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Hearthstone |OT4| The warsong has ended, please patron other decks

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I remember this happened a lot post GVG where I didn't actually get any from packs but still ran double muster and yeah, the threat of the guy was enough as people went nuts trying to clear, though there were still ugly late game scenarios where I really actually needed more than a bluff.

That said, I have always cleared totems vs. shaman even before TGT. They always still have stuff like flametongue and tend to specifically run sticky stuff like creeper to have targets for it. And the ever looming real threat, totemic might.

I think muster would be played in every paladin deck even if QM never existed. I don't think there is a better 3 drop for paladin in any archetype, aside of aldor I suppose in some decks. But you just run both.
That said, I have always cleared totems vs. shaman even before TGT. They always still have stuff like flametongue and tend to specifically run sticky stuff like creeper to have targets for it. And the ever looming real threat, totemic might.

Also some people were not around when some streamer said bloodlust was a bad "win more" card, forever making those people who heard that not play it.

So you need to be careful of that too.


how is it that every fucking tempo mage has wyrm on 1 with followup removal into flamewaker coin missiles?

every single fucking time.


I'm sorry but the EU servers are fucking garbage. Since the TGT launch I get disconnected every 2nd or 3rd game. I know I'm not the only one because my friends have the same problem.

Nice going Blizzard. I'll give this game a rest for a month and if the problem is still there, I'm done


Turn 2 BIGASSTREE and fuck the Eboladin.


Finding that my deck dies to Face Hunter and Midrange Hunter a lot. Unleash the hounds + KJ combo followed by kill command just kills me every time.


Any suggestions?

Currently, the fun slots are the Silver Hand Regent and Wild Pyromancer. I swap it out with Mind Control Tech, Faceless Manipulator, Cult Master, and Kezan Mystic depending on what I see.

I had Tuskarr Jouster instead of healbot for a while, but I wasn't winning anything.

stampeding/peace keeper combo.. I sure haven't seen that in a while...what year is it?

5 drop is quite competitive, cut those kodos for belcher and loatheb.

You absolutely want two Argus. It will help you a lot against hunter and UTH. It will help a lot against druid and swipe even prevent their combo.

I would cut silver hand regent too and add a second shredder. You need a BGH too.

I'm sorry but the EU servers are fucking garbage. Since the TGT launch I get disconnected every 2nd or 3rd game. I know I'm not the only one because my friends have the same problem.

Nice going Blizzard. I'll give this game a rest for a month and if the problem is still there, I'm done

EU runs on Ogre Servers, there is a 50% chance something goes wrong.


So if you buy Naxx, there are 15 cards which you get 2 when you kill each boss?

Can you kill the bosses over again to get more of the cards to deconstruct?


I don't have Antonidas, so I created this anti-spell version of Tempo Mage.


It's probably not as good as traditional Tempo Mage, but it sure is hilarious.


Finally finished the arena where I was disconnected in one match and I was destroyed by a druid that dropped Zombie+Zombie+Roots in turns 1-2. Then I thought that maybe it was advantageous to have the card avantage but no as he then dropped big drops one after another.

The reward was bolster and 30G for three wins. I want my money back, scammers!


lol Neirea is amazing. He just won his group and qualified for Blizzcon.

"So now you got to prepare for the semi-finals"

"Oh, yeah, European Championship. ResidentSleeper.


stampeding/peace keeper combo.. I sure haven't seen that in a while...what year is it?

5 drop is quite competitive, cut those kodos for belcher and loatheb.

You absolutely want two Argus. It will help you a lot against hunter and UTH. It will help a lot against druid and swipe even prevent their combo.

I would cut silver hand regent too and add a second shredder. You need a BGH too.

I was having problems with those additions as I had those before. I ran 1 BGH/ 2 Shredders/ 2 Belchers or 2 Defender of Argus / 2 Quartermasters last season and couldn't get higher than Rank 6. That 4 mana slot gets filled way too fast and against Hunters, you need to play cards on curve on every turn, or else you're screwed. Mulligan just gives different 4 mana drops. You wait to turn 5 and on some games, you do destroy the Face Hunter when you have coin.

Midrange will deny a QM combo with KJ + Unleash the hounds + Kill command to face.

Face just curves so well that putting up any taunt it's immediately owled.

I added back Kodo because it's a huge tempo swing against Tempo Mage and Priests who steal 2 drops. Also, I was tired of playing bgh. On Druid, it just dies to keeper or some 2 drop on the board. Mages usually have no targets and usually dies to Blastmage or Flamewaker. Rogues, it's too slow. Against warrior, it's to remove Alexstraza or Grom, but if usually once Alex is played, you are screwed. Generally, it's to stop Dr. Boom, but the card is useless especially against fatigue decks. Weak to Ysera.

I really like the addition of a Pyromancer and equality combo. Resets the board when the opponent thinks he has the game.


Dropped a 8/8 Edwin on turn 3 against patron warrior, lol what a easy game. Hit face 4 times before he could execute. He actually had execute but seemingly thought I was going to kill his ghoul and damage my Edwin instead of sapping it, big mistake.

Rogue is still the most fun class, tier 4 I don't care I'm climbing with it now, it's very frustrating at times but whatever it's still fun. I just wish we had some minions we could play that were good on their own, without combo or anything, a 2 or 3 drop in particular. Like shielded minibot is for paladin or Dark Cultist is for priest or now Aspirant is for Druid, everyone has strong early threats that help either gain board advantage or just push through their game plan except rogue. Early game for Rogue just sucks, the difference between having coin and not having coin is huge, I couldn't drop that Edwin without coin, a turn later probably game would go very differently. They printed a card like Aspirant that greatly helps with consistency in druid but Rogue got shit, if Cutpurse was their idea of early game for Rogue then I'm really scared of what Blizzard's plans are for Rogue...

Like nothing in the game has this effect that triggers by hitting face, rogue gets all the sour fruits and dumb new inventions. If it was deathrattle put a coin into your hand, I would put two of them in my deck..it would still be a weaker effect than mad scientist is for secret decks but still very worthwhile, it's time rogue gets some strong minions, the power levels for everyone else goes up each set and rogue still heavily relies on original set. no more more gimmick spells, no more combo effect, just strong on its own for early game.


lol Neirea is amazing. He just won his group and qualified for Blizzcon.

"So now you got to prepare for the semi-finals"

"Oh, yeah, European Championship. ResidentSleeper.

competitive hearthstone is complete ResidetnSleeper, everyone has same decks now, druid patron, third one is mostly handlock or maaaaybe priest/paladin instead, we get painful to watch mirror matches, a lot of games now are just decided by card draw order. This conquest format is really awful too with these stale lineup everyone has.

Gotta give it to Amaz, his ATLC is the only hearthstone event worth watching.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
competitive hearthstone is complete ResidetnSleeper, everyone has same decks now, druid patron, third one is mostly handlock or maaaaybe priest/paladin instead, we get painful to watch mirror matches, a lot of games now are just decided by card draw order. This conquest format is really awful too with these stale lineup everyone has.

Gotta give it to Amaz, his ATLC is the only hearthstone event worth watching.

I haven't watched much competitive Hearthstone lately, do they not have bans anymore? Seems like making people show up with 4/5 decks and adding a ban phase would help the deck variety and add some additional strategy before the match.
I haven't watched much competitive Hearthstone lately, do they not have bans anymore? Seems like making people show up with 4/5 decks and adding a ban phase would help the deck variety and add some additional strategy before the match.

Nope no bans which i think is a mistake. Competitive meta is about as stale as ladder meta.


I was always in the camp "Well, the card text for joust clearly says "if it costs more" so a tie should be a loss.". Now, after losing several joust to a tie I'd say the text should be "if your card costs equal or more".


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Lifecoach freaked the fuck out after he got the Dr. Boom lol

Pavel with the Seppuku


Must be hard being remember for such huge missplay, probably biggest of tournament's history of the game, a sequencing error lead from a secure win to an instant lose. So rough.


Players should be allowed to ban cards in a particular format.

Now that would be interesting actually. Let's say every player can ban 5 cards from the entire pool of cards (against the other player and vice versa).

Dr Balanced
Mysterious Challenger
Force of Nature
Mad Scientist
Emperor Thaurissan



Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Players should be allowed to ban cards in a particular format.

Now that would be interesting actually. Let's say every player can ban 5 cards from the entire pool of cards (against the other player and vice versa).
Unfortunately this goes against Blizzard's always connected philosophy. The game would be substantially more interesting and diverse with a few important card nerfs, but the hands off approach to nerfs is really starting to have a damning effect on the game. Makes me look back on stuff like the Tinkmaster nerf and shake my head.


Unfortunately this goes against Blizzard's always connected philosophy. The game would be substantially more interesting and diverse with a few important card nerfs, but the hands off approach to nerfs is really starting to have a damning effect on the game.
No I am not saying that there should be something built into the game... I am saying there could be a Challengestone like tournament that does this. Of course when you make a tournament you can make whatever rules you want.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
No I am not saying that there should be something built into the game... I am saying there could be a Challengestone like tournament that does this. Of course when you make a tournament you can make whatever rules you want.
If you don't want support from Blizzard, sure.


If you don't want support from Blizzard, sure.
I am not following this, a format like Kripp's Challengestone was fine. I don't know if it was supported by Blizzard or not but it got a decent amount of sponsors and more importantly a good amount of viewers.

I don't think what I am suggested is really any different from what Kripp suggested. And his format called for banning out whole group of cards.

I would like to see a tournament like this just to see what cards people would ban out with a limited amount of bans. You could totally destroy a few competitive decks by removing a single card (Druids with FoN, Grim Patron with Warsong, Secret Paladin with MC) from them.


Ostkaka with the Dragon Priest deck with not enough Dragons such a fail.

He did win with it at least twice before, but I think it is way too greedy with pyromancers and 2 cabal shadow priests. He should just run control priest if he is going to go with those tech choices.


He did win with it at least twice before, but I think it is way too greedy with pyromancers and 2 cabal shadow priests. He should just run control priest if he is going to go with those tech choices.

Eh, shit draws happen. He had at least 7 dragons in the deck, but sometimes your deck hates you and they're all at the bottom.


I don't understand how I'm supposed to win against secret pally as midrange druid.

Played 3 of them in a row, three loses. The worst is they all play out the same way and I just can't do anything.


Unconfirmed Member
Players should be allowed to ban cards in a particular format.

Now that would be interesting actually. Let's say every player can ban 5 cards from the entire pool of cards (against the other player and vice versa).

Dr Balanced
Mysterious Challenger
Force of Nature
Mad Scientist
Emperor Thaurissan


Should be done after drafting classes so you know for sure your bans hurt the other guy more than they hurt you. Otherwise you might as well ban Wisp unless you have something tricky up your sleeve.

Then you could decide to ban something like Dr. Boom to hurt all his classes a little bit, or ban something like Execute to cripple that one class, or ban Worgen Commander to outright kill a certain deck.

It'd be a fun tournament, though might end up being a bunch of zoo and face decks that are super flexible and can do a lot with a ban of healbot and sludge belcher.


It'd be a fun tournament, though might end up being a bunch of zoo and face decks that are super flexible and can do a lot with a ban of healbot and sludge belcher.
Yeah that's the first thing i thought of lol...

Me can ban Taunt? ME BAN TAUNT!

Also Kripparrian is claiming that there's a new bot software that claims to have gotten quite a few accounts to Legend and he also claims that the bot is also using Secret Paladin deck.



Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Also Kripparrian is claiming that there's a new bot software that claims to have gotten quite a few accounts to Legend and he also claims that the bot is also using Secret Paladin deck.
I could honestly buy it. Secret Paladin is probably the easiest deck to play that this game has ever seen.
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