US ladder is way way way easier than EU. I'm almost to 5 already after 2-3 days, it took me two weeks to get to 5 in EU.
I'm just smorcing people with eboaladin on US and it works too well.
On EU I had to change decks a bazillion times to get there. I played midrange paladin to 10, then aggro paladin to 7. then it was up and down for days. I went all the way to 6 full star back to 8 again. I played patron, then hybrid and finally midrange paladin again. Hybrid and aggro paly dies to priests but do ok against secret paladin and patron, midrange paladin and beats dragon priests and secret paladin easily but loses to warrior. Druid is coin flip for all of them. Patron is great but against paladins if you don't have godly hand then it's over too fast. Mage was quite rare, it was either freeze mage or mech mage, both are too easy. There is just so much diversity at those ranks, it was quite rough to climb.
US ladder, there were so many bad plays in these ranks and they usually either play paladin or hunter, so it's quite a bit more consistent. EU ladder is weird...