I wouldn't be shocked if they stopped giving the brawl packs within the next 3-4 weeks.
Boom Knight 2 mana 2/2 inspire summon a boom botHere's a weird thing they should do with the next expansion: give aggressive Paladin some more good cards. They desperately need to buff that deck.
Savjz is playing an very intersting Shaman Deck. I like what i see
Is it the Malyjoust one he was trying out yesterday?
I just lost to a double brawl/Justicar/greedy as fuck warrior.
Except Patron still dominates.
And when I say Patron, I actually mean Berserker.
Weren't there some discussions about what ways they could nerf the Patron deck on here without completely dismantling the spirit?
Seems like a simple change from "Give" to "Have" on Warsong might do wonders. That or make Berserker 2/3 for less chance at activations.
I just lost to a double brawl/Justicar/greedy as fuck warrior.
Was Astral Communion the card Kripp "made"? Seems like such a game ender when you get it (+ Innervate) on turn 1.
it's the one he revealed
what do you mean "made"? lol
Told y'allDid some further paladin testing last night and I have completely changed my mind on Gormok. He's never leaving the deck again. Yesterday, I wrote about how I didn't think he fit because it didn't align with the deck's overall game plan. I first evaluated him as a card that's good when you're ahead and snowbally which I wasn't that interested in. When I'm in a winning position I just want to hero power more not keep extending.
But what I didn't realize is that in token paladin, Gormok is actually great when you're behind. That fact was highly unintuitive to me because of his requirement but in really reasonable late game positions, it takes paladin 5-6 mana to go from an empty board to a board with 4 creatures. This leaves exactly the 4 mana you need to further swing the board.
Gormok also provides versatility you don't otherwise have. I won a lot of games where I basically just used him as a bad fireball to finish opponents off. When people play against paladin they tend to play riskier assuming you only have 4 damage of reach via truesilver and Gormok stole a lot of games that way.
How long until ATLC? Amaz's channel has fuck all for information about it.
3 hours.usually starts 19.00cest.
Justicar Trueheart is my hero, while Varian went to waste.
I queued into one of the new Dragon Priests that seem to be everywhere with my Control Warrior. Things quickly got out of hand. I was facing a board of 4-5 minions on turn six with a quickly silenced Sylvanas and things did not look good.
I dropped Justicar on 7 with a hand that had two Shieldmaiden's and I had not yet used either shield block. What followed was a loooong game that went several turns into fatigue where Tank Up! paired with two shieldmaidens, two shield blocks, the remaining armorsmith, an Antique Healbot, and Alexstracza kept me alive. I must have generated over 40 armor from Tank Up! alone while the others did their work.
Meanwhile, Varian sat in my hand. I wanted to use him to try to seize back board control, but my life fluctuating between 6 hp and 18 EHP after Justicar dropped. If I used him, I wouldn't be able to tank up or slowly whittle away at the Priests board, not to mention him drawing Alex or Healbot, etc., could've been disastrous.
tldr; Justicar TrueHeart is amazing in control warrior, actively thinking of removing Varian already.
I play two Brawls. It honestly feels necessary.
Ram Wrangler is such a dumb fucking card. The fact that it can give you a 3/3 + 1/1 or, as was the case for my opponent just now, a 3/3 + 5/9 is so ridiculously stupid.
Same heremy brawl packs have been pretty good so far.
It's still early, when people adjust to it, you want it to not play 3 big drops. I suspect mage still can't deal with it though but paladin, priest and handlock will punish you. Since druid has problem dealing with many minions too, I'm not sure what they do there other than poison seed maybe? Hunter has thing to deal with it too now but hunter's game plan isn't to wait until turn 10. Similar for shaman now.
In general all the token decks will push more aoe inclusion in every other deck.
Paladin in brawl has double Aldor, double Eadric the Pure, Tirion...
I got rolled T_T
completely missed the TGT launch.
how are things? :^
Should I buy another pack or play arena?
After buying like 30 packs I only got like one legendary