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Hearthstone |OT4| The warsong has ended, please patron other decks

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Glad to lose against a weirdass deck like this Mage running Echos of Medivhs and Duplicates and playing a Loatheb every single turn past turn 6.

As Druid, there was nothing I could do.
Glad to lose against a weirdass deck like this Mage running Echos of Medivhs and Duplicates and playing a Loatheb every single turn past turn 6.

As Druid, there was nothing I could do.

That deck has been around for a long time, but it is the latest "net deck". I see it a lot.

I'm still waiting for echo murloc to be the big thing. It is a much more fun deck.



I am super salty. Patron has a 100% winrate against my Randuin deck :((
Just had one of those matches...

3hp minion on board, 7 random arcane shots, only 2 hit. Above 50% chance to kill it, but no.

Later, 4-5 minions on board, boom bot 1 hits face for 1, second one hits a 5hp minion for 1.

Finally, 50/50 for flamecannon, hits the wrong target.


Control (finally) closing the gap on Dragon Priest.
Average: 4.63
Dog: 3
Firebat: 3
Neirea: 4
Savjz: 3
Sjow: 4
Surrender: 4
Tiddler: 13
Thijs: 3
I wish they'd explain their individual picks.
Can we call Tempo Mage -> Face Mage?

So much cancer.

Tempo mage is not face mage. But a lot of decks have match ups where they are the aggressor.

I mean, if you're running a control paladin or something like that, what do you expect decks to do? Try to out value you? That would be fruitless. Don't expect decks to conform to your winning strategy, that is a plan for losing.

Just got a bane of doom off saraad who got me a malganis. RNGstone


So this is my current deck. What can I do to improve it? The good thing about it is it's very consistent against everything that isn't Priest or Warrior. The bad news is I'm around rank 10-13 and every second match is Priest or Warrior.

So this is my current deck. What can I do to improve it? The good thing about it is it's very consistent against everything that isn't Priest or Warrior. The bad news is I'm around rank 10-13 and every second match is Priest or Warrior.


You might want to ditch face hunter if you keep playing counters. Maybe go midrange or hybrid.


You might want to ditch face hunter if you keep playing counters. Maybe go midrange or hybrid.

Well building a drastically different deck would mean having to fork out money, so I'm a little hesitant to go that route.

Crafted practically every available card I've had to make this deck... I spent all of my first few month's coins on Adventures.
Well building a drastically different deck would mean having to fork out money, so I'm a little hesitant to go that route.

Midrange hunter is very cheap. I think the most expensive rarity is highmane which is a rare.

Hybrid hunter takes elements of face hunter and elements of midrange and mashes them together, so you probably have most of the cards for that deck.

Here is one hybrid hunter:


Midrange hunter is very cheap. I think the most expensive rarity is highmane which is a rare.

Hybrid hunter takes elements of face hunter and elements of midrange and mashes them together, so you probably have most of the cards for that deck.

Here is one hybrid hunter:

Yeah I'd need 3 rares and the Piloted Shredder. Could probably do that after a few packs from quests.

Might have to fork out for a 40 pack at some point. Always find myself lacking dust, and I'm playing a cheap deck as it is.
So this is my current deck. What can I do to improve it? The good thing about it is it's very consistent against everything that isn't Priest or Warrior. The bad news is I'm around rank 10-13 and every second match is Priest or Warrior.

In my opinion, that deck has too many 3 mana cards. You want the game to be over by turn 7 at least, ur not gonna get the chance to play that many 3s and if you're not top decking by around that turn you're probably gonna lose anyway. I'd ditch the arcane golems. Deck has plenty of burst damage anyway. Personally I'd add a lance carrier and a bear trap, the choices go against the grain but if you lance a 1 minion on turn 2 or a horse rider late in the game it's solid value, and "worst case" you can buff a spider or something and have a target for your next abusive on the board bc people don't clear carriers which is good for you. And the bear is just a wildcard that trips people up, protects you from damage or gives you a 3/3 that sets off kill command, all solid outcomes. But regardless of what you add instead of them id def whittle away those 3 manas, you have more than you'll ever have time to play

Another reason I use lance carrier is that squire t1 into lance carrier turn 2 is pretty sick, you can easily end up getting 7 damage from your turn 1 squire if they can't /don't touch it on their first turn, and sometimes you can keep that 3 attack squire alive longer by using the carriers body to clear paladin hero power guys and keep him hitting if paladin got a bad mulligan

Priest will still do you over but not giving them a free mana crystal could help.
Yeah, I think the curve is too high for a Face Hunter deck. I would keep the Arcane Golems, drop the Horseriders, drop an Unleash, drop the Squire, and add in Brave Archers, an extra Bow and a Bear Trap. I think if Face Hunter can't drop a minion turn 1 its odds of winning drop off pretty hard so I go heavy on the 1-drops.
Started playing Casino Mage not long ago and while the RNG can screw you over it might just as well turn a game around and escalate things in your favor very quickly, been a long time since I had this much fun with the game.

I don't really play that much but it's gotten me to rank 5 for the first time since playing Undertaker Zoo, so I gotta say it works quite well.

I'm sure it's not the most optimal list but it's been good to me so far. The only card I'm not quite sure about is Antonidas, unless he and a lot of spells have been Emperor'd he just clogs up the hand most of the time, a second Fireball would probably be better.
Ok, looks like I'm really stoopeed.
Can someone help me again with the deck tracker?
I tried to import my deck but it shows only 28 cards and the list is wrong. :/
What should I do?


I've been trying a pseudo silverhand token din
I'm probably missing Justicar but then again she is kind of expensive mana wise for the deck, already pushing it with the two 5s, any recommendations?
Started playing Casino Mage not long ago and while the RNG can screw you over it might just as well turn a game around and escalate things in your favor very quickly, been a long time since I had this much fun with the game.

I don't really play that much but it's gotten me to rank 5 for the first time since playing Undertaker Zoo, so I gotta say it works quite well.

I'm sure it's not the most optimal list but it's been good to me so far. The only card I'm not quite sure about is Antonidas, unless he and a lot of spells have been Emperor'd he just clogs up the hand most of the time, a second Fireball would probably be better.

People can call it casinomage all they want. But even secret paladin has a lot of RNG in it. Avenge being random is just as big a deal if not more than arcane missiles. At least arcane missiles the user has control over it better. Then you got boom bots being the bigger casinostone. And yeah, basically I don't even find that the tempo mage deck is that random, even though it has a lot of randomness from the shots... because many decks are that random.


In my opinion, that deck has too many 3 mana cards. You want the game to be over by turn 7 at least, ur not gonna get the chance to play that many 3s and if you're not top decking by around that turn you're probably gonna lose anyway. I'd ditch the arcane golems. Deck has plenty of burst damage anyway. Personally I'd add a lance carrier and a bear trap, the choices go against the grain but if you lance a 1 minion on turn 2 or a horse rider late in the game it's solid value, and "worst case" you can buff a spider or something and have a target for your next abusive on the board bc people don't clear carriers which is good for you. And the bear is just a wildcard that trips people up, protects you from damage or gives you a 3/3 that sets off kill command, all solid outcomes. But regardless of what you add instead of them id def whittle away those 3 manas, you have more than you'll ever have time to play

Another reason I use lance carrier is that squire t1 into lance carrier turn 2 is pretty sick, you can easily end up getting 7 damage from your turn 1 squire if they can't /don't touch it on their first turn, and sometimes you can keep that 3 attack squire alive longer by using the carriers body to clear paladin hero power guys and keep him hitting if paladin got a bad mulligan

Priest will still do you over but not giving them a free mana crystal could help.

I think you're right about being too 3 cost heavy. I often find myself having to mulligan a few 3s and getting more 3s in return. Lance Carrier seems interesting, and I've been toying with adding another Argent Squire as I've found they often fly under the radar. Squire is odd in that most opponents will completely ignore them until they get buffed at which point they freak and have to spend two attacks - usually trading - taking them down. Carrier would play right into that.

Haven't tried Bear Trap before. Freezing Trap was okay, just a little too inconsistent when Mad Scientist would pull it at an inopportune moment.

Priest has to get a terrible hand for me to win so it's all luck there really. I don't think I've even beaten a Warrior. Paladin is the most common thing I've been seeing otherwise and this usually rolls them.
People can call it casinomage all they want. But even secret paladin has a lot of RNG in it. Avenge being random is just as big a deal if not more than arcane missiles. At least arcane missiles the user has control over it better. Then you got boom bots being the bigger casinostone. And yeah, basically I don't even find that the tempo mage deck is that random, even though it has a lot of randomness from the shots... because many decks are that random.

Yeah I guess most decks are random in one way or another, especially with Boom, but I thought the whole casino thing was about Portal/Spellslinger/Saraad straight up being able to win or lose you the game depending on what they give you.
I tried out spellslinger a bit. I decided it wasn't worth it though and geared my deck more towards beating paladins. It often took a lot of bad luck for me to lose to paladins.

For example:
Murloc knight summons warleader, I kill warleader and murloc knight survives boom bot onslaught... summons another warleader. I kill that murloc knight, reluctantly with fireball. He plays another murloc knight and it summons him an old murk eye.

Then I got the pleasure of playing this... "player" again. Again I am far ahead and dr. boom comes down. I deal with it effortlessly. And his boom bots hit and kill water elemental from full health, just from deathrattle alone. Pretty lame.

I like the list I am running but it is sometimes unable to finish out a match due to crap like boom bots getting amazing value. And even though I run both boom and antonidas (plus saraad) sometimes I feel like my late game needs more.


People can call it casinomage all they want. But even secret paladin has a lot of RNG in it. Avenge being random is just as big a deal if not more than arcane missiles. At least arcane missiles the user has control over it better. Then you got boom bots being the bigger casinostone. And yeah, basically I don't even find that the tempo mage deck is that random, even though it has a lot of randomness from the shots... because many decks are that random.

Handlock, Patron, Control Warrior, Freeze Mage, Midrange Hunter, Druid, Priest have minimal randomness. There are far more top-tier decks that have much lower RNG effects than ones with as much RNG as casino mage.
Handlock, Patron, Control Warrior, Freeze Mage, Midrange Hunter, Druid, Priest have minimal randomness. There are far more top-tier decks that have much lower RNG effects than ones with as much RNG as casino mage.

Tell that to me when matches aren't decided by boom bot outcomes anymore. That card has much more variance than arcane missiles and flamewalker. And even with those 2 cards, the more dice you roll, the more likely you're going to get an average outcome. Whereas with boom bots, not only is the target random, the amount of damage is random and times two, from a single card. You'd have a point if dr. boom wasn't played in most of those decks.

And for the two that don't run dr. boom, Patron and freeze mage, they're uninteractive and largely win by their draw order which is even worse than RNG on cards.


Tell that to me when matches aren't decided by boom bot outcomes anymore. That card has much more variance than arcane missiles and flamewalker. And even with those 2 cards, the more dice you roll, the more likely you're going to get an average outcome. Whereas with boom bots, not only is the target random, the amount of damage is random and times two, from a single card. You'd have a point if dr. boom wasn't played in most of those decks.

And for the two that don't run dr. boom, Patron and freeze mage, they're uninteractive and largely win by their draw order which is even worse than RNG on cards.

All of your points don't make any sense and are irrelevant to the original point that you said that casino mage isn't more RNG than other decks. Casino mage also plays Boom along with of all the other RNG cards. All decks win by draw order, even Freeze Mage can beat Control Warrior if the Warrior draws his cards in the wrong order e.g. all the weapons, then minions like Sludge Belcher, Alexstraza, BGH etc.



I'm going to be disgusted when I lose this.



And to top it off, he FoN'd my face to not kill me while leaving my lethal on board untouched. Someone bought their account :lol
All of your points don't make any sense and are irrelevant to the original point that you said that casino mage isn't more RNG than other decks. Casino mage also plays Boom along with of all the other RNG cards. All decks win by draw order, even Freeze Mage can beat Control Warrior if the Warrior draws his cards in the wrong order e.g. all the weapons, then minions like Sludge Belcher, Alexstraza, BGH etc.

I was talking about randomness of outcomes of course. You seem to be missing my point which is that most decks have a lot of RNG built into the cards. You said midrange hunter, well, they run knife juggler, mad scientist, animal companion, dr. boom, sometimes elekk, and back in the day they even ran deadly shot. A lot of decks have high variance cards in them. That doesn't necessarily mean they are random result oriented, as in you win or lose based on RNG.

And no, not all decks win based solely on draw order. Sometimes you might hit it big with any given deck, but some decks don't allow you to sufficiently interact with their game plan. Which means it all comes down to card draw. And that is way worse than randomness, because it is largely outside of either players control - which I am pointing out is worse than RNG built into cards.



I'm going to be disgusted when I lose this.



And to top it off, he FoN'd my face to not kill me while leaving my lethal on board untouched. Someone bought their account :lol

Some people just look up what is the best deck and they play those, try patron first get destroyed, what's next? druid and secret paladin. Now playing druid isn't exactly rocket science but it's not exactly free carry for bad players either. Secret paladin though is just that, I see so many awful awful players with it at ranks that there is no way thy belong to. It's telling how badly designed MC is that after a bazillion misplays they can just drop it and still win and get to these places.


Some people just look up what is the best deck and they play those, try patron first get destroyed, what's next? druid and secret paladin. Now playing druid isn't exactly rocket science but it's not exactly free carry for bad players either. Secret paladin though is just that, I see so many awful awful players with it at ranks that there is no way thy belong to. It's telling how badly designed MC is that after a bazillion misplays they can just drop it and still win and get to these places.

I doubt that one could fumble his way to rank 7 on EU. I'm sticking with my bought account theory.


My track record against Mind Control Tech is starting to get absurd. Whenever I have a board of shit + one big threat, my opponent has an MCT. And guess twice which minion it steals.

Just now I had a sheep on board and played Dr. Boom. Cue MCT. Thankfully I was so far ahead that I still ended up winning.


There's variance in every deck plus RNG elements (especially when Shredders and Dr Balanced are involved) but Tempo Mage takes the fucking cake.

Unbalanced Esportal, Arcane Missiles, Flamewaker, Spellslinger, Dr Balanced, Mad Scientist, Flamecannon etc


What is the hell is even the point of Icehowl? It's like much, much worse King Krush. As a rule I never disenchant cards unless I have duplicates, even bad cards, but I think I might make an exception here. I just can't imagine a deck existing that would use it effectively.
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