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Hearthstone |OT4| The warsong has ended, please patron other decks

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I think he seems pretty healthy and active for being almost 57 hours awake. This was like an hour ago at most:

Isn't the best case scenario for that card drawing into it with Battle Rage while setting up? I feel like gstting it as the first card of a turn to be useless most of the time since Patron is about combo'ing out in one go.


Isn't the best case scenario for that card drawing into it with Battle Rage while setting up? I feel like gstting it as the first card of a turn to be useless most of the time since Patron is about combo'ing out in one go.

Yeah it's best when hitting your acolytes, gnomes and armorsmiths or from card draw into combos.


The really problem with the warrior card is,he doesn't really do anything after you draw him.
They deck as very little use for a boulderfist ogre.
Not saying the card is any good, it's just hilariously on point with the current patron meta.

Patrons have a better chance at getting value out of this than Mages get out of Flame Leviathan with all the fucking draw they have.

It's just the salt talking. Don't mind me. Card is not the best but at least it's not a BGH target like Leviathan is. lol
I can understand thinking that, I learned Southsea Deckhand can gain and lose charge in the same turn if the weapon is used and breaks when he is played a few weeks ago.

But the Southsea Deckhand specifically says it has charge while you have a weapon, so it makes sense it will lose it if it's destroyed.

If you've played a card with charge it has already beaten summoning sickness, if it then gets silenced it's weird it would return.


Plunder is both great and terrible for patron. Depends how much control you have on your card draw. I need to play with it a bit to get full opinion on it. Great stats though.
Another interesting thing about Charge creatures, Warsong actually gives minions Charge. So if you Mind Control or Faceless a minion that's been buffed by her, it'll be able to attack that turn.

However, Tundra Rhino has an aura instead, where Beasts only have Charge while it's alive/un-silenced. The keyword here is that Warsong Commander 'gives' Charge while the Tundra Rhino only 'have' Charge. Commander used to have 'have' but it was changed to gives after it was nerf'd.


needs to show more effort.
Yeah I don't think the new card fits in patron warrior. It makes more sense in a generic enrage deck if such a thing ever happens. Sure the unpredictable whirlwind can work out but then you have a boulderfist ogre you never want to play and patron can run into hand size problems where having this dead card in hand is really painful. Plus with acolytes in play you now always have to be concerned of overdrawing and burning an important card. This unpredictably increases the number of cards you might draw before your next turn.

9 mana 10/10 charge is interesting. It's at least a 9 mana card with immediate board impact. It kills a big threat and remains a big threat itself sort of like an unconditional Rend Blackwing. I actually kind of like it. In control warrior I often wish I could just dump all the other legendaries and just play like 4 groms and this is kind of a worse grom but maybe bad grom is good enough.
I've been running without BGH lately. With 90% being rush decks I just don't get any value by playing it.
Yeah I hate feeling like I automatically have to save a deck slot for BGH. Mainly because if you don't have an immediate answer for Dr. Boom, it's game over.

Don't see how Blizzard doesn't see why Dr. Balanced needs a nerf immediately (or why he's not getting changed any time soon). BGH is borderline auto-include in almost every deck that isn't a rush deck because of him.
Yeah I hate feeling like I automatically have to save a deck slot for BGH. Mainly because if you don't have an immediate answer for Dr. Boom, it's game over.

Don't see how Blizzard doesn't see why Dr. Balanced needs a nerf immediately (or why he's not getting changed any time soon). BGH is borderline auto-include in almost every deck that isn't a rush deck because of him.

But then again, right now most people are bitching about Patron Warrior and aggro decks, which don't run him. So let them have it.

The card is obviously strong, but I think that has more to do with the fact that the other 7 drops are absolutely terrible. It still does nothing the turn it comes out, it's usually a win more card or complete waste of a turn against cancer decks. They'll just ignore it and hit face.

I think the solution is to make some 7 drops that can contend the spot, like say on the level of Antonidas.

I honestly don't see anything that requires a nerf right now. Or at least nothing that wouldn't require many more nerfs to balance stuff out. I think Owls for example are way too powerful and an auto include in pretty much every deck, unlike Dr. Balanced. But if you nerf Owls you have to nerf a lot of other stuff and you'll break lots of decks. Aggro probably wouldn't be viable anymore, which I guess would make some people here pretty happy (until they have to spend 30 mins a match against shitty mill decks).
But then again, right now most people are bitching about Patron Warrior and aggro decks, which don't run him. So let them have it.

The card is obviously strong, but I think that has more to do with the fact that the other 7 drops are absolutely terrible. It still does nothing the turn it comes out, it's usually a win more card or complete waste of a turn against cancer decks. They'll just ignore it and hit face.

I think the solution is to make some 7 drops that can contend the spot, like say on the level of Antonidas.

I honestly don't see anything that requires a nerf right now. Or at least nothing that wouldn't require many more nerfs to balance stuff out. I think Owls for example are way too powerful and an auto include in pretty much every deck, unlike Dr. Balanced. But if you nerf Owls you have to nerf a lot of other stuff and you'll break lots of decks. Aggro probably wouldn't be viable anymore, which I guess would make some people here pretty happy (until they have to spend 30 mins a match against shitty mill decks).

Antonidas doesn't do anything on turn 7 without the coin or having been discounted by the Emperor. Dropping a naked Antonidas on turn 7 is way worse than Dr. Boom because he's easier to remove with only 1 body with the same amount of health as the Dr. Antonidas is really a turn 8 with stealth spare part or turn 9/10 with Frost Bolt/Frost Nova. Otherwise, he's pretty useless.


I am actually considering dropping both Mountain Giants for Senjins in my Handlock deck because the card is 100% a dead card against aggro. Even if I get it out they just ignore it and go face. If I waste more mana taunting it up then they silence it and kill me. Might as well bait that silence early with Senjin so Belcher can stop the pressure.
So why can't there be a broken good shaman card. Shaman sees literally no play. Wtf you doing blizzard.

Instead we get 4 mana arcane intellect.

I'd argue that Ancestral Knowledge is much worse than Arcane Intellect because it will likely use up two turns with that overload. If you're forced to play it on turn 2 or 3, you're basically forfeiting that turn and the next in order to draw two cards. Lightning Storm just isn't reliable or good enough to get you back in the game after that.

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
How are some people playing when maintenance is on?


You should try to identify how you're losing the most and change some cards to counter that. Like running cards that destroy weapons if they're being played a lot or something like Kezan Mystic if you're running into trap decks. There are definitely people returning with old decks so your deck is probably not tuned for them. I ran into a freaking Murlock running Leeroy and a Freeze Giant Mage one after the other!
Most people are playing for late with good removal decks, after turn 7+ they are kings and start dropping legendaries and before they minimize my damage.
If I play with aggro sometimes I win, but never with mid/control. Maybe I should run BGH.


Most people are playing for late with good removal decks, after turn 7+ they are kings and start dropping legendaries and before they minimize my damage.
If I play with aggro sometimes I win, but never with mid/control. Maybe I should run BGH.
On which secret server can I find this control meta


So, seeing as the balancing patch should hit sooner rather than later (I've been told they usually hit just before expansions), what cards do you think should be hit with the nerf stick?

I think they should:

For sure:
Warsong commander
Battle rage
Emperor Thaurissan
Mad Scientist
Dr Boom
Piloted Shredder

Muster for Battle
Knife Juggler

This is all based on my limited experience with the game though.


Ladder is tougher now then it has ever been. I guess more people are playing now and more importantly the rewards means that veteran players are also now playing to get the high ranks (players like me who were out of the Constructed scene for quite a while).

Last time I got to Legendary was a while back and people used to give Handlock respect. They used to actually *gasp* remove Ancient Watchers on the board that weren't taunted up or didn't bring a Handlock player low enough so he can drop down Moltens + Shadow Flame + Taunt + Heal. Nah nowadays ain't no one giving Handlocks respect. They will ignore your minions and go face. Mountain Giants used to be a huge threat, nowadays people carry BGHs and you lose the game if you play Giants turn 4 after tapping a few times if it gets BGH'd on the following turn. Control Warriors all carry double Brawls so they can also hold off the aggression... hell even Grim Patrons are carrying one Brawl.

On top of that just about every class except Priest have a way to burst you down from 15 health. Oil Rogue, Freeze Mage, Tempo Mage, Mech Shaman, Druids, Grim Patron, Hunters, Aggro Paladins even some versions of Warlocks can do that.

Feels bad man.
So, seeing as the balancing patch should hit sooner rather than later (I've been told they usually hit just before expansions), what cards do you think should be hit with the nerf stick?

I think they should:

For sure:
Warsong commander
Battle rage
Emperor Thaurissan
Mad Scientist
Dr Boom
Piloted Shredder

Muster for Battle
Knife Juggler

This is all based on my limited experience with the game though.

In my experience, one-turn-kill combos get hit with stick most. This would mean that muster for battle, knife juggler, shredder, doom, mad scientist won't be touched. I don't know enough about battle rage or warsong commander to say anything, huge majority of warriors I meet are control warriors.

Thaurassian would be only card I could see getting nerfed.


I honestly think that any deck that can't kill you in a couple of turns once its set up can never be good in Hearthstone ever again.

Control Warrior still has Grommash. Warlocks can do a lot of damage once their giants are set up.

It's why Priest is lacking... even when they get set up on the board they can't kill you quickly if it's a Control Priest. Neither can a Control Paladin.

Even the slow decks have a quick way to end the game.


I don't have a problem with Emperor.
It gave new life to my Druid =(

Been playing Patron in ladder and I barely get him. I don't run Brawl, but maybe I should start.
Antonidas doesn't do anything on turn 7 without the coin or having been discounted by the Emperor. Dropping a naked Antonidas on turn 7 is way worse than Dr. Boom because he's easier to remove with only 1 body with the same amount of health as the Dr. Antonidas is really a turn 8 with stealth spare part or turn 9/10 with Frost Bolt/Frost Nova. Otherwise, he's pretty useless.

I agree completely? It's still a 7 mana minion though doesn't matter when you play him.

So why can't there be a broken good shaman card. Shaman sees literally no play. Wtf you doing blizzard.

Instead we get 4 mana arcane intellect.

I don't know what people are on about Shaman. Sure it's not the best class, but it sees plenty of play at high rank and has at least 2 effective deck archetypes.

Priest on the other hand is nothing but trash and I never see it played.
I've been climbing with control priest. The times when you win, you fucking rock the house, which feels awesome.

You don't usually have any burst finish which sucks but every once in a while you will suddenly smash a zoo lock's face in on turn 6 with a 15/2 light warden.

Also you usually crush Aggro which is why I'm sad I'm not seeing as much of it.

Going to stop playing it as soon as I run into a lot of Handlock, though. I HATE playing it against Handlock.


So, seeing as the balancing patch should hit sooner rather than later (I've been told they usually hit just before expansions), what cards do you think should be hit with the nerf stick?

I think they should:

For sure:
Warsong commander
Battle rage
Emperor Thaurissan
Mad Scientist
Dr Boom
Piloted Shredder

Muster for Battle
Knife Juggler

This is all based on my limited experience with the game though.

They would never nerf that many cards, especially at one time. They may nerf one, maybe two cards. I think Warsong, Battle Rage or Frothing are the only viable candidates for a nerf at this point.


On which secret server can I find this control meta
It is weird place but rank 19-16 eu was filled with control... More like druid/priest/handlock? Expect 1-2 non brm-naxx legendaries.
I also thought to use "secret/freeze mage deck" but I was trying other decks


I don't think both Warsong and Frothing Berserker would get nerfed. It's going to be one or the other and it's going to be Warsong more than likely.

Blizzard just doesn't like that card.

It's too soon to nerf Emperor even though that card also plays a HUGE role in the Grim Patron deck. However the time is right to nerf Dr Balanced and Mad Scientist.

I got so much rage mail over Dr Balanced yesterday because my two bots killed two minions on board allowing me to win a losing match. Or it went to face and I got exact lethal. My response to the players was "this is the game we play".


Fuck Shredders and their goddamn Doomsayers that supiciously always appear when I have board control.

Why does this game want me stop to playing it? Thankfully I finished that stupid 5+ mana minions quest and I can stop playing this thing for today. Argh.


Given the Undertaker-nerf happening two expansions after its release, I fully expect Boom to have something done to it soon. If not, I think I'm done complaining about balance because Blizz and I then fundamentally disagree on what game balance actually means.

Hopefully Shredder gets hit as well, because Blizz has to realize how much it limits their design space in the 3-5 mana slot.

Mad Scientist will stay because they want secrets to see play.
I agree completely? It's still a 7 mana minion though doesn't matter when you play him.

You were talking about including more quality 7 mana minions to contend with Dr. Boom and pointed to Antonidas as an example, but Antonidas doesn't come close to rivaling Dr. Boom. And yes, when you play him does matter. Dr. Boom can be played on turn 7 without giving it a second thought. Antonidas can be played on turn 7, but then he's a worse Boulderfist Ogre. Antonidas costs 7 mana, but if you just play Antonidas by himself, he's not worth 7 mana. In order to consider replacing Boom, you need a quality 7 mana minion that doesn't need to be comboed to get value.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Battle Rage was unplayable before Patron Warrior was a thing. The card is fine. Don't get sucked into nerfing fair cards just because of FOTM decks.

Mad Scientist and Dr. Boom are the only cards so OP that they are detrimental to the game as a whole. They should be the number one priority for any nerfs, if anything.

What would you call a Warlock who uses Murlocs?

A Murlock.
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