta shakes out it'll be about as good as Dragon Warrior was last set, which, somehow, didn't really get better (relative to other decks) with TGT. It's behind Dragon Mage and I think Dragon Priest might have the edge.


I would say once the meta shakes out it'll be about as good as Dragon Warrior was last set, which, somehow, didn't really get better (relative to other decks) with TGT. It's behind Dragon Mage and I think Dragon Priest might have the edge.

Yes, I think that's a reasonable comparison. Pirate rogue being a tier 2 deck would be fine, in my opinion. Playable, just not in the top 10 decks OP.


Maybe it's just my gut feeling or luck, but drop rates have been way way way better for me on US server compared with EU too.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Well I wouldn't craft a legendary for a Tier 2 deck, is what I'm saying.

Stuff like Ysera or Malygos, sure. You can make Tier 2 decks around them but they're Tier 1 cards, or potentially Tier 1 cards.

A pirate legendary though? It'll only ever be good for pirates.


Well I wouldn't craft a legendary for a Tier 2 deck, is what I'm saying.

Stuff like Ysera or Malygos. You can make Tier 2 decks around them but they're Tier 1 cards, or potentially Tier 1 cards.

A pirate legendary though? It'll only ever be good for pirates.

He already has the pirate legendary. He's asking if he should dust it.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Oh, right. My memory is going. Well at least it's not Nozdormu.
I understand that after release servers will go down for few hours, but I'm very disappointed that EU is still unplayable today. At this rate EU will be playable some time next week :(

Luckily I managed to squeeze in few games this morning.


Oh, right. My memory is going. Well at least it's not Nozdormu.

My point is that it's not even close. I'd compare sky cap'n to something like Prophet Velen; Velen is used in a very narrow set of decks, but he's great in the decks he enables.

Sky Cap'n will be pivotal to all pirate decks. That's a narrow use legendary, but in the cases where he's used he's excellent. That's much much better than a legendary that has no place at all (e.g. Nozdormu, sans the glitch deck, or Lorewalker Cho, or Gahzrilla).


Welp, GVG and classic cards are way better than TGT cards in arena. All of the inspire cards are the epitome of win-more, they're only good if you have tempo or are ahead of the board. Deep Sea Kraken is pretty good as a late game card though.


I feel from TGT legs, Justicar is must have as it can go into quite a few decks and classes, it seems like the closest thing to a general purpose legendary that could be good in a lot of control decks now not every class can benefit from it but it's a card you probably want to have.

The rest are far too specific, so I would get that one for sure before everything else.

I'm underwhelmed by Chillmaw, it hasn't worked even once for me, thanks to abundance of silence and polymorphs, it's not a bad card but don't bet your life on it. Still you probably want it if you play dragon decks, twilight guardians are more necessary, actually I think dragon decks could work just fine without Chillmaw but with two of those.

Saarad, the rng on this thing is so wide that I don't think it's all necessary, but it's a 5 drop still with yeti body and the potential to give a win card, even if it's trash if you're playing cards like Twilight Drake or Mountain Giant, maybe it's not so bad? and of course there is spell synergy.

The 3 drops are same as Saarad pretty much, even if you can't use their abilities, they still have good body. It only makes sense in priest or paladin to play these so use cases are even less, it's not something I would craft personally but if I opened them, it's cool.

The rest.... eh yeah.

Then comes the class cards, if you play warrior you probably should get Varian and Aviana for Druid. The rest are underwhelming or merely ok. Nothing to rush for.


needs to show more effort.
oh also, these are the cards I experimented with in murloc knight paladin that I posted above that I don't think make the cut. Perhaps this will save others some time in their inpsire paladins:

Tinkmaster: I thought this had potential because of how much tokens the deck churns out turn after turn. The deck is low on 3-drops, contains no silence, and has endless 1/1s that could become 5/5s. So in theory it seems great but when I analyzed it in real situations the risk was just too high. If the opponent plays like a haunted creeper the card is just going to sit in your hand forever. Really bad.

Gormok: This card actually works. You very, very often have 4+ minions and can get the battlecry. However, I think this card is a poor choice for the same reasons I think Eadric or Lay on Hands is a better choice than Dr Boom. The deck is a grindy one. You have no burst and using gormok to clear their minion so you can get more face damage in just... isn't that effective. Gormok is a snowbally card but this deck isn't actually looking to snowball and kill them. The goal is to use your board control and mana sinks to just slowly grind them down until they inevitably chipped away. In addition, while this deck very often has more than 4 minions on board it never has 4 minions on board on turn 4. So gormok is not a 4 drop.

Defender of Argus: This card was alright. However, just like gormok this is generally not a turn 4 play. If it is, it's because you have like a knife juggler and a garrison commander on board and now you are giving your most valuable minions, the ones you don't want killed, taunt. So it's a later game play but the way the tokens in this deck works isn't that you want to fill the board and taunt up. You often just take your army of 5 tokens and immediately ram them into the opponent's minions and then generate 5 more tokens. This means the actual effect of argus is little more than a direwolf.
I just don't get it. When I make a silly/crazy deck, the first 2-3 games go great. Everything falls into place and it feels great. Then all games after that just falls apart and everything wrong with the deck gets highlighted. It's almost like the game gives me a few pitty wins then brings me back to reality.


EU servers are breaking again so I guess the only reason they were working earlier today was because less people were playing. Ugh.
I just don't get it. When I make a silly/crazy deck, the first 2-3 games go great. Everything falls into place and it feels great. Then all games after that just falls apart and everything wrong with the deck gets highlighted. It's almost like the game gives me a few pitty wins then brings me back to reality.

rolls are so hugely important and can completely shatter a great deck. I was slaying with dragon priest and then get nothing but spells for the first three turns. Never came back from that.

The great glorious genius of this game is that you can prepare for everything, but you can't prepare for the quirky captivating thrill of life itself.

Hearthstone The Movie
In Theaters This Christmas


I'm bound and determined to make something new and inventive with Priest work. It's really not working, though, unless I fluke into something killer with Eydis early on (or the classic flukey DS + Inner Fire combo on a Deathlord/Tourney Medic or whatever else I have in the deck).


This is relevant:

I just don't get it. When I make a silly/crazy deck, the first 2-3 games go great. Everything falls into place and it feels great. Then all games after that just falls apart and everything wrong with the deck gets highlighted. It's almost like the game gives me a few pitty wins then brings me back to reality.

rolls are so hugely important and can completely shatter a great deck. I was slaying with dragon priest and then get nothing but spells for the first three turns. Never came back from that.

The great glorious genius of this game is that you can prepare for everything, but you can't prepare for the quirky captivating thrill of life itself.

Hearthstone The Movie
In Theaters This Christmas
Yeah, Chillmaw is incredibly underwhelming. Justicar is probably the best overall TGT legendary so far with Varian trailing her.

Murloc Knight is amazing. Period.


Unconfirmed Member
Chillmaw has been working ok in my Dragon Paladin so far.

The big body and taunt are almost enough by itself. It has completely stopped dead the 1 hunter I managed to play it against. Against a more control-y deck (I seem to play only Warriors, so YMMV), it hasn't been very helpful unless I was already ahead.
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