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Hearthstone |OT6| C'THUN for President! Why pick the lesser evil?


on divine favor.

In terms of design/gameplay, Divine Favor actually hits a lot of the goals we strive for when creating cards. For one, it's not just an 'always good' card you put in any deck. If you are running Divine Favor you clearly construct the rest of your deck with that card in mind, then make some deck choices you might not otherwise. Also, you can play around DF if it's something you are expecting. I think in order to feel really good about your DF play you have to get 3-4+ cards. When DF pulls 2, you are essentially putting Arcane Int into your hyper-aggressive deck (which would be far too slow, imo). Lastly the risk/reward is high. When a card is somewhat consistent but has super high points and super low points, I think that's really cool for the excitement level of your deck so long as the highs and lows aren't consistently deciding the outcome of your games.

All that said, there is clearly an entire thread dedicated to the discussion of DF power level so it would be silly to ignore that. A lot of frustration comes when a player spends 3 mana to draw 7-8 cards for (seemingly) no investment on their part. Just wanted to come in and share some of the positive aspects of the card from our point of view.

well, these are fair points. I don't think that card is that oppressive when you have to build a deck around like aggro paly but turns out it works great in something like secret paladin too as a one of and that's not a low cost low curve deck exactly...


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Yeah but how does stuff like Raven Idol work?

Are the Discovers chosen randomly or does the player get to pick both cards?

I would imagine it'd be like Brann where you just discover twice (minion then spell) though I don't know if that was specifically said.


Has Blizzard clarified Fandral yet?

BB said they went to the trouble of making a new third tokens for cards like druid of the claw and others.

Yeah but how does stuff like Raven Idol work?

Are the Discovers chosen randomly or does the player get to pick both cards?

you just discover twice like with Brann effect probably. The order they said is left to right, so you get minion first then an spell.

Something like wrath deals 4 damage and draws a card.
on divine favor.

well, these are fair points. I don't think that card is that oppressive when you have to build a deck around like aggro paly but turns out it works great in something like secret paladin too as a one of and that's not a low cost low curve deck exactly...
hopefully with avenge gone secret paly slowly rides off into the sunset. but yeah, that card is aggrivating to play against. my hand is usually near empty versus aggro because I'm busying killing all of their shit.


So what about Keeper of the Grove?

Does it Silence and deal damage to a single target? Or can you chose two separate targets for the different effects?


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Yeah but how does stuff like Raven Idol work?

Are the Discovers chosen randomly or does the player get to pick both cards?

If Fandral randomly chosen both times I would probably submit a bug report. There is a 0% chance that it won't let you choose both a minion and a spell.
on divine favor.

well, these are fair points. I don't think that card is that oppressive when you have to build a deck around like aggro paly but turns out it works great in something like secret paladin too as a one of and that's not a low cost low curve deck exactly...
Some of them are fair points, but the biggest point isn't true, that you can "play around" Divine Favor. If you are playing a deck on a curve, you often don't get the choice to drop a bunch of cheap cards to make your hand smaller. If I'm playing Aggro Shaman, even, I usually can't play more than 1 card per turn due to Overload.
So what about Keeper of the Grove?

Does it Silence and deal damage to a single target? Or can you chose two separate targets for the different effects?

probably the same as brann + bgh or brann+corruptor

He stated that it's always left choice then right choice. so I'm assuming if the minion dies after the left choice, the right one fizzles


say war obviously becomes 10/10 taunt.

claw becomes a 4/6 taunt with charge.

soo, how druid of the flame works?

do you get a 5/5? this is where the inconsistency in card text comes back to be confusing. Do you get a 2/5 and a 5/2?

Druid of the saber is same I think, do you get a charger and a 3/2 stealth? I think the text suggests you should get two minions.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Oh, I guess some of that could be confusing. I imagined Wrath would let you target twice instead of doubling it to 4 damage/draw a card.

hopefully with avenge gone secret paly slowly rides off into the sunset. but yeah, that card is aggrivating to play against. my hand is usually near empty versus aggro because I'm busying killing all of their shit.

I can't see secret pally being a thing in standard when their on curve early game was gutted. The deck lived and died off board control, and the strongest secret interaction was get down/avenge which helped maintain board even more. MC himself might be powerful enough to shove somewhere, but I wouldn't think the deck would be very similar.

Now straight up vomit your hand and divine favor for a million will surely still be around. They even got a fairly aggressive one drop.

say war obviously becomes 10/10 taunt.

claw becomes a 4/6 taunt with charge.

soo, how druid of the flame works?

do you get a 5/5? this where the inconsistency in card text comes back to be confusing. Do you get a 2/5 and a 5/2?

Druid of the saber is same I think

I'd think it'd be a 5/5, and Saber would be a 3/2 stealth charge.


I don't really take anything Blizzard says seriously anymore related to card power level/popularity.

They can defend Divine Favor all they want, if it remains a problem they will turn heel like they usually do and nerf it. Just like if Juggler keeps getting played they will be forced to nerf it or Alex etc.

Everything is rainbow and sunshine until it's nerf time and then suddenly cards that Blizzard never made comments about are getting the hammer.

do you get a 5/5? this where the inconsistency in card text comes back to be confusing. Do you get a 2/5 and a 5/2?
That was confirmed on stream, you get a 5/5.

Druid of the Saber you get a 3/2 minion with Stealth/Charge which doesn't do much because Stealth and Charge are counter intuitive to each other. So it's basically just a 3/2 charge minion most of the time.


say war obviously becomes 10/10 taunt.

claw becomes a 4/6 taunt with charge.

soo, how druid of the flame works?

do you get a 5/5? this where the inconsistency in card text comes back to be confusing. Do you get a 2/5 and a 5/2?

Druid of the saber is same I think

Druid of the flame is 5/5 and Saber is 3/2 Stealth Charge


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Everybody thinks it's so important for the card text to be consistent but the moment you play the cards you'll know how it works and you'll probably never look at the text again, with few exceptions. It is more important in the reveal phase than when the cards are actually being used.


Top 5 legendaries in no particular order for me

Twin Emperor
Fandrel Stagholm

Honorable mention cutie cards

Huhu and Zerus
I'm leaning towards crafting Twin Emperor but I'm gonna give it some more time and thought as I'll only have dust for one legendary so it should be a good one. Very likely that it'll be neutral though.

One of these:
Twin Emperor
Black Knight(probably not)
Or maybe a surprise legendary that turns out to be amazing.


it's statistically proven to be real, Blizzard will never admit their rng is rigged. All these games like are rigged, just look to all the gatcha games. This is rigged in a positive way.


what if magic the gathering game designers were like HS designers

"well black lotus is not busted, if you topdeck it with no cards in hand is pretty bad".



(Wait, the pity counter hasn't been confirmed to be real, has it?)

Well, they sort of did, but it was in an Overwatch interview where they were asked about the odds of never getting a legendary skin from loot crates if it was random, and they explained that in the post Diablo 3 era, Blizzard as a company never does truly random loot because that would just disappoint people.


Everybody thinks it's so important for the card text to be consistent but the moment you play the cards you'll know how it works and you'll probably never look at the text again, with few exceptions. It is more important in the reveal phase than when the cards are actually being used.

Why not just make sure card text is consistent



Yeah, this is similar to the Hunter decks Dahbomb and I both made. Except you got the Injured Camel package. A cool idea. I do think you need 2 Call of the Wilds though. The card is just too good not to run two-of.

I think a deck or something like it will be quite good. It will take some play testing to find out the optimal list. I'm excited to try it out!


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Why not just make sure card text is consistent

I do think it is important for cards to be consistent, but it is not as important as everybody says it is. Like "every" vs "every other" is being pedantic. But "Whenever you play" vs "After you play" is actually pretty important once you realize that this describes whether the behavior occurs before or after battlecries.

And something like Fandral Staghelm is not going to be able to describe every interaction succiently and in full. Especially if future Choose One cards are implemented. The current text gets you most of the way there, and playing with it or asking questions will get you the answers you need. This game is not Magic, where the following the rules requires players to understand how the cards work. The game itself enforces the rules in Hearthstone.
I do think it is important for cards to be consistent, but it is not as important as everybody says it is. Like "every" vs "every other" is being pedantic. But "Whenever you play" vs "After you play" is actually pretty important once you realize that this describes whether the behavior occurs before or after battlecries.

And something like Fandral Staghelm is not going to be able to describe every interaction succiently and in full. Especially if future Choose One cards are implemented. The current text gets you most of the way there, and playing with it or asking questions will get you the answers you need. This game is not Magic, where the following the rules requires players to understand how the cards work. The game itself enforces the rules in Hearthstone.
How is "every" vs. "every other" pedantic?

"Every minion gets +1/+1".
"Every other minion gets +1/+1".

Clear difference in meaning.


May contain jokes =>
How is "every" vs. "every other" pedantic?

"Every minion gets +1/+1".
"Every other minion gets +1/+1".

Clear difference in meaning.

That is not the situation nor the semantic misunderstanding that was being discussed. In the case of mountain giant it makes no difference.
So I made a bunch of posts around Hearthpwn, reddit, and some discussions with some of the people I playtest with while I was away from Neogaf. I decided to just summarize (and it is a summary since the card reveals have had me spending a ton of my time talking about the game) everything here in case anyone wants to read yet another take on the competitive side of HS after WotOG, but then I realized we probably didn't want a wall of text on my thoughts involving every detail for each class. So I'll settle on Rogue.

Rogue: With the "loss" of Blade Flurry, many are reconsidering the state of the class - especially given the Malyrogue was already being predicted to be the strongest deck out of the gates by most streamers - and what form it will take post-rotation. The biggest point of contention is whether Blade Flurry will see play still. Besides all the doom and gloom, Blade Flurry is still a 4-mana AoE that requires a bit of side investment. I imagine decks like Control Rogue or even C'Thun decks will still end up running the card down the line even if it's only a 1-of.

But the most important consideration to be made is that Haunted Creeper, Nerubian Egg, and Shredder all leave which makes Rogues point removal (Backstab, SI7, etc), Dark Iron Skulker, and even Blade Flurry all stronger as a result. The loss of Tinker Oil prevents most of the burst damage, but streamers (notably Lifecoach's Midrange Rogue) have had success without the card entirely. Also of note, the only cards that really leave Rogue from rotation are Sludge Belcher, Healbot, and Tinker's. Healbot doesn't have as good a replacement - although I think Earthen Ring is just fine since it heals and deals with threats earlier - but Psych-O-Tron seems like an effective replacement for Belcher (other potentials being Crazed Worshipper, Cyclopian Warrior, or even Faceless Shambler and Infested Tauren.. okay, maybe not the Tauren). Another strong card that Rogue can make use of better than any other class is the Silithid Swarmer.

Regardless, what will happen is either A.) Rogue will become more of a Tempo-heavy deck using cards like S1:7, Backstab, Raiden Panda, etc to clear the board as it plays and praying that it doesn't get overrun or B. ) Traditional Rogue will die out to be replaced by things like Aggro Rogue (Sap being a strong "silence" effect that is still affordable) or perhaps...

...we might still have faith in Malygos Rogue. Despite the loss of Flurry and Healbot, Malygos Rogue has gained a few toys. Undercity Huckster, Xaril, and - interestingly - a lot of Malyrogue players have been discussing Yogg-Sarron as a method of coming back onto the board in the late game. On that front, I don't have much to say. Malyrogue has always been a powerful deck, but Blade Flurry was also a key piece in the clockwork there - maybe even more so than Oil Rogue.


Mountain Giant is actually significant as it would count itself without the "other". I can't find the discussion so not sure if that's what it was about.

As for the Drakes it's just dumb as it's a clear reference to the old card and could be corrected within seconds, I'll assume it's just not the final text.
Finally took the time to unlock Liandrin, and played with her for the first time last night. My 3 year old daughter loves to "help" me play, and she was sooooooooo excited that dada had a girl paladin now. So I guess I'm going to have to use some of my google opinion rewards money to grab that hunter girl too.

She really wants a girl warlock, so get on that Blizzard.


I microwave steaks.
Finally took the time to unlock Liandrin, and played with her for the first time last night. My 3 year old daughter loves to "help" me play, and she was sooooooooo excited that dada had a girl paladin now. So I guess I'm going to have to use some of my google opinion rewards money to grab that hunter girl too.

She really wants a girl warlock, so get on that Blizzard.

alleria is definitely worth it, she's a bit smug, but not as smug as rexxar, that son of a bitch.


She really wants a girl warlock, so get on that Blizzard.

Wouldn't get your hopes up to be honest. The heroes they pick tend to be super main stream and there aren't any female warlocks that fit that bill. Though frankly there aren't any male ones either besides Cho'gall who is now going to be a card.

I'm actually super interested to see what they come up with for an alternate warlock. Going to have to be a deeper cut than usual.
Finally took the time to unlock Liandrin, and played with her for the first time last night. My 3 year old daughter loves to "help" me play, and she was sooooooooo excited that dada had a girl paladin now. So I guess I'm going to have to use some of my google opinion rewards money to grab that hunter girl too.

She really wants a girl warlock, so get on that Blizzard.

I'm not a lore expert, but I can't really think of a really well know female Warlock-ish character from Warcraft.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
alleria is definitely worth it, she's a bit smug, but not as smug as rexxar, that son of a bitch.

Her "oops" emote is the best. She gives zero fucks when she says it, so it's like she's saying she will beat you anyway, lol.
Yeah, I've played all three warcrafts, and WoW to 60 before Burning Crusade came out (and then just now a goblin to 20 for Liandrin), and I think the only playable characters who I had any clue who they are were Uther and Thrall, so you can see how much I pay attention to lore. I do kind of expect them to end up with a lady for each class eventually though, even if that means using more obscure characters.


The most recognizable female Warlock for me is the Gnome Warlock they use for Character Classes in WoW.



Tried to play WoW for the skin, got to lvl10 and it was just awful. Haven't played since then plus my hard drive crashed and I had to reformat it.


May contain jokes =>
Mountain Giant is actually significant as it would count itself without the "other". I can't find the discussion so not sure if that's what it was about.

As for the Drakes it's just dumb as it's a clear reference to the old card and could be corrected within seconds, I'll assume it's just not the final text.
Yeah sorry I meant drakes. Mountain giant was brought up too.
Tried to play WoW for the skin, got to lvl10 and it was just awful. Haven't played since then plus my hard drive crashed and I had to reformat it.

I had a good time for the most part. A combo of nostalgia for back when I played/enjoyed it originally and being impressed by the goblin starting stuff. In some ways, they've come a long way from "kill 10 snow leopards"


I had a good time for the most part. A combo of nostalgia for back when I played/enjoyed it originally and being impressed by the goblin starting stuff. In some ways, they've come a long way from "kill 10 snow leopards"
They have?

That's literally all I did. Bunch of mind numbing fetch/kill quests.
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