For my final push last night I rocked out a Tempo mage in hopes that it would smash the surge of paladins. Well the Paladins weren't as common, but I had a lot of success and gained a few stars before the end of the season. Here is the final deck and it's been pretty good.
2 Mana Wyrm
2 Arcane Blast (combo w/ Azure Drake for 1 mana 4 damage)
1 Flamecannon
2 Frost Bolt (must have for that new Druid 2 drop that gives them a mana if left alive)
2 Sorcerer Apprentice
2 Mad Scientist
2 Unstable Portal
2 Arcane Intellect
2 Flamewaker
1 Mirror Entity
1 Counter Spell (Could easily be swapped for Effigy or Mirror Entity if you want more board, but I was finding success with by keeping the enemy guessing)
1 Effigy (Try to only have 3+ cost minions on the board when this secret is up, trade away anything lower on your turn)
1 Polymorph Boar (A pretty clutch spell, polymorph giants, and it lets you reach for lethal when you need 4 more damage)
2 Violet Teacher (The token generation is very useful against all of the divine shields in paladin decks)
1 Fireball (I never thought I would cut a fireball, but it's often overkill, and I want cheaper spells to combo with)
2 Azure Drake (It now also combos with a spell, just like every other minion in the deck, the spell damage bonus to Arcane Blast can swing the board hard and fast)
1 Toshley (Great body and spare parts combo w/ Mana Wyrm, Violet Teacher, & Archmage)
1 Dr. Boom (Massive board presence)
1 Archmage Antonidas (Wins close games)
1 Rhonin (Good body and almost demands a silence because the 3 arcane missles can go on to win the game)
Violet Teacher - Mech Yeti, instead of combing with spells mech yeti gives you spells to combo. Mech Yeti hurts you in the mirror match, and you need to make sure you balance the cards that generate spells w/ cards that benefit from them.
Toshley - He is a strong body that grants a spell. I would swap him out for the second Fireball, which removes a large body and is a spell.
Dr. Boom - You need a big body in the deck, Sylvanus or any other late game legendary will do, perhaps even a Boulderfist Ogre would fill the roll if you only have basic cards.
Rhonin - He is a spell generator. Mech Yeti, Toshley, and Clockwork Gnome all fill a similar roll. Rhonin is the best at it and combos well with Effigy.
Archmage Antonidas - No substitution. He fills a very niche roll that can win games. Drop the 1600 dust to craft him and you'll use him in almost every mage deck from Control to Aggro.