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Hearthstone |OT4| The warsong has ended, please patron other decks

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First RNG of the day, before I even start playing, I already lose.

So I have a hunter/mage quest. Figure I'd reroll since I don't feel like playing either of those classes. I also figured that any quest worth 40 gold would be fine. I get the spectator quest for a classic pack reward


Healing Wave is a tool, a missing piece that Shaman really needed. Before, all you had was Vitality Totem, which was slow and prone to clearing, Healbot, which was strictly 5 mana and only healed you, or other somewhat weaker Battlecries like Earthen Ring.

Now, you've got an on-demand heal (for either you OR your minion) along side all those other options, you are not pigeon-holed into any tactic. You can combine them for even MORE healing if you choose, or mix-and-match depending on the situation. Taking too much damage from Weapon clearing? Heal on up. Your big minion need a heal? All it takes is 3 mana (no longer relying on weird cards).

The same idea behind Ancestral Knowledge. On its own, it's okay-ish. But now, it fits a particular piece of the puzzle missing from the class. Combined with all the other draw methods means a better card.


Kibler plays Chillmaw into a board full of Patrons. Dies from 20 health after opponent plays both Berserkers and Chillmaw's Deathrattle buffs them to 11 attack each. So much for anti-Patron tech.


I was playing Face Hunter last night and went up against a Shaman that got off both Healing Waves and won the joust both times. I basically had to kill him twice. Still got it done.
Man his deck must have sucked if he couldn't get back in to the game after recovering 28 HP.

Also Kripp's highlight matches from last night.

Healing Wave is a tool, a missing piece that Shaman really needed. Before, all you had was Vitality Totem, which was slow and prone to clearing, Healbot, which was strictly 5 mana and only healed you, or other somewhat weaker Battlecries like Earthen Ring.

Now, you've got an on-demand heal (for either you OR your minion) along side all those other options, you are not pigeon-holed into any tactic. You can combine them for even MORE healing if you choose, or mix-and-match depending on the situation. Taking too much damage from Weapon clearing? Heal on up. Your big minion need a heal? All it takes is 3 mana (no longer relying on weird cards).

The same idea behind Ancestral Knowledge. On its own, it's okay-ish. But now, it fits a particular piece of the puzzle missing from the class. Combined with all the other draw methods means a better card.
Yeah this right here. I have the same opinion on Ancestral Knowledge and Elemental Destruction as well. All of these cards fill gaping holes in the Shaman's arsenal and give them more overall flexibility in deck construction especially down the line.

Kibler plays Chillmaw into a board full of Patrons. Dies from 20 health after opponent plays both Berserkers and Chillmaw's Deathrattle buffs them to 11 attack each. So much for anti-Patron tech.
Hey man it's a Grim Patron counter... not a Berserker counter.



grinding out 5 hunter wins.....

opponent wins healing wave joust, hexes both my highmanes, totemic draws a vitality totem

fuck it, i give up.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
I just noticed that I have one silent knight too, anyone played this card?? I don't think it makes much sense in a face deck.

It is pretty insane with Blessing of Kings, but it doesn't fit in Eboladin. Has to be a deck that's slower than Eboladin but faster than midrange.


Kibler plays Chillmaw into a board full of Patrons. Dies from 20 health after opponent plays both Berserkers and Chillmaw's Deathrattle buffs them to 11 attack each. So much for anti-Patron tech.

It does prevent whirlwind but what people miss that you often don't need more than one whirlwind to kill most classes when they are not at full health.

In that game there was already 3 patrons on board before berserkers turn but even if they weren't there you could still make patrons with whirlwind then play berserkers for lethal. It's not really all that good against patron, it's amazing against patron if you're playing control warrior as it greatly reduces the damage and they can't kill you from 40+ armor and health if this is on board in one turn.

It is pretty insane with Blessing of Kings, but it doesn't fit in Eboladin. Has to be a deck that's slower than Eboladin but faster than midrange.

I realize you could do something like that with it and combo with BoM and blessed champion, but then I think shade is better at this.


Ancestral knowledge and elemental destruction were widely ridiculed before release and are already finding homes in decks regardless.

It really does seem that shamans got multiple solid new tools to enable different archetypes.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
I realize you could do something like that with it and combo with BoM and blessed champion, but then I think shade is better at this.

Silent Knight has greater AoE protection and is better for trading.

Servbot #42

Unconfirmed Member
I put one flamestrike in my tempo mage, before you could get away not having it in your deck but right now token paladin is unwinnable if you don't run at least one flamestrike. The paladin i faced wasn't even aggro it was midrange with a couple of murloc knights and shredders and i basically got grinded out of the fucking game, yoshichan was maybe right murlock knight is insane.


I can't take much more of this game. Starting hands determine entire match ups. Even against silly decks. Example:

I run zoo, start with 2 voidcaller and a 5/7, mulligan all 3 get Malganis Boom and an Egg.

Opponent is running Mill Druid. Turn 1 innervate 4/4 Sword. Turn 2 coin 4/4 Sword. I finally get a Piloted Shredder down, he Naturalizes it, then Naturalizes what pops out, then cold light oracles. With 22 cards left in his deck, he has all that. It couldn't have been more perfect.

And that's just one example. Matches like this are too familiar both ways. If I get a great starting hand, I win. If I don't, I lose. Not really fun to explore beyond that.
7-1 so far with my first tgt draft (started the moment tgt came out, still working on it).

Priest deck btw.

Special mentions... (from tgt only)

Kodorider, generally two 3/6 for 8 mana and almost always getting value off the heal as well. I've had this snowball or at least keep me in the game even though my deck doesn't have card draw.

North Sea Kraken, this guy is a beast (no not technically a beast) since that 4 damage will often remove a minion (my opponent has often plenty since I only have 1 holy nova) and then he helps close out a match, smacking for 9 damage. Amazing top deck.

Pit Fighter, yeti smasher, senjin killer, kills many 4 drops for free, has a ton of hp to survive with afterwards, very hard to deal with efficiently.

Master Jouster, even when the joust fails, he is a pit fighter for 1 mana more. When it succeeds, that divine shield and taunt is very nice.

Silent Knight, Vellen's chosen synergy, dark cultist synergy, shattered sun cleric synergy, and just all around very solid tbh. If you think of how good minibot is in arena especially when you drop a buff on him, for 1 mana more give him stealth to enable that to happen almost always... god it is good. It even puts that 4/2 stealth beast to shame.

TGT cards are pretty good in arena it seems.
Went from 13 to 9 last night with Reynad's dragon priest with Dr. Balanced sub in for Chillmaw. Only lost like 4 games. First loss was at 13 to a standard zoolock with perfect draws, the rest were at rank 9.

Shit's legit.


grinding out 5 hunter wins.....

opponent wins healing wave joust, hexes both my highmanes, totemic draws a vitality totem

fuck it, i give up.

Sounds like you were playing midrange, but I made two straight face hunters concede with a 14 health healing wave yesterday lol.

That card is awesome to counter the hyper aggro bullshit decks.


My first two arenas went terribly. I got too tempted by the cute plays/synergies that didn't work out that well in practice. Oh well.


Darkness no more
Is there an limit to warrior armor? I was at 20 hp and 65 armor before the face hunter conceded. He ran out of steam and I had played Justicar earlier and had the Garrison Commander out. I just kept killing his minions as he popped them out and then I would just use anything I could to armor up just to fuck with him. Never attacked his face. Felt good to mess with a scumbag hunter.


Is there an limit to warrior armor? I was at 20 hp and 65 armor before the face hunter conceded. He ran out of steam and I had played Justicar earlier and had the Garrison Commander out. I just kept killing his minions as he popped them out and then I would just use anything I could to armor up just to fuck with him. Never attacked his face. Felt good to mess with a scumbag hunter.

That is way more scumbaggy that using hunter tbh


Sounds like you were playing midrange, but I made two straight face hunters concede with a 14 health healing wave yesterday lol.

That card is awesome to counter the hyper aggro bullshit decks.

hybridish. It's kind of nice because I have cards in my deck that win jousts but also a ton of face damage. All the paladins I've played have been running that 5/5 joust and I swear I win more than half the time.
Personally I think Mistcaller is a bit underwhelming. It's good in slower games, but a rather dead draw versus aggro. And it makes your fire elementals BGHable. Kappa.

I might have to experiment more, but I just don't like the spot it fills. There's too much other stuff you can put in like Dr. Boom, Harrison, Loatheb, etc. that's better tech. As a standalone bomb he's not very good, since he doesn't have much synergy with the totem archetype. Probably needs a more tailored deck to support him.

Seems better in midrange or control matchups though.


23 Packs yesterday not one Legendary, Open a pack today from Gold and pull a Legendary Aviana from the pack, not bad not bad I'm happy about that. Don't play Ramp Druid but I might start.
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