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Hearthstone |OT4| The warsong has ended, please patron other decks

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Been messing around with Pirate Rogue tonight.

Buccaneer is actually pretty good. It activates other pirates well and the 2/2 weapon is always handy.

Shady dealer is also strong. You generally only get +1/+1 but it is better than nothing.

I also threw in burglar...just because. It has done pretty well so far and fits the deck to give draw. Sort of more fun than good, but I'd still run it.

Finally shado pan rider pretty much always ends up as a 6/7. I think it is a good card, would be great in arena.

The deck still sucks, but it is slightly better and more fun to play. It is kind of hard to judge at the moment because every second match is against fucking eboladin or zoolock.


Is Eadric the Pure any good? just got him from a pack.

And is Vol'Jin a necessity for Priest? I was thinking of crafting him.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Wow, it just happened again. Murloc Knight into another Knight, he cruel tasked/executed one that spawned out and next turn it made another. wtf.
How long before they secretly nerfed implosion? Seems like murloc knight is next on the list.

95% chance or warleader or another murloc knight at the moment.

Beneath the ground needs a secret buff too. Played three games of mill rogue, got the opponent to 14, 18 and 15 cards...and haven't seen a single ambush :|
Is Eadric the Pure any good? just got him from a pack.

And is Vol'Jin a necessity for Priest? I was thinking of crafting him.

I wouldn't say he was a necessity, but he's usually good value. I think if you don't run him you'd probably want Mind Control to deal with Ysera.


We should do the next EU tournament soon now that the meta is new and exciting. No rush though, I really don't feel like throwing a thread up so we can start on Monday or anything.
Well one thing's for sure, like 10x more bullshit RNG with this expac. Just had a fucker get Saraad off an Effigy, which gave him that ambush shit. Then Rhonin into Antonidas bullshit.


Is Eadric the Pure any good? just got him from a pack.

And is Vol'Jin a necessity for Priest? I was thinking of crafting him.

Vol'jin is pretty good in dragon priest right now because it synergizes well with the 2 atk that Whelp and Wyrmrest Agent have allowing for good trades.
Is Eadric the Pure any good? just got him from a pack.

And is Vol'Jin a necessity for Priest? I was thinking of crafting him.

Vol'Jin has a very specific purpose (certain kind of removal tool). Only craft him if you need extra removal (vs high hp minions like Ysera) in your decks. He will die immediately vs board with only small minions.


Was messing around on my gimmick deathrattle warlock deck when I encountered my first dragon wallet warrior.

He got me down to 6 hp, but I was able to live the dream with multiple thaddius and kel'thuzad. Crushed him after that.
Day 2 TGT Findings:

* Beneath the ground flat out sucks. It doesn't fit in mill rogue. It doesn't fit in controlish rogue because even when you finally draw it, it does nothing.

* Pirate rogue is pretty fun, just too weak to be a serious deck. It needs a good card draw pirate to bring it all together.

* Priest is kind of sort of ok now...but I think once decks settle down and optimise it'll drop down in popularity again.

* Grand Eboladin is completely disgusting. I've seen a few variants today, all of them destroy any attempt at creativity.

* Ditto face hunter. Keep at it boys. Well played.

* In contrast, hats off to the people trying to make the 10 mana druid plays work. It doesn't, but at least they are having a go.

* Shaman is obviously being played by somebody on the internet because I've seen a lot of the same deck. If you get a good tuskar opening, you are set for the match. However Totem Golemn doesn't seem that great as predicted. I think flash heal + doom hammer is the real boost for Shaman. You can just go nuts with it now so Harrison is a must play.


Wow, it just happened again. Murloc Knight into another Knight, he cruel tasked/executed one that spawned out and next turn it made another. wtf.

It's Murloc Knight, and he's placed on the right
The Pally summons to the Leftside
So I reach for my mouse and Hero Power up
Designated Juggler take the keys to my luck
Hit the Hero, cause I'm facin'
Honeys in the street say, "Uther, yo we racin' "

It feels so good on my board tonight
Summon those secrets like Eye for an Eye
All the other players forgot my 1/1 guy
You gotta get your mana up before you can trade
So never give up and throw out your Minibot
And let me hear the party say.... (This is how we Zoo it!)

I'm kinda buzzed and it's all because (This is how we Zoo it!)
Silver Hand does it like gnombody does (This is how we Zoo it!)
To all my heros you got much tempo (This is how we Zoo it!)
Let's flip the deck, bring the old-school dreck (This is how we Zoo it!)


I agree on Beneath the Grounds and Buccaneer. The first one is certified trash, and the second one is amazing. Can''t see a single Rogue-list that wouldn't benefit from 1-2 Buccaneers.


For science?
Yeah totally >.>
Edit: One quick match yeah this thing is disgusting, so many divine shields, funny enough I have Darkbane for the list, might craft Lighbane too...In all seriousness it's not the funest deck prefer to experiment for awhile.
Double Edit: Had 5 guys with Devine Shield, if someone was running a Blood Knight it would have been a 18/18 lol.


Varian putting in some work again. Just had my first CW vs CW matchup. This time he didn't put any minions on the board but did gave me all the answers I needed. I knew I was pretty save playing him since I would either get some value minions or the spells I needed and he did just that, filled up the tank again.

Thinking about crafting Justicar but my opponent played it and I still won still because I had more big threats in the late game. He had cut all of hist shieldmaidens though, i'm only running one atm but it's still a very strong play so I won't cut that last one.

Ugh, Arena Anxiety at it's worst. Doesn't help that it gave me the choice of 3 classes I rarely play, Druid, Shaman, Rogue. Went Druid as it is a class I do want to get into at some point.


Copperscum #2806 if u want to spectate.

Rank 1 trying to get legend this season with wallet warrior (never bought a pack, only the adventures).


Gold Member
Priest (with coin) vs Paladin (ebo variety) turn 4 win:

Turn 1: Chow
Turn 2: Coin Death Knight
Turn 3: Cleric, PW:S on Chow, Light of Naaru on Death Knight (making 1/2 lightwarden and drawing a card)
Turn 4: Velen on Knight (they concede)

So fast and quick. Not even too uncommon a hand.

Wild Pyro + PW:S in response to Muster when they have more X/1s on the board from turn 1/2 is also a great way to get a quick win.


Here's a weird thing they should do with the next expansion: give aggressive Paladin some more good cards. They desperately need to buff that deck.
Here's a weird thing they should do with the next expansion: give aggressive Paladin some more good cards. They desperately need to buff that deck.

Absolutely i think a 1 mana draw 3 cards everytime your opponent draws one would be a good addition. Also buff Thunder Bluff Valiant its not OP enough yet.
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