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Hearthstone |OT4| The warsong has ended, please patron other decks

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Tier 4 is hardly competitive these days and I would argue that even though Rogue is listed as tier 4 in that list, it's actually better than tier 4 and better than those Shaman decks listed.
Well, it stands to reason that if a deck wasn't competitive, it wouldn't be listed at all. Tier 4 is the weakest tier of viable decks, basically.

The fact remains that according to that snapshot, Shaman is in a better place than Rogue, with more viable options. Not that I mind, never liked Rogue as a class.

No, what's really sad about the Shaman deck lists I'm seeing there is that the "Totem Shaman" for example contains exactly three Totem-related cards which were introduced in TGT. Now that's horrible. The deck's barely worth being called Totem shaman.
Biggest problem with Shaman, in my opinion, is just the lack of good value/tempo cards. Blizzard seems intent on just giving Shaman cards that are a lump of stats with no real other benefit.

Fireguard Destroyer, just stats. Totem Golem, just stats. Draenei Totemcarver, just stats.

Thunder Bluff Valiant is the first card in a long while for Shaman that isn't just a pile of stats and makes a real significant impact on the board. I guess you could include Tuskarr Totemic as well but really the only totem that actually provides a lot of tempo and board control is Totem Golem. Mana Tide and Flametongue are good of course but they don't really do anything for the board by themselves.

Shaman just needs more stuff on the level of Thunder Bluff Valiant to make them competitive again.


This damn game. Playing as a Mage against Mage, I'm at 3 health vs his 11. He flamestrikes my board and hero powers to bring me down to two. I play four minions, and I've got lethal next turn so long as he doesn't draw another to kill me. He unstable portals, which creates Dr. Boom which he plays. Then he hero powers a boom bot which hits my face for four, killing me.

Sometimes I wonder why I play this.


Their idea of shaman class is a lot of RNG, you can still have good decks like tempo mage being heavy on RNG too but that rng just has up swings, shaman's is all over the place, the variance on shaman RNG is so awful and they keep printing similarly awful cards again and again. Like Tuskarr Totemic, it can be amazing or just lose you the game right there with a huge tempo loss more often that not. Crackle, can't clear something or just leave you with overload and end up killing you next turn. There are many shit cards like that and they keep piling up, you don't really have much of a choice here to avoid RNG. There are very few good shaman cards that aren't RNG based and are actually good and those come up late in the game mostly from 6 and up. To make a decent shaman deck you have to think of something before then and it's just really hard to build something. Mech shaman was the closest to that and it's not very good. It doesn't matter you have these amazing fire elementals or thunder bluffs, you just fall so behind before you can play them and with paladins around everywhere it's extra rough for shaman. Shaman maybe could use some board swing cards like muster or implosion. As far weapons go even those are terrible, only powermace is really good, one of the best shaman cards even if you're not playing mech deck you probably still have shredders and you must have it. Doomhammer isn't all that playable, you have to feel safe before you can play it and that doesn't happen often. To make a shaman deck you want to include as few class cards as possible and that's just sad...


Unconfirmed Member
That's why I'm pretty happy that Shaman still sucks. I don't want that class to be good until they get rid of the RNG element of that class.


This damn game. Playing as a Mage against Mage, I'm at 3 health vs his 11. He flamestrikes my board and hero powers to bring me down to two. I play four minions, and I've got lethal next turn so long as he doesn't draw another to kill me. He unstable portals, which creates Dr. Boom which he plays. Then he hero powers a boom bot which hits my face for four, killing me.

Sometimes I wonder why I play this.

That's actually pretty baller, I wouldn't be too salty if that happened to me. I'd rather lose to that than another secret paladin.


This damn game. Playing as a Mage against Mage, I'm at 3 health vs his 11. He flamestrikes my board and hero powers to bring me down to two. I play four minions, and I've got lethal next turn so long as he doesn't draw another to kill me. He unstable portals, which creates Dr. Boom which he plays. Then he hero powers a boom bot which hits my face for four, killing me.

Sometimes I wonder why I play this.
Because this is the game we play.

Be glad whenever Dr Balanced graces you with his presence and takes a win from you.


This damn game. Playing as a Mage against Mage, I'm at 3 health vs his 11. He flamestrikes my board and hero powers to bring me down to two. I play four minions, and I've got lethal next turn so long as he doesn't draw another to kill me. He unstable portals, which creates Dr. Boom which he plays. Then he hero powers a boom bot which hits my face for four, killing me.

Sometimes I wonder why I play this.

Don't worry. Today I saw someone getting Justicar from turn 2 portal in arena.
Their idea of shaman class is a lot of RNG, you can still have good decks like tempo mage being heavy on RNG too but that rng just has up swings, shaman's is all over the place, the variance on shaman RNG is so awful and they keep printing similarly awful cards again and again. Like Tuskarr Totemic, it can be amazing or just lose you the game right there with a huge tempo loss more often that not. Crackle, can't clear something or just leave you with overload and end up killing you next turn. There are many shit cards like that and they keep piling up, you don't really have much of a choice here to avoid RNG. There are very few good shaman cards that aren't RNG based and are actually good and those come up late in the game mostly from 6 and up. To make a decent shaman deck you have to think of something before then and it's just really hard to build something. Mech shaman was the closest to that and it's not very good. It doesn't matter you have these amazing fire elementals or thunder bluffs, you just fall so behind before you can play them and with paladins around everywhere it's extra rough for shaman. Shaman maybe could use some board swing cards like muster or implosion. As far weapons go even those are terrible, only powermace is really good, one of the best shaman cards even if you're not playing mech deck you probably still have shredders and you must have it. Doomhammer isn't all that playable, you have to feel safe before you can play it and that doesn't happen often. To make a shaman deck you want to include as few class cards as possible and that's just sad...

Eh, I disagree with this. Mostly because I have succeeded in building a shaman deck that doesn't have a lot of RNG involved. Only tuskar totemic and hero power really. I'm not running crackle.

Tuskar totemic always produces at least 3 mana worth of stats, so not sure why you think there is a chance of a tempo loss. At worse it is 5 + 2 = 7, and vanilla stats are mana cost x2 + 1, so 3x2+1 = 7. But 3/7 times it is higher than 3 mana worth of stats. So at worse you're getting 3/4 or 4/3 worth of stats and that is good for a 3 mana minion. And in shaman, 2 bodies are better than 1 due to flametongue totem and totem synergy + strengths in general.

I suppose fireguard destroyer is my only other real rng card but I don't consider it to be a huge deal since the important part of it is 6 health which is always constant. If it sometimes baits bgh, that is not necessarily a bad thing since dr. boom makes a bigger impact.

As for including the fewest amount of class cards possible, I disagree. Shaman is a class where you generally have most of your cards being class cards. 20/30 of my cards are shaman.

This reminds me of early gvg where everyone thought rogue was utter shit and incapable of producing a great deck. One change in the meta and rogue was considered tier 1. I think shaman have that potential this expansion.
Tier 4 is hardly competitive these days and I would argue that even though Rogue is listed as tier 4 in that list, it's actually better than tier 4 and better than those Shaman decks listed.

It's better than the shaman decks but Tier 4 is really correct. Rogues, like Shaman, are hobbled by their continued reliance on older cards with way reduced power level vs. what people are sporting these days plus their complete lack of early game tempo plays.

Eh could be worse.


Thankfully Freeze Mage can never be a tier 1 deck (at least in the current TGT phase) because hard counters exist to it (as in worse than 8-2 match up). In addition there are many tech options that can help you beat Freeze Mage with a variety of decks.
I actually saw a weird handlock deck use Bolf. Pretty sure by now I've seen every legendary played from TGT except Wilfred Fizzlebang and Icehowl.

I have not seen Bolf. Anub'arak, Acidmaw, Dreadscale, Icehowl, Rhonin, Kragg, Fizzlebang or Skeleton Knight. Rhonin seems like the playable one out of those.

Not counting Unstable Portal or Webspinner and only constructed.


Please do not let me serve on a jury. I am actually a crazy person.
16 days in, full F2P.
This game is moderately fun!
(1 flamestrike, legendary Kel'thuzad, that one one game and was useless\not drawn in all others.)

Arena's strongest card is definitely Zombie Chow. No contest at all.
Deal with two Mysterious Challengers perfectly, Paladin has empty hand.

Top deck Dr. Boom. Top deck Tirion.

I can't help but laugh at anyone that actually calls this deck weak.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
I have not seen Bolf. Anub'arak, Acidmaw, Dreadscale, Icehowl, Rhonin, Kragg, Fizzlebang or Skeleton Knight. Rhonin seems like the playable one out of those.

Not counting Unstable Portal or Webspinner and only constructed.

Oh, totally forgot Kragg. I saw an actual acidmaw/dreadscale in a REALLY weird hunter deck that also had king krush in the deck but without that I only see them from webspinner.

I've seen some interesting heavy end mage decks with Rhonin, effigy/duplicates that I wanted to try so I hope I pick him up from a pack.


I know is cool to hate on Shaman, but just now I reached 500 victorys, and went up to level 6 (My personal record, the previous one was 11) with this deck:


All in all I know is super hard to play Shaman at good level constantly so maybe is because we are in the last days of this season that I could went all the way up to 6, but I tried everything, Dragon, Malygos, Mech, Totems and so on, and was wrecked all over the place, but with this I managed a pretty good streak all the way from 18 to 10 without losing once, and from there it was a crazy struggle to reach 6.

I love Shaman, why it must be so hard to create a competitive deck with it :(


1 Flamestrike gave me 4 wins.

What was your deck?

i was kidding about what his luck will be. I don't play arena often but one time i did pick mage and got two flamestrikes and managed to only win probably 2 or 3 games. They kept getting minion advantage with more than 4 hp guys.


i was kidding about what his luck will be. I don't play arena often but one time i did pick mage and got two flamestrikes and managed to only win probably 2 or 3 games. They kept getting minion advantage with more than 4 hp guys.

I have frigid snobold, and it never fails that people ignore it because of the low damage/high hp so i can 5 damage flamestrike the next turn.

Someone should update the OP to say;

"Use your first 1600 dust to craft Dr Boom"

After crafting a couple rares, like knife juggler, I made a Boom. No regrets.


Is it national Nexus-Champion Saraad day and nobody told me?

I drafted TWO in Arena, got one in Unstable Portal in that same run and then lost my third game to a guy with Nexus Champion-Saraad.
Honestly.... Boom first.

It takes way more than 1600 dust to make a good deck. Mechs+Boom is probably better.

With 1600 dust you can make far more consistently strong decks than just crafting boom. I think when you're new at the game, you want consistency more than strength because you'll learn better playing habits when you aren't relying on a very distinct line of draws. And tbh, that consistency will produce better winrates as the player gets better themselves.

I like playing it against paladins though. Punishing their garbage is worth the awfulness that Freeze brings to the rest of the ladder.

I'm with metroid on this one. Freeze mage is the absolute worst. Secret paladin is nothing compared to freeze mage in terms of terrible game design. I'd rather play pre-nerf undertaker hunter than play against freeze mage.


I know is cool to hate on Shaman, but just now I reached 500 victorys, and went up to level 6 (My personal record, the previous one was 11) with this deck:


All in all I know is super hard to play Shaman at good level constantly so maybe is because we are in the last days of this season that I could went all the way up to 6, but I tried everything, Dragon, Malygos, Mech, Totems and so on, and was wrecked all over the place, but with this I managed a pretty good streak all the way from 18 to 10 without losing once, and from there it was a crazy struggle to reach 6.

I love Shaman, why it must be so hard to create a competitive deck with it :(
This is a style I was experimenting with a bit early on. Couldn't get it fully grasped because my collection is bound by free-to-stay, but the idea never left my curiosity. The parts to build are easy enough to come by, and I encourage people to give it a shot. Essentially, you're a Flood Shaman, a bit like playing a Paladin, but with the advantage of Deathrattle thrown in so your board is never fully deleted. Either they deal with your threats and you retaliate, or set up shop and deliver with Bloodlust. Worries include running out of steam potentially or not drawing your key components like Silver Hand Regent or Mukla, or not having one of the removal tools.

You cut down on the RNG bullshit, you cut down on the Overload (as much as you feasibly can), and create value out of your Hero Power usage, your minions' deaths, or your cheap spells.


With 1600 dust you can make far more consistently strong decks than just crafting boom. I think when you're new at the game, you want consistency more than strength because you'll learn better playing habits when you aren't relying on a very distinct line of draws. And tbh, that consistency will produce better winrates as the player gets better themselves.

Now I'm curious. What are some of these decks that you can craft with 1600 dust?


Face hunter.

I somehow doubt that's the deck Mobius was talking about when he said he thought it was more valuable to craft decks that would make players more consistent, and ultimately better.

It's probably the one deck you can craft for about ~1600 that's better than budget mech mage with Boom.

Try hearthpwn or icyveins if you're genuinely curious. There are a lot of budget decks that you can use at low ranks.


You made a claim and I want to see the receipts. I don't need to go to sites I visit anyway to check on your dubious claim.


With 1600 dust you can make far more consistently strong decks than just crafting boom. I think when you're new at the game, you want consistency more than strength because you'll learn better playing habits when you aren't relying on a very distinct line of draws. And tbh, that consistency will produce better winrates as the player gets better themselves.

I agree, I spent my first ~1800 dust making a mech mage and a midrange hunter to get me started. Then those carried me to more wins and more dust.
I somehow doubt that's the deck Mobius was talking about when he said he thought it was more valuable to craft decks that would make players more consistent, and ultimately better.

It's probably the one deck you can craft for about ~1600 that's better than budget mech mage with Boom.

Why do you think I wasn't referring to one of those cheaper higher power decks in the game?


You made a claim and I want to see the receipts. I don't need to go to sites I visit anyway to check on your dubious claim.

So you know that budget decks exist but still argue?

There are many decks that cost around 1600 or less. I don't even see why I have to go pick when out when you already know the sites that have them exist.

Like santiago said. You can make a cheap midrange hunter and do very well because of high impact cheap cards like highmane and a consistent curve.
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