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Hearthstone |OT4| The warsong has ended, please patron other decks

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Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
I wonder if the GvG Paladin legendary (forget the name--Bolvar maybe?) is better now that you're pooping out two dudes a turn, potentially with Justicar? Probably not. Too slow and situational still?

Bolvar isn't really that slow of a card. It's actually extremely easy to get him at the stats where he needs to be. The problem is that he's weak to silence and BGH and he costs 5 mana. Because of that, he's only strong in some kind of greedy control list that runs multiple targets that can be BGH'd and silenced, plus you'd be cutting other 5 drops. Like you'd have to run Boom, Rag, Sylvanas, Tirion, and then be satisfied only running one Quartermaster. In a deck like that he can work.
I don't necessarily like 1x Healbot and 1x Tuskarr Jouster. It feels like you're trying to have it both ways and only weakening the deck by doing so. If you feel you can't win the jousts then run Healbot. If you're winning jousts than run Tuskarr Jouster. I think you need to evaluate your performance against midrange decks and pick accordingly. If you suffer against midrange then run healbots. If you need help against both control and aggro, then run Tuskarr Jouster.

I think that is pretty solid analysis.

You could say I am trying to get the best of both worlds. But this is exactly what I want: 3 heals vs aggro, and at least 2 heals versus everything else.

Oh, the other thing I am thinking about is refreshment vendors.
What's with this druid list that runs yeti again? So weird.

I guess mainly cause it's hard to remove so they can get more face damage in for combo, but yeah. Seen it more than once.


So this is the paladin deck I am thinking about completing. Figured I'd see if anyone has any input on this before I spend about 1800 dust on it.


Argent lances instead of zombie chows.

A warhorse trainer + 1 quartermaster to activate recruits. But will likely cut trainer for BGH.

1 murloc knight cause I kinda think 2 might be a bit too all in on that strategy. This is taking place of what previously was a tech card and often was kezan mystic.

Shredders still although could cut 1 for a second murloc knight... dunno if that is worth it. Murloc knight seems like it will work for this deck's strategy but could be very bad if I have to play it on curve for little impact.

Loatheb might be cut for sylvanas.

I think I might want 1 tuskar jouster.
Aside from lance being kinda meh (and competing with Muster/Truesilver), wouldn't having 2 be too clunky? Its probably better to go 1 Chow/1 Lance if you really want to use it.

Tuskar Jouster can replace Healbot IMO. You'll mostly be needing the heals vs aggro.

No Knife Juggler? Would act as another way to clear the board with equality and heropower/playing more minions.

Warhorse trainer is cute but doesn't really do anything when you play him on curve unless you coined Muster the turn before (especially vs rogues/mages/druids).

Feeling a bit iffy on KT. Justicar would be better for a control deck like this I feel. Justicar would also make double Quartermaster more viable if you wish to go that route.

Master Jouster seems kinda bad IMO. If the concern was having more taunts vs aggro, Sunwalker is sufficient. Against midrange you're far more likely to lose the joust, in which case a 5/6 without taunt or divine shield seems really bad.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
What's with this druid list that runs yeti again? So weird.

I guess mainly cause it's hard to remove so they can get more face damage in for combo, but yeah. Seen it more than once.

With Darnassas Aspirant it's easier to ramp into a 4 drop so running both Piloted Shredder and Yeti can make more sense.


oh, going against 5 eboladin in a row in the arena. oh

oh so good

please throw at me more free divine shields and murlbalance knights, pls i need more


needs to show more effort.
So new list, bigger cost but... maybe awesome:



Justicar + Eadric will make this an expensive as fuck deck to craft this early in tgt but I can cover it.
My biggest recommendation would be garrison commander over argent lance. Serves a similar purpose in the early game of 2 mana fight early minions. Doesn't conflict with muster for battle. And in the late game, it double procs upgraded hero powers and murloc knight.


StrifeCro playing murloc knight paladin, was just matched against three patrons back to back. He actually won first two, they obviously had very very bad hands, no weapons and everything. This third one rekt him so bad he had to go to bathroom right after. Tirion getting executed into Harriosn Jones level of rekt. He hates patron quite a bit and thinks about his actions a lot and explains everything on stream, getting destroyed like that right after was really brutal.
StrifeCro playing murloc knight paladin, was just matched against three patrons back to back. He actually won first two, they obviously had very very bad hands, no weapons and everything. This third one rekt him so bad he had to go to bathroom right after. Tirion getting executed into Harriosn Jones level of rekt. He hates patron quite a bit and thinks about his actions a lot and explains everything on stream, getting destroyed like that right after was really brutal.

It's just unfavorable matchup, this is fair.
Bolvar isn't really that slow of a card. It's actually extremely easy to get him at the stats where he needs to be. The problem is that he's weak to silence and BGH and he costs 5 mana. Because of that, he's only strong in some kind of greedy control list that runs multiple targets that can be BGH'd and silenced, plus you'd be cutting other 5 drops. Like you'd have to run Boom, Rag, Sylvanas, Tirion, and then be satisfied only running one Quartermaster. In a deck like that he can work.

Bolvar is strong if your deck has a lot of early game and a lot of late game and you draw it in your opening hand and you don't get punished by having a dead card in your hand and you also draw muster and something else like a minibot and you are able to play him on curve and your opponent doesn't have a silence or a way to deal with a 5 attack minion you just played for 5 mana.


remember me
Ysera fits in more decks than Jones.

Disagree big time. Ysera only fits in very slow control decks, while Jones fits in pretty much every midrange and control deck. Patron and Control both sometimes play Jones, while even control warrior doesn't always play Ysera.


Don't often bother going ranked think the last time I tried I got rank 3, while the Season is almost ending I have been inspired by TGT. And since I have heldon to enough dust to craft some decent decks, rank 10 currently going to see how far I can get. Ranked Chests giving some incentive to try the grind again.
It seems like no one knows that secretkeeper gets buffed no matter who plays the secret. I've had so many paladins and hunters misplay today.

Just had a turn 2 concede from a rank 5 hunter who derped when I coined 2 secretkeepers turn 1.
So I just played a mill rogue with my new paladin deck. Argent lance told me it was mill rogue on turn 2 so I altered my entire game plan. Even though he had coldlights and shadowsteps and all good cards that make his deck work smooth, I ended up winning. Maybe a bit of luck and maybe a bit of shitty deck building on his part, can't tell. But argent lance letting me know I was facing mill on turn 2 definitely was a huge advantage.


Man, control warrior is really strong right now, but it's also really tiring when you face the other control warriors. Just went down to -14 fatigue in my latest match. I built the deck specifically against them though, so at least I come out of all these marathons with wins.


It seems like no one knows that secretkeeper gets buffed no matter who plays the secret. I've had so many paladins and hunters misplay today.

Just had a turn 2 concede from a rank 5 hunter who derped when I coined 2 secretkeepers turn 1.

Interesting dont have any in my secret paladin but if I keep being mirror matched with some i might consider it.
So far with the paladin deck, I like argent lance. I might be willing to accept the few times I got a clunky hand. I don't think murloc knight is that good based on my experience, but I did not once a single time get a murloc higher than 1 mana, so either a 2/1 or a 1/2... well once I got the charger in a irrelevant 2 damage to face situation. I might cut that for a refreshment vendor.

Going to try out cutting 1 equality, healbot, murloc knight, and add captain greenskin, 2x refreshment vendors.


Ysera fits in more decks than Jones.

Jones sees way way more play than Ysera these days, more often than not Ysera is a dead draw you can't really play. In some CW mirror match going into fatigue sure Ysera wiil see play, everywhere else it is too slow to matter. Maybe played by Varian it reaches the board more often! Jones on the other hand is an extremely strong swing card that you really want to have right now in current meta and it can go into every mid range and control deck. Even aggro paladins might run it. From dragons, Alex and even Nefarian see more play!

So far with the paladin deck, I like argent lance. I might be willing to accept the few times I got a clunky hand. I don't think murloc knight is that good based on my experience, but I did not once a single time get a murloc higher than 1 mana, so either a 2/1 or a 1/2... well once I got the charger in a irrelevant 2 damage to face situation. I might cut that for a refreshment vendor.

Going to try out cutting 1 equality, healbot, murloc knight, and add captain greenskin, 2x refreshment vendors.

Why exactly you run that over coghammer which can win games by its effect and it's always a 2/3 for just one mana more????


Having great success with Shaman Mech/totem deck. It's just a better version of the old shaman mech really. More resilient.

5 games winstreak now!


I just had the most insane RNG. Playing against a pala in arena, and I'm slowly gaining the lead. He plays Murloc Knight and gets another Murloc Knight and I can't deal with them next turn. He then gets the legendary murloc with charge and removes my board pretty much. So my turn, I'm pretty far behind and pretty salty. I play mc tech, get one of the murloc knights, inspire and get the murloc legendary also and charge his other murloc knight. Then I remove the legendary with my weapon and win the game!


Well it was kinda reckless to let Xixo bring such an un-optimized list to this tournament with so much money on the line.

Still hope that Tempo Storm wins just for the Scamaz Salt.
Why exactly you run that over coghammer which can win games by its effect and it's always a 2/3 for just one mana more????

Argent lance is definitely worth trying. You make it sound like 1 mana is nothing whereas it actually is a pretty big deal, especially since a 2/3 on turn 3 is pretty shit unless you're facing aggro and somehow got a minion to stick. Argent lance can take out a 3/2 on turn 2 which is actually a big deal. A 2/3 on turn 2 is even quite different from shamans 2/3 2cc+1 overload and the joust mechanic itself is worth exploring in a paladin deck tbh.

Plus the reason I am trying it out is because it can act similar to a zombie chow with a slightly bigger window of opportunity since it has charge and 2 guaranteed hits and often is extra good when it gets 3.

I don't think the deck is hitting all its notes but I don't think it is worse for having argent lance. I will be trying out 1 muster + 2 lance, and 1 lance + 2 muster. Although I don't think that the weapons are why this deck is not living up to what I want.


It's retarded though. Every interview, the players say how the decks are chosen by the team as a whole and it's not the pilot's fault if their deck sucks.

Sorry, my response was more for their coach leaving. I guess he's the one that practices with everyone and discusses the viability of decks.

They must have seen something during the practice matches, since secret paladin is being run now on the ladder, but it was dumb decision for this tournament.


You guys have got to be kidding me if you think that running Secret Paladin is enough to get both the coach and player booted.

Do you guys realized how many times other players have brought in unorthodox deck choices and then got punished for it? Remember the time where Trump got destroyed playing his Paladin? Or the countless times players lost ALL games playing something like Mech Shaman?

Or the time when Sjow got demolished in all the games he played Patron in (despite being regarded as an excellent Patron player)?

People go on to lose all the way even with the best decks. Shit happens, it's Hearthstone. If you bring in an unorthodox deck then you are playing the element of surprise which is your strategy. That's not enough reason to get a player and a coach benched.

Xixo overall has a positive win rate in the tournament, even over his teammate Zalae who actually has a negative win rate.

There has to be way more behind the scenes to this than just "lol Xixo brought secret paladin". He actually did win with the deck in their last game.


Just did 58 damage from hand against a Dreadsteed Warlock. Warsong was my last card so I had to draw my entire deck. Before my last turn he even played Malganis and I had just used an execute to stay alive. Well that's Patron Warruor.
I read it might have to do with Xixo's lack of streaming as well. Like he's streamed only a handful of times in the past couple months for whatever reason and that's not enough to sustain/promote the team.


I read it might have to do with Xixo's lack of streaming as well. Like he's streamed only a handful of times in the past couple months for whatever reason and that's not enough to sustain/promote the team.

The problem with that is that, from what I read over at reddit, Xixo had actually moved to Korea (2-3 months already I believe) in order to compete in the competitions there, representing Team Archon. So if he happened to have issues with streaming while living there, then it would be on Amaz to provide assistance to solve the issue (be it equipment or something else entirely). The fact that he did not get any notice/warning before being kicked off sounds really shitty if you ask me. Unless I'm getting something really wrong here.


Double garrison commander is the key. Early game? It isn't going to win it, but 2 2/3s is going to extend the game a little, which is all you are after.

Late game? It is an extra 8 armour at least and pseudo taunt. My current TGT list:

2x execute
2x shield slam
1x war axe
2x armorsmith
2x Garrison commander
2x bash
2x shield block
1x acolyte of pain
2x death bite
2x brawl
2x sludge belcher
1x justicar
2x shield maiden
1x sylvanas
1x boom
1x chromaggus
1x rag
1x sneeds
1x ysera
1x varian

Getting chromaggus into varian is pretty amazing and generally people have nothing left to kill it by that stage and you have like 20 armour. If the meta switches to midrange, as I am hitting at the moment with Priest/Shaman, I'll probably end up subbing in some shredders or something. If it gets more aggro, revenge is an underrated card. It generally wrecks a whole board if they are able to do that much damage to you.

Thanks for the suggestion! I'm just trying out one atm and it's batshit insane lategame, got 16 armor in two turns before my opponent made it a priority target. Are you missing the taskmasters atm? I'm still running two and I like them as removal and to activate execute.

This is the list i'm running atm.

Thanks for the suggestion! I'm just trying out one atm and it's batshit insane lategame, got 16 armor in two turns before my opponent made it a priority target. Are you missing the taskmasters atm? I'm still running two and I like them as removal and to activate execute.

This is the list i'm running atm.

Yeah I'm sure they and Grom will come back in at some stage. Unfortunately every second game I seem to have is against aggro paladin and the taskmasters are awful against that.
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