I used sideshow spelleater in brawl and it didn't do anything. It's a battlecry...I still have the hunter hero power not the paladin one. What am I missing?
Which class should I play to make the win 5 Brawls quest less painful?
Last played was also missing for me. People ain't crazy.
I keep seeing people coin out totem golem and it's such a terrible play. Like fucking really.
Not if you have also a chow
They never do.
I've been telling you guys Mukla's Champion is good. It's basically a Stormwind Champion except it can snowball like crazy. In arena, that is game winning.
Does anyone know if you need the new Murloc/Pirate cards to get Murk-Eye and Captain's Parrot or just the classic ones
i have like 1k gold (that's a lot to me lol), never spent a dime on this game besides naxx; what should i buy? classic, gvg, TGT, or BRM wings?
i only own the first wing of BRM , and have a pretty sorry collection (no TGT, maybe 7 GVG packs and a far from complete classic collection)
naxx was sooooooo worth it but all i really see in the rest of BRM is flamewaker, and idk if i really want to spend what 2100 gold mainly for that.. GVG seems to have a lot of cards that you'd need the whole collection to really use (mech decks etc).
How the fuck is Justicar balanced with Paladin its fucking ridiculous. Should have just given them a 2/2 token not 2 1/1 its complete bullshit. God this Ebola garbage.
Has anyone tried or had any success in creating a priest deck based on healing until your oponent fatigues. I tried working on it a but this afternoon with minimum success...
Also playing lots of Rekts secret paladin deck...lots of fun and winning lots. Dr 6 is a beast.
Has anyone tried or had any success in creating a priest deck based on healing until your oponent fatigues. I tried working on it a but this afternoon with minimum success...
Also playing lots of Rekts secret paladin deck...lots of fun and winning lots. Dr 6 is a beast.
This will sound bull I know
I just got an arena draft with no cards above 6 mana, and only 1 6 mana card
TGT slow meta
Dragon decks would have been very cheap to build if twilight guardian was just a rare card, everything else is from BRM plus Chillmaw or like a couple of rare cards for priest/warrior. I"m not sure how a conditional a bit better than tazdingo is suddenly an epic card!
Greedy Blizzard!
I feel like this set actually has a lot of epics like that. Hunter Lock and Load, Garrison Commander for hero power based stuff, I guess Mysterious Challenger for hilarious secret spam, etc.
You called it bullshit and then agreed...
Blizzard could release a full set of amazing cards now and that would be that. Obviously they don't do so, so they release some crap as well.
That doesn't mean they don't know cards are crap, they just need to keep working along a long term plan.
yeah, Garrison Commander being epic actually is a big barrier for people trying inspire decks too.
I can see how LnL and MC can be epics, those are fine. Murloc Knight oth, probably should have been an epic card....
I feel like this set actually has a lot of epics like that. Hunter Lock and Load, Garrison Commander for hero power based stuff, I guess Mysterious Challenger for hilarious secret spam, etc.
Murloc Knight oth, probably should have been an epic card....