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Hearthstone |OT4| The warsong has ended, please patron other decks

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Argent Lance 2/2 for 2 (rare Paladin weapon) Battlecry : Reveal a minion in each deck. If yours costs more, gain +1 durability.

That's two Paladin cards in one day.


I haven't really kept up with all the card releases and previews, I hate how they're trickled out and don't really want to watch 7 different review videos. Have we seen the Dr. Boom-like legendary that will dominate every deck yet?

Though if I recall correctly, Dr. Boom wasn't gauged quite as highly before the release of GvG either.
I haven't really kept up with all the card releases and previews, I hate how they're trickled out and don't really want to watch 7 different review videos. Have we seen the Dr. Boom-like legendary that will dominate every deck yet?

Though if I recall correctly, Dr. Boom wasn't gauged quite as highly before the release of GvG either.

Nope Iron Juggernaut was called the strongest card. To be fair people thought the boombots couldn't attack.


I can see all of those Reveal cards except the 1 mana 1/2 being run in control decks. Zombie Chow is always a 2/3, and if you run two Gadgetzan Jouster there's always the chance of one revealing the other and then you just have a 1/2.
Wow, very interesting cards. I could easily see myself as a priest using cards like "Tuskarr Jouster" or "Master Jouster". They would almost guarantee to trigger an effect vs zoo, face hunter and other aggro decks.


The new hunter card is only playable in face hunter and even than it might not be good enough.
Midrange hunter don't run out of cards very often, so it's pretty bad in this deck.

In early game it's worse than gnome or worgen infiltrator,because these cards almost always deal at least 2 dmg.
When the hunter runs out of cards (which happens a lot in face hunter) it's a faster leper gnome and that might be good enough.


I can see all of those Reveal cards except the 1 mana 1/2 being run in control decks. Zombie Chow is always a 2/3, and if you run two Gadgetzan Jouster there's always the chance of one revealing the other and then you just have a 1/2.

Yeah, obviously they're for slower decks. Though that makes me unsure about some of the others - I have a hard time seeing a control deck wanting to spend 6 mana repeatedly to generate 7/4s. It's the sort of effect that's most valuable for faster decks who have run out of options. Likewise I'm not sure Armored Warhorse is very valuable for decks that are likely to trigger its effect. I could see the Tuskarr Jouster, though, as a Healbot replacement for slow decks (who are already the ones likely to use Healbot). Likewise Master Jouster's got a big edge over Sunwalker in a slow deck.

If they were common they might have slowed down Arena a bit too. The 1 drop is an okay 50/50 gamble for a 2/3 body.


Those reveal cards seem fine, maybe it's good that they don't work with spells.

I'm not sure how reliable they are for anti aggro, specially the heal one, I probably won't use that. It should have healed more at least, it's such a gamble. Stats don't exactly matter as much. Heal 12 for 2/2, I would take it!

And legendary cards. Skeleton one seem interesting, you have salty dog that cost one more and could possibly be reused if you're playing against a fast deck. I don't think it will see any play but the mechanic is interesting. I don't really understand why it's a 6 drop, legendary cards tend to be cost efficient, and deathrattle like that isn't worth one more mana. It's better than Malorne's I guess. Great for arena though!

Paladin legendary seems cool, but how often it has happened that you need mass humility? 7 drop, no need to say competition is strong here. Again great for arena!

Seems like fine cards overall. Options are nice to have.


Paladin legendary seems cool, but how often it has happened that you need mass humility? 7 drop, no need to say competition is strong here. Again great for arena!

What 7 drops does Midrange Paladin run? I keep seeing decklists that intentionally leave out anything with 7 attack or more to make BGH worthless. In that environment, this new guy may be okay, even though I guess Midrange Paladin already has a lot of viable cards.


Lots of good new cards! The brave archer is deceptively good, but goes only in ultra-cancer decks, so people will probably hate it. I'm talking 1.2 mana average curve level of cancer, with possibly garrison commander in it. Garrison commander and this are pretty good top decks too, may replace most chargers.

The reveal cards are all extremely good for slower decks. The 1/2 is basically a chow with no downside vs aggro deck, and a 1.5/2.5 1 mana minion vs control decks, which may be playable depending on how bad the gain 5 life effect is in control mirrors.

All others are good/variable. The armored warhorse is a sort of Leeroy, a combo finisher for handlock which cost 4 again, allowing you to run this+PO+Faceless again without ET.

Argent lance is probably the worst, 2/3 weapons for 2 aren't good tbh, and paladin has already too many weapons.

Eadric seems pretty sick, it's 7 mana 3/7 that basically gain you 10+ life and make for favorable trades on board.

The skelly knight seems way too slow even for control decks.

Tuskar Jouster and Master Jouster are both decent, but i think only the tuskar jouster will be playable as a functional healbot vs aggro that also trade for belchers, silvanas, and shit vs control.


Wow, Reveal is such an odd mechanic. I wonder if they will all have benefits tied to higher reveals or if there will be any negative Reveal effects, that could be a cool variance on Warlock's powerful cards with a disadvantage.


My problem with reveal is that RNG will be infuriating, play this and from all of hunter's cards it reveals highmane lol!
If it reveal a card from hands it would be more interesting.

What 7 drops does Midrange Paladin run? I keep seeing decklists that intentionally leave out anything with 7 attack or more to make BGH worthless. In that environment, this new guy may be okay, even though I guess Midrange Paladin already has a lot of viable cards.

I don't really see the need for this card in midrange and control paladins. The effect is great for sure, but not all that necessary. Some of them run boom and Tirion.

It seems like a good card to play on a board with full of patrons though, I give it that. It will see some play for sure.
I don't know...Basically every announced card almost left me puzzled about how Blizzard want to change the actual gameplay of HS.
This expansion is giving a lot of importance to the inspire mechanic but also to battlecry and now to the "reveal" one but I actually can't see how this can influence the actual meta.
Maybe I'm just missing something.
New card: Gadgetzan Jouster 1/2 (1 mana) - Battlecry: Reveal a minion in each deck. If yours costs more, gain +1/+1
New card: Armored Warhorse 5/3 (4 mana) - Battlecry: Reveal a minion in each deck.If yours costs more, gain Charge.
New card: Eadric the Pure (Legendary Paladin) 3/7 (7 mana) - Battlecry: Change all enemy minions' attack to 1.
The Skeleton Knight (Legendary neutral) 7/4 for 6 - Deathrattle: Reveal a minion in each deck. If yours costs more, return this to your hand
Tuskarr Jouster (rare neutral) 5/5 for 5 mana - Battlecry: Reveal a minion in each deck. If yours costs more, restore 7 Health to your hero
Master Jouster (rare neutral) 5/6 for 6 - Battlecry : Reveal a minion in each deck. If yours costs more, gain Taunt and Divine Shield.

Jouster - probably replacing zombie chow
Armored Warhorse - I am thinking paladin personally, as part of a finisher combination perhaps.
Eadric - Seems very solid.
Skeleton Knight - if the meta slows down
Tuskarr Jouster - First impression is that is it an extremely good card.
Master Jouster - Seems like this card in particular could shut down highmane very hard.

Reveal mechanic overall... first and foremost I think of handlock. Master jouster, Tuskarr Jouster, even Skeleton Knight seem like very strong includes. Gadgetzan jouster as well tbh. Hell, even armored warhorse could potentially be a revival of the combo warlock hitting for 20+ damage.

Next I think of midrange and control decks who want a leg up on aggro decks.

And of course just control decks in general that generally run higher cost minions.


I wonder if only default cost is counted with reveal cards? 0 cost molten giant is very different from 20 cost molten giant.

I don't think the discount even applies if it isn't in your hand, and even then the base cost has always been what counts until now. You could crash the game by using Recombobulator on Golemagg in Tavern Brawl.


With these reveal cards, you probably want to run one of those deck overlays more than ever.

Handlock probably replaces healbots with those, they're going to benefit the most from these. Control decks though, it's RNG to some extent.
Master Jouster seems kinda bad. Basically you are taking the chance of losing Taunt and Divine shield in order to gain +1/+1 over Sunwalker

Gadgetzan Jouster serves no purpose with Zombie Chow already existing
Also a 2/2 weapon that gets +1 durability if you do the card reveal thing. Costs 2.


All of these seem pretty gimmicky, especially in a game where 99.9% of people play the exact same decks as everybody else. Still, if it helps to slow things down it is probably worthwhile including them.
Just had one of those comebacks that just feels so satisfying after you win.

The priest had so much good luck on his side tbh.

The early game he dominated with deathlord + velen's chosen. Even got a auchenai soul priest + light of the narru to take out my azure drake for 1 mana... disgusting btw.

I managed to prep + sprint and his turn was thoughtsteal and got an eviscerate which for some reason he used it on face (bringing me to like 9hp). He thought he had this pretty much. Gold priest/legend guy, I kinda recognize his name but I am not sure where from (MarineKing is his name). So I don't think he is stupid, but he probably should have saved that eviscerate. And his second thoughtsteal happened to be a sprint. So two great cards off thoughtsteal for him.

My sprint got me a sword oil which allowed me to hit the deathlord and clear his 3 minions. I got a violet teacher. Dropped healbot and van cleef, and after lightbomb + wild pyro clears - to keep it short I managed to close it out eventually with a 16 damage burst enabled by sapping the previous turn and 2 eviscerates + deadly poison.

It really still is extremely satisfying to make one of these big come backs where everything is shit to start with and somehow, someway with the right decisions being made I happen to come out ahead. And this happened like at least 3 times today. Good stuff hearthstone.

BTW, anyone recognize the name marineking? I recall seeing that name but not where from.

Looks like marineking is a name used by a korean sc2 player. Likely no connection to him.


What a weird, but somewhat interesting mechanic. At least it's anti-aggro I guess, but those cards are hard to judge. In the current meta they'd be really good. However if more people end up playing them, the meta might slow down altogether and the value of these cards would drop instantly. We'll have to see how it turns out.

I'm liking that Paladin legendary so far, even if it's a little pricey.


Thank you to the people who convinced me not to dust Golden Toshley. As a beginner player (111 wins) and receiving a 5 game losing streak yesterday, seeing this on turn 5 made me feel a lot better...


Working towards making my deck synergise around those two legendaries now.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
I feel like Blizz should have revealed some of these reveal cards alongside their talking of the Inspire mechanic for TGT's initial showing. Seems pretty interesting and could be an actual answer to aggro that isn't slow as hell.

Not feeling that Pally weapon though. 2/3 for 2 still doesn't seem all that great when muster/truesilver are already so strong. Paying an extra mana for the divine shield/taunt of coghammer just seems better.
What a weird, but somewhat interesting mechanic. At least it's anti-aggro I guess, but those cards are hard to judge. In the current meta they'd be really good. However if more people end up playing them, the meta might slow down altogether and the value of these cards would drop instantly. We'll have to see how it turns out.

I'm liking that Paladin legendary so far, even if it's a little pricey.

But if meta slows down enough to make "reveal" cards low value, the value of "inspire" cards goes up. The slower the games are, the more you will get out of inspire cards.


The longer I think about these cards,the less I like them.
I don't think the jousters are good enough.
We have RNG for maybe getting a zombie chow without the draw back,maybe getting a +2/+2 healbot and maybe getting a +1/+1 Sunwalker.
I don't think that's worth it.

Argent lance is at best a 2/3 weapon ,which means it conflicts with a turn 3 muster for battle.
I would also rather pay 1 more mana for the effect of coghammer.

Warhorse is very weird.What deck would play this card?
It has to be a deck with a high mana curve that also plays minions with charge?
I don't think it fits into any deck and the stats alone aren't great either.

The Skeleton Knight is also weird. He is bad against aggro decks,which means you would play him to counter control decks.
These decks however also have high mana curves,which means there is a good chance that he is just a 7/4 for 6, aka worse than the already really bad salty dog.

Eadric looks like a meta card,but I'm pretty sure it has a place in midrange/control paladins if certains decks are popular.


Totally should have come in here sooner. Even though I am pretty bad and what not and have no gold for my cards. xD

Do you guys have some more experimental decks to try stuff out? Since I am missing so many cards (and I refuse to dust my golden cards because collection and stuff, which is somehwat dumb from a efficency standpoint, but whatever) I am currently running this deck here:


Now, back when I made this deck Undertaker still got +1/+1 and Blackrock wasn't released. I also still don't have any of the "good" legendaries for this which I mention in there. I still like playing with it but I think I might should change a few things up. Undertaker just dies so fast now, but with all the deathrattles I have and no other good 1 drops for this kind of deck I am not sure what else I could use.


The longer I think about these cards,the less I like them.
I don't think the jousters are good enough.
We have RNG for maybe getting a zombie chow without the draw back,maybe getting a +2/+2 healbot and maybe getting a +1/+1 Sunwalker.
I don't think that's worth it.

Argent lance is at best a 2/3 weapon ,which means it conflicts with a turn 3 muster for battle.
I would also rather pay 1 more mana for the effect of coghammer.

Warhorse is very weird.What deck would play this card?
It has to be a deck with a high mana curve that also plays minions with charge?
I don't think it fits into any deck and the stats alone aren't great either.

The Skeleton Knight is also weird. He is bad against aggro decks,which means you would play him to counter control decks.
These decks however also have high mana curves,which means there is a good chance that he is just a 7/4 for 6, aka worse than the already really bad salty dog.

Eadric looks like a meta card,but I'm pretty sure it has a place in midrange/control paladins if certains decks are popular.

Totally agree. Get this stupid RNG out of my control decks, even if the meta slows down these cards just make it an RNG fest when you have Control vs. Control matchups (which makes sense since Blizzard likes it that way). The mechanic would be slightly better if it were to reveal the top card of your library, at least that feeds into your decision making. Now you just get to see a random card which you probably were 90% sure off would be in the deck anyways thus the mechanic is only there for RNG purposes nothing more.


Just lost 5 games in a row, 2 face hunters 2 aggro pally and a mage that got a rag out of unstable portal....

I think I need to take a break
Mukla's Champion: Kind of works with ball of spiders...not sure about this one. Seems like it'll be useful in a beast deck.
Ancestral knowledge: 2 cards for 4 mana...which you can't play because you are overloaded. Not bad late game I suppose, if there is a late game.
Bolster: Pretty useful to take a belcher out of range of a few things, but taunts generally get silenced if they are an issue anyway. It is unlikely you'll have enough taunts out early to make this useful
Burgle: Fun card, not very useful. No doubt added for the Burgle Brawl.
Injured Kvaldir: Very good card, going to be a must play in priest decks where you'll get that dream turn one double kvaldir into circle play.
Gormok: Seems pretty solid in decks like Paladin. 4 damage is very good early game.

The highest rank bonus is also very welcome. I always stop playing around rank 10, because there is no point trying to get higher. At least now there will be something to play for.


Tsukarr Jouster is a paladin card lol! meh, sorry handlocks.

new reward system is nice!

Gormok seems good for face paladin, better than king mukla maybe.

I feel paladin will come out much stronger after this expansion.


reaching rank 5 and getting a golden epic seems good to me, it's probably just random and all commons by default. Still good dust.
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