Bah I just can't seem to get (midrange/totem) Shaman to work.
It seems fun, but it just does too badly against paladin, zoolock and more. It seems to slaughter Grim Patron though surprisingly.
Anyway it looks like the meta has grown completely stale again. Has this ever happened so fast after an expansion? Usually it seems decks and the meta change and shift for several weeks, if not for a few months, after an expansion with some new decks rising to the top. So far only Paladin seems to have gotten something out of TGT.
I'm thinking if the meta stays like this, Blizzard really needs to re-balance the game. Waiting 'till the next expansion just to add some "powercreep" is likely too slow and might not even have enough impact again.
Current cards that need some (light) tweaking in my opinion:
- Knife Juggler (This card has been in any low curve/minion heavy/zoo-like deck since beta. And it's probably still one of the strongest cards, if not the, in those decks. Changing it to only work with minions that are directly played from hand seems like an appropriate nerf. Or just change it to a 2/2 so that it still combo's like it used to but isn't a default pick for every deck.)
- Shielded Minibot (Not sure how to balance this. Maybe turn it into a 2/1. In practice it'll often be just as good but ever so often so you can get rid of it with a single damage after you remove the divine shield.)
- Implosion (Blizzard already added way too much extra RNG on top of the game, but this one takes the cake. Either reduce the randomness or make it weaker. It's too much now (especially combined with a Knife Juggler.))
- Mad Scientist (The king among the overpowered cards. Getting a completely free secret that is instantly played into the game on top of your 2/2 for 2 is way more powerful than anything in the game. It's game-breaking strong. I do realize that nerfing Mad Scientist might mean we won't see secrets in the meta anymore. However I'd prefer that than leave Mad Scientist in its current game-breaking state. Have secrets go into hand or at least lower its stats.)
- Dr. Boom (Honestly compared to the aforementioned this one bothers me the least. Not sure how to nerf it anyway, except for taking out some of the randomness of the bots I suppose.)
- Piloted Shredder (When a single card has become the default 4-drop in nearly every other deck taking precedence over most class cards even you know it's a bit too good. The extra amount of randomness on the card isn't particularly fun either. Once again, less random and/or lower its stats.)
- Warsong Commander (Nerfed already once and probably shouldn't be on this list by itself. However nerfing the card so that Frothing Berserker doesn't keep its charge beyond 3 attack seems to be the most obvious way to take out the OTK without destroying the deck completely.)
- Big Game Hunter (I'm not sure how popular this card is currently because the meta is so damn fast, but usually it's a little too much. Takes the fun out of trying slower decks as it's such a hard counter. Lower stats at least.)
- A couple more that are kind of the edge (but probably shouldn't be nerfed just yet): Savanna Highmane, Fireball, Muster for Battle, Tiron Fordring, Blade Flurry, Imp Gang Boss, Doomguard, Alexstrasza, Death's Bite, Azure Drake, Mysterious Challenger
I also think some cards could use a little buff. I realize that Blizzard would rather not open that can of worms, but I can't help but think that some cards fall just short. For example I've been trying Beast Druid and while it's not too bad, I've not been able to make it great either. There's already very little synergy and plenty of the cards just aren't good enough on their own.
Anyway, sorry for the rant. I just had to get this out of my system after consistently losing with experimental decks.
I don't think Blizzard should go nerf a whole bunch of cards right away as some sort of knee-jerk reaction though. I do however hope they address some of these cards I mentioned above if the meta stays the same in the next few months. Otherwise I'm sure my enjoyment of the game will plummet very quickly.
What do you guys think? Am I too harsh on the cards I named? Am I missing some? Do we want less RNG?