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Hearthstone |OT4| The warsong has ended, please patron other decks

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Drafted this disgusting and greedy Rogue deck for Arena.



I haven't visited the official forums much lately, but this post took the cake.

Someone was arguing that AOEs don't work anymore. Someone else agreed in that AOEs should punish extending and they aren't anymore. His example of over-extending was 2 haunted creepers, a nerubian egg, and a shredder and the fact that that over-extending wasn't punished by hellfire means AOEs don't punish over-extending anymore.

Good example of why that official forum is full of morons. Guy has over 9000 posts.

Obviously over-extending was the wrong term to use but I can see the point which is that AOE doesn't do anything now against decks which just throw out sticky minions that actually punish you for trying to clear them. It started with Naxx with Mad Scientist, Creepers, Eggs and then GVG adds Shredders, Minibot. Even the Dragon minions with BRM and TGT now have stats that are outside of AOE ranges. If it wasn't for Patron, everyone would just play sticky minion decks that just go face and whoever tries to clear them is the loser.


Once again, Mage OP.

Fireballs and Freezes man.


Looks like a 1-3 run here. Acid from hunter that destroys minions and a dark iron dwarf after one after another.
Obviously over-extending was the wrong term to use but I can see the point which is that AOE doesn't do anything now against decks which just throw out sticky minions that actually punish you for trying to clear them. It started with Naxx with Mad Scientist, Creepers, Eggs and then GVG adds Shredders, Minibot. Even the Dragon minions with BRM and TGT now have stats that are outside of AOE ranges. If it wasn't for Patron, everyone would just play sticky minion decks that just go face and whoever tries to clear them is the loser.

It wasn't the wrong term. AOEs do punish people who over-extend. You simply are not over-extending in that scenario where your opponent hellfires a board that doesn't even clear half the card's value and in fact increases the strength of the board.

AOEs still fulfill a vital roles in a lot of decks. It takes ingenuity and proper planning to succeed using them. I guess I expect too much for some random on the blizzard forums to understand how to use AOEs properly. They aren't meant to be i-win cards and good players don't over-extend much anyway. When they do over-extend, when it is proper to over-extend, is when you believe the chance is worth it because not doing so has a high or higher chance to lose the game in the long term anyway.


You simply are not over-extending in that scenario where your opponent hellfires a board that doesn't even clear half the card's value and in fact increases the strength of the board.
That's the point.

Those cards are anti AOE cards and you are basically rewarded for playing those cards dumb.

Good thing that Blizzard at least learned that much and didn't put any annoying Deathrattle early game minions in TGT.


Best pack luck so far in terms of rarity....but the epic was beneath the grounds and the legendary Skeleton Knight....

I'm not making much progress in constructed, could use an alextraza or ysera.
That's the point.

Those cards are anti AOE cards and you are basically rewarded for playing those cards dumb.

Good thing that Blizzard at least learned that much and didn't put any annoying Deathrattle early game minions in TGT.

AOEs are still very effective against them but if you expect a one-stop solution with an AOE in your hand, maybe you're approaching the game wrong. That is why early game minions like zombie chow and minibot exist, so you can position the board in a spot where an AOE is very effective. And your opponent is going to try to prevent that from happening with smart plays and trades of their own, or by pressuring you to the point where fighting for board is not an option and it is now a race or you're on full defense because you're opponent is almost out of resources and once that happens you probably win.

Also, I guess you're right in that they didn't add more deathrattles, but they certainly haven't made boards easier to clear with AOE alone - see wyrmrest agent, twilight guardian, and other high hp minions.

It has been like this basically since zoo was a thing. If it wasn't deathrattles back then, it was divine shield and defender of argus. AOEs have never really been a solid way to clear the board alone. And I remember back then when people cried about AOEs not being the sole solution to zoo.
rip misplayed against a dragon priest and ended up losing. Took face damage as warrior and put myself in range of lethal when I couldve won next turn :(
We need more granular AOE. By that I mean we need an AOE that does 1 damage on the board multiple times.

I wish they would make multi turn effect cards.

Easiest example would be for Death Knight's Death and Decay. 1 dmg to all enemy minions each turn for the next 3 turns. Multi turn effects could be the death knight gimmick.
I wish they would make multi turn effect cards.

Easiest example would be for Death Knight's Death and Decay. 1 dmg to all enemy minions each turn for the next 3 turns. Multi turn effects could be the death knight gimmick.

Walking AOE - aka dreadscale and baron geddon.

Extremely powerful effects and that is why they are balanced by being symmetrical.


I wish they would make multi turn effect cards.

Easiest example would be for Death Knight's Death and Decay. 1 dmg to all enemy minions each turn for the next 3 turns. Multi turn effects could be the death knight gimmick.

Ooh what if they introduce stuff like Sandstorm/Sunny Day/Rainy Day in Pokemon. Sandstorm could do 1 damage every turn to all minions for the next X turns.


I finally added those cancer murlocs to a Midrange Paladin.

So far, opponents have noticed them aside from face.

Had a salty Tempo Mage who kept threaten emoting.

What? You also play a broken deck.


We need more granular AOE. By that I mean we need an AOE that does 1 damage on the board multiple times.
You can achieve that with two explosive sheeps + ping (works for mage, 6 mana flamestrike, or two stage 2 damage aoe)

or a more risky approach is unstable ghoul+explosive sheep. 4 mana total. they can silence one of them at best, so it will achieve something but maybe not what you wanted.

control priest has the best aoes right now with buffing a wild pyromancer.


Here are a couple of Rogue cards that would actually see play without being broken or anything, it's not that hard Blizzard...



rogues have good survivability in wow, it's kinda odd that they don't have any class specific recovery in hearthstone, no heals, armor or anything. For a class that you have to hit everything with face most of the time it's quite awful to have to rely on double healbots. Sprint is a combo style card draw, you really don't want play a 7 mana spell in a control deck. If you fill up you deck with spells and preps and everything, there won't be room to make a control deck. It's the problem of the class right now, any rogue deck you want to build, you have to put a lot of spells in it and you just don't have room for minions, you end up just playing combo instead. Rogue removals are mostly combo based too, in a control deck you have to tank with face even more. If Blizzard really wants control rogue with the cards they're printing lately, they have to print those two too.


0-3 arena run as a hunter... worst draw ever.

Wtf am I going to do when my opening hand always has 1-2 hunter's marks and my 2 7 drops when all of my opponents are vomiting 2 hp shit on the board.


First time trying a complete patron deck on ladder and my first opponent was a gold wallet warrior. Messed up my OTK combo from no board through a full hp belcher and about 55 hp... then messed it up another later in the match... I fail at moving patrons, that spawn during the 3 minutes of animations, before they die to whirlwinds.

EDIT: my first OTK attempt I started it the second my turn came up and it lasted 20 seconds after time ran out.


Seems better than the terrible Cipher Roger matchup on the other tournament channel.

I caught a couple of games. I think the format (aside from the ETC rule) is kinda cool but ended up being too flawed. I'd like to see one where they (for example) left out Naxx and BRM and had people do 10 cards from each set.


Obviously over-extending was the wrong term to use but I can see the point which is that AOE doesn't do anything now against decks which just throw out sticky minions that actually punish you for trying to clear them. It started with Naxx with Mad Scientist, Creepers, Eggs and then GVG adds Shredders, Minibot. Even the Dragon minions with BRM and TGT now have stats that are outside of AOE ranges. If it wasn't for Patron, everyone would just play sticky minion decks that just go face and whoever tries to clear them is the loser.

Yeah I seem to remember reading or hearing something to the effect that Blizzard purposely went out of the way to create sticky minions because they wanted to have a way for players to stay in the game even after aoe or removal was used since it could be difficult to come back from a full board clear.
Trying to decide what deck to play if I play hearthstone at all tonight.


Maybe Druid or Mage...

Ended up trying out dragon druid, gave up pretty quick (deck building is hard) and went to shaman on ranked and went 3-1 taking me back to rank 3 again. I love shaman again. I used to like it back in naxx but it fell off the radar for me in gvg. Now it is back on because of thunderbluff valiant is so good. I played a paladin today who had turn 6 MC and turn 7 second MC.

It is funny how easy it is to prepare for and deal with secrets when you know each and every single one of them. When a paladin plays one secret, you scratch your head. You probably know what it likely is but maybe its a bluff. But when MC hits the board and 4 secrets come out, you know its avenge, redemption, noble sacrifice, and competitive spirit. Or at least you play it that way. You also have to be wary of repentance and of course you know there is a repentence when there are 5 secrets.

So when he dropped his turn 6 MC, used valiant to trigger noble sac, MC gets avenge of course, I play a tuskar totemic, flametongue totem help remove MC, and hero power which in case you don't know, getting valiant to buff 3 totems in one turn is a huge deal. He actually conceded though because of how I dominated his turn 6 MC so hard. Even with a turn 7 MC to follow up, he knew he was fucked facing a board of 5-6 minions, including several buffed totems, FTT, and valiant still on board.


I swapped out mirror image for counter spell in my mech mage deck and it has made a huge difference.

They drop a cheap minion that I can clean up for free and then try to compensate with removal that gets blocked. <3
I have been gate kept from rank 5 at least a dozen times this month. I will literally be 6 with 5 stars and the game matches me up against the one person I can't beat. I just want that fucking epic blizzard please have mercy
wanted to try and make a deck w/ that but idk what to use it in

Best I could do was garrison commanders, justicar and jeeves. Fill the rest of the deck with 1 mana garbage and animal companion and hope for the 14+ damage combo.

In 7 wins, I managed to use brave archers to finish the game exactly...0 times. But as it turns out, filling the board with crap is still an effective way to play.


I have been gate kept from rank 5 at least a dozen times this month. I will literally be 6 with 5 stars and the game matches me up against the one person I can't beat. I just want that fucking epic blizzard please have mercy

Wish i was rank 6, just hit 9 for the first time today.

EDIT: Just had the most fun match to get rank 8 against a handlock. It went into top deck wars after he used all his taunts and giants. I won
Shaman so good, much fun


This 5 mana minion plus hero power just brought 11 attack and 8 health to the board.

Also, the tuskar totemic got me a free mana tide totem. I don't think I have lost many games when I get a mana tide totem or a 3/4 golem totem from tuskar totemtic.


Thunderbuff Valiant so fucking good.

I drafted one in a Shaman Arena. That card carried me in 5 games. On the 6th game I was basically about to win the game by having lethal on board with the totems...

But I accidentally Totem'd first BEFORE placing down Thunderbuff Valiant.... I was punished severely for that mistaken.

TL;DR Thunderbuff Valiant is a really good card, it's just a damn shame it's a Shaman card.


liquidhearth put out their powerrankings a couple days ago. I guess i didnt see it


also said that grim patron and druid were top two played at the qualifiers.
Handlock and Dragon Warrior too high, Dragon Priest too low.

Rest seems about fine.

Edit: I guess that Handlock covers a few variants like that new Demon Handlock variant which everyone seems to be overrating.
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