Man, mo' dust, mo' problems.
Sitting on 5200 right now and am torn between crafting a golden Ysera or getting a normal Ysera and crafting some other super useful legendary like Rags, Thalnos, or Chillmaw.
A golden Ysera (and Sylvanas) are my two most wanted cards in the set and I regret crafting Boom / Sylvanas when I could have spent that dust to just craft golden Sylvanas.
I'm pretty much F2P, though I do shell out cash for the Adventures (and a pre-order bundle this time around), so this dust is really valuable, but man, golden Ysera....
In terms of the new set, I'm thinking about crafting Yoggs, Ysaarj, and / or Xaril. I think the priest legendary will be strong after the next adventure / set comes out. If I like C'thun, then maybe I'll do the twin emps, but I think I'll get tired of it pretty quickly.
I'm looking forward to Thoughtstealing ALL of the C'thuns though. Mwahaha...mwahaaahaa...MWAUHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA!
edit: Played some Desert Camel / Beast Hunter (standard) today and man, DESERT CAMEL will HUMP you in the current meta. Desert Camel → Trogg / Mana Wyrm SUCKS.