Real talk though and this is extremely future talk here but they should cap the maximum armor you can have to 30 (so 60 EHP).
CW mirror matches where each player is sitting at 80 HP when the game goes to fatigue is like the polar opposite of the super aggro meta and it's very possible that we might one day have to face that. For the viewers that's even worse than watching two Face Hunters go at it.
Ain't no one got time for that shit.
Because it was designed this way? Priest can heal minions. It's not like there is no trade off.I was thinking whether they would cap armor. No reason why war can heal above 30 while a priest can only heal to 30
Because it was designed this way? Priest can heal minions. It's not like there is no trade off.
Dammit, it's nearly the end of the season, why are there still so many good players at lower rankings? Get ranked up already so I can get to 15!
LMAO Kripparrian just lost to two Secret Paladin bots in a row at Rank 5...
Interactive games and all that, this is balanced.
Priest overheals need to be converted to armor. lots of their wow spells provide damage absorbing shields so it fits their theme. Maybe at a 50% penalty for balance.
congrats on the easy winsFace Hunters, Face Hunters everywhere!
Just played four in a row.
Because it was designed this way? Priest can heal minions. It's not like there is no trade off.
Played a lot of secret paladins lately.
4 armour is too much IMO. Especially if they play Justicar on turn 6. Like damn, I would be lucky to be doing 5 damage by that point and chipping away 1 health...
If early face damage is relevant to your gameplan your deck needs to pressure them a lot harder so they don't feel safe dropping a 6/3 on 6. If you're playing control (control in TGT lmao) the armor matters little as in this matchup whoever can answer all of the opponent's threats wins.4 armour is too much IMO. Especially if they play Justicar on turn 6. Like damn, I would be lucky to be doing 5 damage by that point and chipping away 1 health...
damn botting
performing really well too. Blizzard lol
In fact the best chance this game has of getting fixed is someone developing a Secret Paladin bot Blizzard can't detect so even Brode gets tired of ladder and finally deletes these hopeless classes
So, why is the farseer golden? Happened in Arena
For the cries that they completely killed the deck with the Warsong nerd, it sure seems to still be one of the strongest decks in the game.
Justicar is an entire turn spell (because it never stays on board) that loses insane tempo. It's far from op.
For the cries that they completely killed the deck with the Warsong nerd, it sure seems to still be one of the strongest decks in the game.
Grommash is one of the most important keys in the deck and cannot be skipped. Alexstraza is also an essential component for entering lethal range or helping to neutralize early game aggression, but her impact has been diminished some when she doesn't keep you out of combo range to stuff like Druid. I played the deck without Ysera for a long time, but having her made such a big difference. The extra cards can pull you back into games and all of Ysera's spells are some of the most powerful in the game. More than that a 4/12 target can be difficult for certain opponents to remove. Justicar is useful and all but outside of control vs. control matchups she doesn't always feel that useful. She definitely has the capacity to feel like a dead draw. In some ways I feel like the card is overrated. Sylvanas always feels replacable, but she combos so well with shield slam and Brawl that it is usually pretty hard to find a superior alternative. Thaurissan does well in the deck but serves a different purpose. Personally my top three would be Grommash, Ysera, and Alex. An argument could probably be made for Justicar instead of Alex though.I'm thinking about spending my dust to make a CW deck, but I'm missing a bunch of the legendaries for it.
I only have enough dust for 3, but I'm missing Sylvanus, Alexstraza, Ysera, Grommash, and Justicar (going off the Tempostorm decklist at least). Ysera could probably be replaced with another big threat like Nefarian, but the other four seem pretty key. Maybe something like Thaurrisan instead of Sylvanus for now? Any CW players know what the most important of those 5 are?
I might as well be a different deck. It has a different playstyle and it's built with a heavy midrange focus instead of looking for combos. Key components of the old deck like Thaurissan were tossed out to make something that has more in common with the midrange Warrior decks we were starting to see take off. For as little as I saw Patron before the nerf I have not seen a single person playing the new iteration on ladder.For the cries that they completely killed the deck with the Warsong nerd, it sure seems to still be one of the strongest decks in the game.
except control warrior does not care about tempo, so that argument doesn't make sense
It's a midrange deck now.Playing Warsongless Patron is a bit like playing Secret Paladin. You're just hoping to overwhelm them with value at some point, except instead of slotting in 6 cards and playing 1, you're slotting in 10 cards and playing all of them. Oh and you fold to Flamestrike.
It's still passable as a deck, so that's something.
My guess is that Random really means any random possible deck minion. Doesn't make to much sense because you'd assume you'd need golden Mulch or a golden minion to get a golden back to your hand.So, why is the farseer golden? Happened in Arena
My guess is that Random really means any random possible deck minion. Doesn't make to much sense because you'd assume you'd need golden Mulch or a golden minion to get a golden back to your hand.
Question, do you have a Golden Farseer in your own collection?