a 6 6/6 summons a random elemental. From Rag to Magma Rager, all are possible. Blizzard loves printing cards like that.
Rogue could really use something broken though, I'm not sure what it even can be at this point. TGT cards were a joke, maybe they try to make them playable now. It's so bad when none of them see play.
The problem here is paladin didn't need this much help to begin with, aggro paly was already tier 1 before TGT. Midrange still kinda sucks even with Murloc Knight and non aggro variation of MC deck isn't all that good actually. DF is the main thing that midrange ones don't have.. People complain about Battle Rage, this one is way easier to pull off.
I think there will be some more anti secret cards coming up next, there are too many secrets now and it's much harder to guess now. Even with hunter, it's not as predictable as before.