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Hearthstone |OT4| The warsong has ended, please patron other decks

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Anyone make any tentative 'nuke priest' decks, with flash heal, mind blast, auchenai, naaru, shadowform, velen, etc?

Yes, but I suspect it will need to be a combo priest rather than a nuke one. You'll run out of gas too fast without card draw. You're basically looking at an enhanced version of the velen deck which exists now -- I suspect it will be notably improved.
I think Rhonin is solid for freeze mage or other mages that run archmage. Replaces stuff like toshley.

Toshley is better because you're guaranteed at least one spell for Antonidas and not many people are going to waste a silence to stop a spare part. Not to mention Toshley isn't a BGH target.

Rhonin is worth silencing so your opponent doesn't get the three spells and he's a BGH target. I also think I'd rather have the chance to get stealth or Taunt for Antonidas over three inconsistent arcane missiles.


Toshley is better because you're guaranteed at least one spell for Antonidas and not many people are going to waste a silence to stop a spare part. Not to mention Toshley isn't a BGH target.

Rhonin is worth silencing so your opponent doesn't get the three spells and he's a BGH target. I also think I'd rather have the chance to get stealth or Taunt for Antonidas over three inconsistent arcane missiles.

Yeah, that's the big question. I think it'll be interesting to see it in practice. It's theoretically an additional 9 damage to face, and at worst, it taunted off a silence.


I think Rhonin is solid for freeze mage or other mages that run archmage. Replaces stuff like toshley.

Yeah, Toshley is the main comparison point here. It's two more mana, but you get more usable spells.

That said, how many decks run Toshley at this point?

Toshley has a much better body and trades extremely well with other minions around its cost, at 6 mana it's very playable.
This is a 8 mana war golem.

Toshley gives you something immediately if you just want to activate Antonidas. This could get silenced or morphed and you get nothing. Toshley is quite a bit better for this purpose and even that isn't played all that often. I don't see this one get picked much more than it if at all.


Anyone make any tentative 'nuke priest' decks, with flash heal, mind blast, auchenai, naaru, shadowform, velen, etc?

I think with flash heal, Gazlowe Mech priest may not be such a bad option. You've got the synergy and the new 3/4 legendaries on top of spare parts make them a pretty good all around.

I plan on running:

Mech Priest
Control Warrior
Control Priest
Lock and Load Hunter
Mega ramp druid
Top deck druid
Grim Patron
Totem Shaman

New set should be interesting.


Toshley is better because you're guaranteed at least one spell for Antonidas and not many people are going to waste a silence to stop a spare part. Not to mention Toshley isn't a BGH target.

Rhonin is worth silencing so your opponent doesn't get the three spells and he's a BGH target. I also think I'd rather have the chance to get stealth or Taunt for Antonidas over three inconsistent arcane missiles.

Toshley is also 2 mana less. I don't mean that Rhonin won't be played, but I suspect that a replacement for Toshley isn't the place he takes.


Toshley has a much better body and trades extremely well with other minions around its cost, at 6 mana it's very playable.
This is a 8 mana war golem.

Toshley gives you something immediately if you just want to activate Antonidas. This could get silenced or morphed and you get nothing. Toshley is quite a bit better for this purpose and even that isn't played all that often. I don't see this one get picked much more than it if at all.

Thinking about it, beyond this, the biggest indictment might be that Antonidas himself is 7 mana, so these spells are coming in a bit late.


This might be the broken Hunter card that makes Beast Hunter crazy good. There is a 70% chance to summon a 3 or more cost beast. Any beast 5 or more mana will almost win you the game.



Varian won't work in current CW. You could waste a lot of good battlecries.

Varian Warrior be Value Warrior.

Looking at the current list on Tempostorm...: https://tempostorm.com/hearthstone/meta-snapshot/meta-snapshot-24-aggro-aggro-aggro

You would want to get Ragnaros back in, but I'm not sure how many of these are actually a problem to be pulling out for free on the board given their stats.

Let's say you played Varian and pulled out Alexstrasza, Nefarian, and a Shield Maiden.

Like... does it really matter at that point? You just got a 7/7, 8/8, 8/8, and a 5/5 on the board for 10 mana.


needs to show more effort.
Varian won't work in current CW. You could waste a lot of good battlecries.

Varian Warrior be Value Warrior.
I don't think that's true at all. I'm not sad in the slightest when a deathlord pulls my alextrasa. When you get 0 mana 5/5s and 7/7s and 8/8s, you aren't sad about missing a battlecry.

I'd not sad when Dr Boom becomes a 0 mana 7/7 than Dr Boom, for example.


I dunno what is with blizzard's obsession giving hunters all terrible high end beast synergy. It is like they want hunters to only play face.


Looking at the current list on Tempostorm...: https://tempostorm.com/hearthstone/meta-snapshot/meta-snapshot-24-aggro-aggro-aggro

You would want to get Ragnaros back in, but I'm not sure how many of these are actually a problem to be pulling out for free on the board given their stats.

Let's say you played Varian and pulled out Alexstrasza, Nefarian, and a Shield Maiden.

Like... does it really matter at that point? You just got a 7/7, 8/8, 8/8, and a 5/5 on the board for 10 mana.

Yeah. It's just going to come down to if people save their board clears now and wipe all of your fatties at once.

I think he's a good card if the meta slows a bit.
What happens if you have Chromaggus out and then you play Varian? Will you play both copies of a drawn minion, or just the one that is pulled from the deck?


needs to show more effort.
This might be the broken Hunter card that makes Beast Hunter crazy good. There is a 70% chance to summon a 3 or more cost beast. Any beast 5 or more mana will almost win you the game.
The problem I have with this card is that it isn't easy to stick a beast on turn 4. Your opponent is already incentivized to kill any beasts you have before your turn 4 due to houndmaster and there aren't really any 4 cost beasts that hunter wants to play that have a chance to stick.


Gold Member
Looking at the current list on Tempostorm...: https://tempostorm.com/hearthstone/meta-snapshot/meta-snapshot-24-aggro-aggro-aggro

You would want to get Ragnaros back in, but I'm not sure how many of these are actually a problem to be pulling out for free on the board given their stats.

Let's say you played Varian and pulled out Alexstrasza, Nefarian, and a Shield Maiden.

Like... does it really matter at that point? You just got a 7/7, 8/8, 8/8, and a 5/5 on the board for 10 mana.

That light bomb value... :)
I really like Rohnin because BGH on him is just what the Mage wants you to do. You can burn a Silence on him but that still leaves a 7/7. Same thing with Wrynn, he's BGH able but that's not an issue if you get the draws. I really like these cards.


Varian looks amazing. Battlecry Shmattlecry. Drawing 3 cards, instantly playing any minions for free is crazy good. Charge and Taunt are nice substitutes, and in the end you still could get beefy dudes on the battlefield. Compare this with Neptulon, which is restricted to murlocs, causes overload, and puts them in your hand rather than on the board. Wow.


He's the leader of the 'Tor, you know him well!
He's finally back, to cast some spells!
His Arcane Missiles, can fire in spurts,
With a Flamewaker, it's gonna hurt!

Ram Wrangler? What's the angle here? Keep your pets out so you might get a Highmane?


The problem I have with this card is that it isn't easy to stick a beast on turn 4. Your opponent is already incentivized to kill any beasts you have before your turn 4 due to houndmaster and there aren't really any 4 cost beasts that hunter wants to play that have a chance to stick.
I think the deck will play differently than most Hunters. It might have more spells to handle the board, allowing ways for turn 2 and 3 minions to live. Secrets might also remain in the deck, which means Snakes & Freezing could protect the earlier played beasts or summon new ones.

Cards with Battle Cry text have proven they can easily trigger in the right deck. Goblin Blast Mage is the perfect example.

Ram Wrangler? What's the angle here? Keep your pets out so you might get a Highmane?
It's the Hunter version of Bane of Doom. On average it will be good value, but the random summon might win or loss you the game, the chances of top tier beasts is greater than 1 cost beasts. Summoning a 2 drop will give you average stats split across 2 bodies. Only usable in beast decks to limit it's use.


I feel like you may have to cut out Grom and Alexstraza from Control Warrior decks in order to fit in Varian, and put in Kelthuzad. It would be like those Control Warrior decks that focus on surviving and outvaluing your opponent.


I feel like you may have to cut out Grom and Alexstraza from Control Warrior decks in order to fit in Varian, and put in Kelthuzad. It would be like those Control Warrior decks that focus on surviving and outvaluing your opponent.

One does not simply cut Grom.


One does not simply cut Grom.

Well you probably want to cut out Alex in a deck with Varian since it loses the battlecry if i gets pulled out, and Kelthuzad synergizes wih Varian. Then if you don't have Alex in your deck, Grom loses a lot of value and synergy.
I feel like you may have to cut out Grom and Alexstraza from Control Warrior decks in order to fit in Varian, and put in Kelthuzad. It would be like those Control Warrior decks that focus on surviving and outvaluing your opponent.

Gromm would be perfect for Varian. Play a 10 mana 7/7, get Grom for free (8 mana), play Inner Rage on Gromm for 12 damage to face.


Varian is awesome from a value perspective. If you're already a bit ahead or your life is not being immediately threatened he is a huge drop. On the backfoot you'd want to hope to hit a Belcher or something.

Definitely not a combo card but seems great in a more classic control warrior.


Yep, Xanathus is right. The first thing I thought is "you'll have to cut alex."

But cutting alex has all sorts of consequences -- more so than Grom, in my opinion. I'm sure every control warrior has won a decent number of games (that is, not just rare quirks, but a pretty common occurrence) where some aggro decks had run them down to 6 health on turn 9 and alex saved them and turned the tide when the aggro decks was running out of gas.

It is specifically that component that's hard to replace regarding alex. Any warrior that runs Varian and cuts Alex/Grom will need to be more survivable in other ways, or accept that highly aggressive decks will become far less dominant a matchup.
I feel like you may have to cut out Grom and Alexstraza from Control Warrior decks in order to fit in Varian, and put in Kelthuzad. It would be like those Control Warrior decks that focus on surviving and outvaluing your opponent.

Don't you dare utter such profane language!

Alex has been swappable for Ysera in Control Warrior for a while now. However, Grom is just too powerful as a finisher in CW and works well with Ysera if you pull Awakens.


Yep, Xanathus is right. The first thing I thought is "you'll have to cut alex."

But cutting alex has all sorts of consequences -- more so than Grom, in my opinion. I'm sure every control warrior has won a decent number of games (that is, not just rare quirks, but a pretty common occurrence) where some aggro decks had run them down to 6 health on turn 9 and alex saved them and turned the tide when the aggro decks was running out of gas.

It is specifically that component that's hard to replace regarding alex. Any warrior that runs Varian and cuts Alex/Grom will need to be more survivable in other ways, or accept that highly aggressive decks will become far less dominant a matchup.

Also, decks can take many more risks against an Alex/Grom-less warrior. Most notably, handlock(and other control decks) can safely hit much lower health levels and without having to worry about dying to burst from the warrior.

I think Varian is interesting and potentially quite powerful, but I believe he was created more for whatever taunt archetype they are trying to push than current control warrior.


Also, decks can take many more risks against an Alex/Grom-less warrior. Most notably, handlock(and other control decks) can safely hit much lower health levels and without having to worry about dying to burst from the warrior.

I think Varian is interesting and potentially quite powerful, but I believe he was created more for whatever taunt archetype they are trying to push than current control warrior.

I strongly agree.


Wonder if they'll ever make shaman 0 mana cards with overload. Do cool stuff this turn, screw the next turn over. Especially a high overload of 3-4+


Blocked at work. Can someone host the pic somewhere else? Or alternatively describe what they do?

Varian Wrynn, 10 mana, 7/7: draw 3 cards. Any creatures you draw are immediately put in to play.

Rhonin: 8 mana, 7/7; when Rhonin dies, put 3 copies of arcane missiles in your hand.


You should probably run Justicar in a warrior deck like that to compensate for lack of Alex or shield maidens and hope that you draw it and can play it earlier.
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