Tried playing with LnL quite a bit today, and I'm not impressed. You kind of need a hand full of spells to get it to work so it really doesn't play into effect until you're in the late game. I think you have to have two trackings in your deck to really make it work, and I don't think you can fit those in right now if you want to run double flare.
Whats your deck list like? I think it is going to take some really different deck construction to make work.
It was a pretty typical mid-range hunter, but I had to make some cuts. I think I took out two knife jugglers, a sludge belcher, and loatheb to fit in the double flare and double LnL. I also had a single Hunter's Mark. I sort of felt like I was begging for solid minions most of the time. I don't think a mid-range hunter can really afford to cut stuff out of their curve in order to get a LnL wombo-combo later.
When I was making a deck for dreadscale I realized the potential for lock and load could be there due to all the cheap removal (hunter's mark, arcane shot, quick shot, deadly shot, power shot, +2-3 secrets). Plus dreadscale already synergizes well with hunter's mark along with these other direct damage removal spells to clear boards efficiently and that walking 1 damage aoe is no joke.
If you can control the board with early spells, elekk can act fairly consistently as minion card draw. You have mad scientist to thin and control (1 or 2 bear traps, plus freezing or even snipe).
I hadn't mentioned Dreadscale but he was in my deck, actually. He can do some work, for sure, but I usually ended up dropping him prior to any LnL turns because I needed to kill little stuff like Silver Hand Recruits.
LMAO @ Secret Paladin as #1.
Though there is no way that deck should be over Grim Patron IMO.
Only at 300 wins for Paladin but I really want those golden dudes. Must resist urge to play Eboladin....
I got the spectate quest but everyone I normally spectate is at burning man now ;_;
Anyone playing right now? geo1118 Americas
I'll add you but I can't guarantee a win.
that's fine
Actually, playing innkeeper counts as a spectated win, fyi
Anyone wanna try to bet on next hero portraits to release?
Rogue: Garona
Priest: Tyrande (Shes high priestess but sometimes also a hunter... but there's Alleria already there)
Paladin: Yrel
Warlock: Archimonde...?
Might as well throw in Dreadscale in there if you want to go for the full Paladin counter.If you can't beat them ... fucking beat them.
Just had the best match of my hearthstone career so far.
Beat a control warrior with emperor thurassian, dr. boom, varian and justicar hero power card in his deck.
My deck was a controlly totem shaman, with one legendary: chromagus.
At one point he was full health + 30 armor. It took over an hour, the last card he played was varian and the first creature he got from it was the justicar, and the other cards were fatigue.
On my board I had stormwind champion, the inspire kodo that gives +2 totem damage, a 9atk healing totem, and an earth elemental.
he kept spamming "well played" BM, I never responded until the very end where I said "thank you" right before I won.
Crazy game. felt so good beating that chump with all his legendaries.
edit: OH yea he also had that stupid enrage charge orc. grommash?
If the ladder ends up being like 70% Paladin I'm just going to run control Rogue and wreck shop with Blade Flurry, Fan of Knives and Dark Iron Skulker.
If the ladder ends up being like 70% Paladin I'm just going to run control Rogue and wreck shop with Blade Flurry, Fan of Knives and Dark Iron Skulker.
Depends how they want to run things. Rogue almost has to be Garona, but Maiev or Vanessa Vancleef aren't really unthinkable options. Rogue lore/history has pretty little to draw from though, maybe the least of any of the classes.Anyone wanna try to bet on next hero portraits to release?
for eboladin, face hunter and patron decks where are most of the cards coming from? Don't consider the ones from Naxx and BRM.
classic packs?
If the ladder ends up being like 70% Paladin I'm just going to run control Rogue and wreck shop with Blade Flurry, Fan of Knives and Dark Iron Skulker.
I've been thinking of a Chromaggus+Ancestral Knowledge combo for the late game actually.
good idea, so far paladin has been particularly vexing to play against
4 hunters in a row on ladder. GG paladins.
Up to 6 now.
Man, walking the dragon-less priest path is like experiencing the Trials of Job... Slowly realizing that there is just no "be-all" deck out there. You make your deck to try to tackle what's most popular and just accept your bad match-ups.
Had something strange happen earlier though - was playing Hunter against Secret Pally and I Flared his first batch of secrets away. The next turn he played another Mysterious dood and it said he had "?" number of secrets. What's up with that? Was he just THAT mysterious?
If there was a beat all deck out there, it would be OP and need to be immediately nerfed.
In card games, you can't make a deck that is good against everything, that is just not possible in a well made card game. Or at least should not be.
Any good hearthstone podcasts out there? Ive heard The angry chicken is good but I couldn't find a way to download it to my Android. Yes I'm old and dunno what RSS and other things there meant :I