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Hearthstone |OT4| The warsong has ended, please patron other decks

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Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Healing wave and Tuskarr is the only decent joust card that still sees play in constructed. The rest are way too awful for words outside of arena.

It's a shame too since the idea isn't a bad one if implemented correctly.

Gadgetzan Jouster would see play if Ramp Druid was in a better spot.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Healing wave and Tuskarr is the only decent joust card that still sees play in constructed. The rest are way too awful for words outside of arena.

It's a shame too since the idea isn't a bad one if implemented correctly.

King's Elekk is fine too. Beast with normal 3/2 stats that occasionally draws a card, straight up won me a game before where I had tundra rhino out and used a charging elekk to draw a highmane that also charged for lethal.

Tbh I'm underwhelmed after longer use of Tuskarr even if it seems fine on paper. Losing heals vs. aggro due to it pulling something like a chow or a juggler is frustrating as hell.


Weird, I always find the tempo mage a easy match up for dragon priest, specially if you had cabal

I've played about 12 games against dragon priest, the only one I lost is the one i got a Boom, Antonidas and Drake hand.

Mind posting your deck? I've been going pretty much nowhere with my TM.


it has been doing exceptionally well for me, I can only play 2-4 games a day and I'm rank 5 right now. I might make the push for legend if I can find the time.


US ladder is way way way easier than EU. I'm almost to 5 already after 2-3 days, it took me two weeks to get to 5 in EU.

I'm just smorcing people with eboaladin on US and it works too well.

On EU I had to change decks a bazillion times to get there. I played midrange paladin to 10, then aggro paladin to 7. then it was up and down for days. I went all the way to 6 full star back to 8 again. I played patron, then hybrid and finally midrange paladin again. Hybrid and aggro paly dies to priests but do ok against secret paladin and patron, midrange paladin and beats dragon priests and secret paladin easily but loses to warrior. Druid is coin flip for all of them. Patron is great but against paladins if you don't have godly hand then it's over too fast. Mage was quite rare, it was either freeze mage or mech mage, both are too easy. There is just so much diversity at those ranks, it was quite rough to climb.
US ladder, there were so many bad plays in these ranks and they usually either play paladin or hunter, so it's quite a bit more consistent. EU ladder is weird...


what are the numbers on your opponent's hand cards?
What turn they were drawn.

That shit is nifty where did you get the tracker?

They probably use it just for fat control decks. Just imagine the value(and salt) on that card if you use it on a Varian who pulls three Legendaries.

He also played DOUBLE Sacrificial Pact. I'm thinking some kooky homemade deck.

Still won though, even after he played a Doomguard and Demonhearted it.

E: his deck:

Looked normal zoo by turn 7, then the insanity started.


What time are you EU guys playing against US people? Are you playing against people at 3AM our time?

Roper/I'msorrier just got sorried real good.


Here's my decklist. It's on the more anti-aggro side I think:

2x Power Word: Shield
2x Northshire Cleric
2x Twilight Whelp
1x Confuse
1x Shadow Word: Pain
1x Shrinkmeister
2x Wyrmrest Agent
1x Shadow Word: Death
2x Velen's Chosen
2x Blackwing Technician
2x Twilight Guardian
2x Holy Nova
2x Azure Drake
2x Blackwing Corruptor
2x Lightbomb
2x Cabal Shadow Priest
1x Chillmaw
1x Ysera

The Confuse has brought home a couple of wins where it's essentially 6+ points of damage to face, but occasionally it can do something else.

I'm glad someone else appreciates Confuse, especially in Dragon Priest! Hell of a surprise punch to the nuts.
How many games would you guys say you have to play before you can get a good feel on matchups and the win percentage when you are testing new stuff out? Something like 25-50?

It's probably even harder to test out minor changes, I'm still swapping around BGHs, belchers, 1/2 shieldmaidens and 2 brawls around in my Control Warrior deck quite often and I can't get a good read on what is the best setup. Right now I am only running 1 of all of those.


So I got my most feared quest, the 5 wins with rogue or druid one, and not having most of the staple cards of both classes I tried some kind of "creative" Rogue with two Burgles. Don't ask me why I have already both Burgles and zero Blade Flurries.

The first one gave me two Frostbolts to stop a Dr. Boom in its tracks (not really, a stupid bomb destroyed a 4 hp minion in one hit, grrrrr) and the second gave me what you can see, a Mirror Entity + Ethereal Arcanist dream and the opponent goes and drops that elusive archmage. It felt like playing with a THIEF Priest.

It was pretty tense surviving with such a low health thanks to the prior trading and seeing that last secret possibly being ice block was scary, thankfully the rival conceded. I love RNGstone sometimes.
There is still hope for the Hearthstone community.

I accepted a friend request after beating a Mech Mage fully expecting the usual salt. Nope instead he said cool Dragon Mage deck and wanted to know more about it.


Sore loser.

1 mana 2/1.

Reveal a minion in each deck. If yours costs less, deal 3 damage to the enemy hero.
Face Hunter players everywhere froth at the mouth.

Jousting would be much better if there were cards that do effects when they lose
It doesn't exist because Jousting was meant to counter aggro. Cards that proc off of losing are cards that would be played in aggro (or "cancer") decks.


if you have auchenai and paletress up and hero power spawns acidmaw does that mean the damage automatically kills whatever was targeted?


Having a hard time reaching rank 5 with dragon priest, I faced a "Silence Druid" and y starting hand was awful

Is it possible to beat secret pally as priest without drawing Shadow Word: Death AND holy nova?

If you manage to win the board by turn 6, secret paladin can't do much against you, with only SW:D or Holy nova you will win


Seeing a ton of different decks at Rank 15-16. Oil, Patron, Midrange Shaman, Midrange Paladin, Demon Zoo - it's all there...

I spent the rest of my dust and crafted some draguns. Now I'm alternating between Dragon Priest, Dragon Mage, and Control Priest.

Never felt like it was THIS hard to rank up before. Still having fun though!

finally defeated control warrior with dragon priest

I decided that I was blasphemous with RNGesus, so I decided to include 2 thoughtsteal and 1 nefarian just because I felt that I get without fuel when I facing this match up.

And I did well, I stole an Ysera, a shieldenmaiden, and that card that give +2/+2 to your taunts

I finally beat Control Warrior with Dragon Mage. Felt so good.

I don't like to use the term "EPIC" very often, but Rend took out two Yseras and a Varian. I had to chew through over 40 armor while he went through three Refreshment Vendors, a Healbot, and an Alexstraza heal. Fatigue was ticking for 8 (and 1 on me) when the game finally ended in my favor.

I had to stop playing right there, because I knew it wasn't going to get any better than that for the rest of the night.


So I went 2-3 on all 3 arena runs I did tonight, was feeling sad then I open the 3 packs...

1st pack had a Harrison Jones
2nd pack had a golden Edwin VanCleef
3rd pack had 2 blues one of them being a golden Coliseum Manager

I'm no longer sad. Blizzard took pity on me it seems.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
im starting to think that evil heckler might be the best taunt in the game

I mean, compared to most taunts in the game it has one more stat point than it should.

I just can't shake the feeling that it is a better card than people gave it credit for...
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