I like the rogue card Anubarak. We're talking about a bgh'able target where bgh removes only half the hp of the target and half the attack. And then it can be played again next turn. It looks like a card for that slower tempo almost control-like rogue control deck that had its moments of popularity in the past.
Aviana seems really strong though. But we'll have to see how consistently it works in favor of the druid each time. Innervate and such are clear combo cards, but 5/5 isn't difficult to deal with late game so finding a good window to play it and innervate could be hard.
Anecestral knowledge. I can see why someone might look at the overload, add it to the mana cost, and be like - wtf man, this is a 4 mana arcane intellect. The truth is, however, that if it were 1 overload, it would be a strictly stronger arcane intellect. Overload is a mechanic that increases the strength of a card by reducing the upfront cost. Lower upfront cost with a "pay later" mechanic is better than just an upfront cost when they both cost exactly the same, in terms of card strength valuation.
Especially for card cycling, you don't want to play ancestral knowledge and do nothing that turn in terms of playing for the board. So ancestral knowledge frees up 1 mana, essentially moving the window of opportunity for that card to be strong a turn earlier or just giving you 1 additional mana to spend on the cards you drew. I don't think that is something to be scoffed at. And if you didn't have to pay anything over similar card draw, then it would be a strictly stronger spell. I think it is a good card and will strengthen shaman combo+aggro decks.
Ancestral Knowledge does a couple things:
- It is better than a lot of other card draw. Burgle and Thoughtsteal don't pull from your deck, these are big penalties for some decks.
- Not all class cards are equal. Card draw is not cheap or easy for Shamans, it is very easy for Pallys and Rogues.
- The 2 overload makes it a late game card. The overload is not noticable at 9 or 10 mana.
- At 9 or 10 mana it is the only card draw that allows you to drop 8 drops. So you can top deck into Ragnaros & Alakir and play both of them back to back turns.
It's really not a bad card for a class starving for card draw. It is different and needs to be thought of differently.
I just want to point out that overload is very noticeable at 9 or 10 mana. Especially since alakir costs 8 and you generally want to play that on a turn with rockbiter so overload very often pushes back lethal a turn which is a very big deal.