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Hearthstone |OT4| The warsong has ended, please patron other decks

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Not really a fan of the brawl this week. Already got my 40 dust atleast, currently sitting on 2000 along with 1000g which I started saving within the last week or so.

Re: New Cards:

Anub'arak - Feels waaaaaaaaaay too slow. 9 mana, no immediate impact, and poor stat distribution to cater to the ability of never really dying. Cool in theory but I can't see it working in Rogue at all. Even on the off chance they get some crazy card that works like a prep for minions, he would return to hand at original cost and always suck up a ton of mana to use.

Aviana - Love this card, on the other hand. Disgusting when you innervate afterwards, and even more than Tharussian you NEED to kill her or you basically lose next turn. Brutal paired with bigger taunts like Ancient of War, or the KT combo so they need to get rid of both.

I am really excited to play druid after this expansion. Joust is already good for him as well.

After thinking a little more about it, I've cooled some on Aviana. Like you said your opponent has to kill it or lose the game (unless they have lethal that turn), so you're paying 9 mana for a 5/5 with a soft taunt. A card like that should cost around 5 mana. So you're paying 4 more to get a discount from say a 9 cost legendary of exactly 4. And you have to play on Turn 10. If you're holding an 8 cost card it's already pretty bad value and you can't hope it'll survive more than a turn on T10. So unless you have innervate and a hand full of expensive minions, this thing is a waste or time. And if you have that hand by T10, aggro has already killed you.

Compare to Thaurissan that's overcosted for around 1-1.5 man and can easily get you a 4-5 mana reduction on a normal play. Plus it has a much better chance of surviving at T6 than at T10 (still pretty low though).


Unconfirmed Member
After thinking a little more about it, I've cooled some on Aviana. Like you said your opponent has to kill it or lose the game (unless they have lethal that turn), so you're paying 9 mana for a 5/5 with a soft taunt. A card like that should cost around 5 mana. So you're paying 4 more to get a discount from say a 9 cost legendary of exactly 4. And you have to play on Turn 10. If you're holding an 8 cost card it's already pretty bad value and you can't hope it'll survive more than a turn on T10. So unless you have innervate and a hand full of expensive minions, this thing is a waste or time. And if you have that hand by T10, aggro has already killed you.

Compare to Thaurissan that's overcosted for around 1-1.5 man and can easily get you a 4-5 mana reduction on a normal play. Plus it has a much better chance of surviving at T6 than at T10 (still pretty low though).

I agree with your analysis. The card is good. I think there are enough ways for druid to stall the game and/or ramp up to get to the T10 dream in order for this card to be worth playing, but it isn't some godly card that will suddenly make druid unbeatable. It's weakness is the same one druid has had all along. The difference is this card has a lot of fun combinations and potential which the druid cards in the last few expansions have lacked. At a minimum this is going to make some really really crazy combos and fun videos, and probably be a niche thing in constructed if it gets played much at all.

That said, I would LOVE this card to become a staple, but I just can't see it beating out guys like Cenarius or Boom in the constucted Meta. But who knows, I'm awful at predicting the future so maybe there is a chance.


Burgle. I like the looks of this card. Someone called it shit? I dunno. I think it creates a card advantage for 2 mana. That is pretty damn nice imo. It is hard to tell how good it might be at a glance due to the random and nature and variance based on your opponent's class. It seems like Blizzard has heard people joke about how priest is the thief class and rogue can't steal much, but with gang up and burgle it seems like they are attempting to change that, which sounds cool to me.
Yeah I think Burgle is better than people give it credit for.

Most of the class cards that people use in their decks are very powerful. And it's a much more narrow group of cards they can get. Class cards also generally tend to be spells and Rogues can utilize that well enough with Prep.

Still it's fairly gimmicky and Rogue already has a huge draw card in Sprint for card advantage.
Yeah I think Burgle is better than people give it credit for.

Most of the class cards that people use in their decks are very powerful. And it's a much more narrow group of cards they can get. Class cards also generally tend to be spells and Rogues can utilize that well enough with Prep.

Still it's fairly gimmicky and Rogue already has a huge draw card in Sprint for card advantage.

It's 2 random class cards from your opponent's class, not from your opponent's deck. And given what this set has shown us, they can be truly awful or you might have no use for them.

Thoughtsteal is much better since it at least steals 2 cards good enough to be used in constructed.


It's 2 random class cards from your opponent's class, not from your opponent's deck. And given what this set has shown us, they can be truly awful or you might have no use for them.

Thoughtsteal is much better since it at least steals 2 cards good enough to be used in constructed.

For some reason I thought it was from the deck.

In that case it's much worse than I thought.


It's 2 random class cards from your opponent's class, not from your opponent's deck. And given what this set has shown us, they can be truly awful or you might have no use for them.

Thoughtsteal is much better since it at least steals 2 cards good enough to be used in constructed.

How many truly awful class cards has TGT introduced?

Just don't rely on it against Warlock I guess.


How many truly awful class cards has TGT introduced?

Just don't rely on it against Warlock I guess.

I'm holding my breath for the Priest ones - I have a feeling they'll either be fantastic or abysmal, and Priest needs some goddamned LOVE.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
But as far as synergy, here's what I would've liked instead:

This card is confusing as hell. Turning a weapon into a card draw engine is weird and clunky. It is a weapon you'd basically never want to attack with. And the deathrattle feels too specific to make obvious sense.


What the hell. I had a Voidcaller on board, opponent plays Sylvanas. My Voidcaller dies and summons a new voidcaller. I use this to kill his Sylvanas which steals the Doomguard that pops out.

I thought deasthrattles were supposed to be sequential now?


What the hell. I had a Voidcaller on board, opponent plays Sylvanas. My Voidcaller dies and summons a new voidcaller. I use this to kill his Sylvanas which steals the Doomguard that pops out.

I thought deasthrattles were supposed to be sequential now?

They are sequential for cards you play from your hand. I believe the order for that second Voidcaller is same as the one which summoned it. In today's brawl you can see a lot of these things happening actually.
I would just like to point out that the joust cards fuck over all shamen overload minions.

Yeah but, what overload minions are even run these days?

Fireguard Destroyer, Neptulon, soon to be Totem Golem. That's about it really.

Shaman (non-mech) will fare much better in jousts than a lot of the meta decks right now will, so at least there's that. Whether Shaman will actually run any joust minions, tough to say right now I think.


In game names are not unique right? Played a guy named Trump on Arena, guy mistakenly fireballs his own minion then immediately concedes on turn 3.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
But you get to play it a little earlier than you would've otherwise!!!!!!!!

When your mech mage finish game beats a warlock's upcoming handlock. Feels good!


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Lil' Exorcist actually does quite a lot of work in this new brawl!


This card is confusing as hell. Turning a weapon into a card draw engine is weird and clunky. It is a weapon you'd basically never want to attack with. And the deathrattle feels too specific to make obvious sense.


Literally the same exact wording used on an existing card.

SoJ: Summon minion, give it +1/+1. In turn, lose durability.

Fake card: Summon totem, draw card. In turn, lose durability. Or use Inspire as a keyword instead if you want.

SoJ is a card you use for its buffing power OR in a worst case scenario use it to attack with. The fake card is exactly the same. You'll want to play it for the card draw, but if you're in a pinch feel free to take a swing with it.

The Deathrattle part is simply stating that if/when the weapon is destroyed, you draw cards equal to the durability it had at the time of destruction. That number can either be 3, 2, 1, or 0 (in which case you draw nothing). It, like Sword of Justice, is a weapon that rather than be used for attacking has an alternate function. For SoJ, that use is buffing your minions. For the fake card, that use is card draw (something shaman needs). To make it fairer than Sword of Justice, it has lower durability, can only function with Totems (instead of -all- minions), and in general has a higher activation cost (currently there are no 0-cost Totems).

It's based off of a card that already exists, I'm not sure why you're confused. Deathrattle has also appeared on weapons before, too. The reason why I tied it to a weapon is because thematically it would make sense that a "Totem Pole" affects a Shaman's Totems in some way. They already had plenty of 'offensive' weapons with Stormforged Axe and Doomhammer. Why not give them something akin to the Paladin (the counterparts of Shamans)? Can't give 'em Secrets, so weapons are the next best thing. They already have enough card draw-based minions as it is (Mana Tide Totem, Siltfin Spiritwalker, Neptulon).


remember me
Ancient of War does but technically it isn't a transformation but rather a buff.

Ancient of War needs to be fixed if they want to be "consistent" before nerfing sacrificial pact vs the Jaraxxus hero. It shouldn't lose the health buff if it gets silenced.
With three Paladin cards revealed today, Priest is now the class with the fewest cards revealed with only one so far. Kinda crazy considering half the cards have been shown


Instant karma.

Opponent kills my Sea Giant, Kel'Thuzad spawns.
Opponent summons Dr. Balanced then threatens me.
On my turn Kel'Thuzad brings Sea Giant back to life.
Opponent concedes.


Darkbane and Lightbane too.

Argent Watchman will win the prize of the best art wasted on the worst card ever.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Ancient of War needs to be fixed if they want to be "consistent" before nerfing sacrificial pact vs the Jaraxxus hero. It shouldn't lose the health buff if it gets silenced.

Making it so Ancient of War doesn't lose the buff if it gets silenced would make it LESS consistent, not more. The health bonus is a buff and it is indicated as such.


Gold Member
You joke but it is way better than zombie chow and less open to be punished turn 1. I like it.

Ups and downs, chows do some serious work if you can trade them on turn 4 while playing a soulpriest. 10 free damage, with a fairly threatening 3/5 on the board. Most of the time that doesn't work out, but the option is nice to have and definitely helps.

This works better with circle and cleric, but zombie isn't bad either if you heal it with the hero power and just play a cleric, a lot of 1 drops and stuff like mad scientist get you an injured zombie to heal.


remember me
Making it so Ancient of War doesn't lose the buff if it gets silenced would make it LESS consistent, not more. The health bonus is a buff and it is indicated as such.

No. If druid of the claw gets silenced it keeps the 2 extra health. Both are worded exactly the same. So for consistency either Ancient of War needs to keep the health if silenced and only lose taunt, or druid of the claw needs to go down to a 4/4 if silenced.



I think we discussed this a while ago. I suggested back then that transformation effects (Druid of the Claw) should have a different code word, but I guess there aren't enough cards to justify it.


remember me
The cleanest solution would probably be to change the text like on Druid of the Flame, which indicates they are 2 different statted minions, instead of making you choose from +3 attack or +3 health.



Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
No. If druid of the claw gets silenced it keeps the 2 extra health. Both are worded exactly the same. So for consistency either Ancient of War needs to keep the health if silenced and only lose taunt, or druid of the claw needs to go down to a 4/4 if silenced.

Or, they can just change the card text on Druid of the Claw to keep it more consistent with Druid of the Flame and Druid of the Fang and keep the mechanics exactly as they are. Druid of the Claw is a Transformation effect and you should not be able to silence that. And Ancient of War is a buff and you should be able to silence that.
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