So to bring it back to TGT, I think some are being far too negative towards the set so far. I noted that somewhere between 1/4 and 1/3 of GvG cards proved "playable," in that they were part of popular decks in the meta for at least some period of time. It doesn't have to be in the meta 100% of the time; for instance, I would argue Goblin Blast mage was clearly a successful card even though mech mage is not currently in the meta as it once was.
With that in mind:
Tuskarr Totemic is the one card I am confident will be a staple in decks, in that it won't just be part of some particular archetype but will become a staple for virtually all Shaman decks of any kind. The value is extreme.
I think Holy Champion, Totem Golem, Lock and Load, Justicar Trueheart, Fjola Lightbane and Eydis Darkbane, Fallen Hero, Panther Rider, Argent Horserider and Effigy are all "look promising" cards, in that they aren't slam dunks like Tuskarr but they seem plausible depending on how the meta shakes out as we see all the cards.
Then there are a bunch of inspire cards which aren't yet clearly playable but could be if things gel as the rest of the set is shown. Given that we've only seen about 35 cards so far, I don't think this is bad at all. History suggests something like 8 of these cards should see play, and I think that's entirely plausible.