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Hearthstone |OT6| C'THUN for President! Why pick the lesser evil?


I just got fucking destroyed by Yogg, and I do mean destroyed.Yogg got Charge, Windfury, Feral Spirit, Bolster, Bite, Soul of the Forest to the full board plus a couple of burn spells.

It was insane.


Just got Yogg'd for the first time, Mage of course

Complete disaster for my opponent. He cleared my side of the board, sure, but Yogg was all he had left at the end, it self-froze and damaged itself down to 3, and he over-drew by 5 cards.

Jesus Christ I would give a lung to see this. I swear Trolden and the others had better have overdrive for these scenarios. I just saw Kripp play it and overdraw himself when it casted 2 sprints lmao.
So messing with Deathrattle Hunter and I feel like there's something decent there, but I'm not good enough to know what it needs to be really refined.

I've been fiddling with this too, I came up with something that is doing relatively well. Criticism appreciated.

First game against a handlock. I won on turn 5.
Second game, a Priest running C'Thun. He ended up with a 19/19 C'Thun!

I won on turn 9 with doomhammer and rockbiter.

Aggro Shaman. No regrets.


Got 4 legendaries in my prerelease packs.

New Rag
New Deathwing
Vek'lor Twin emp
Shifter Zerus

and 3 in my next 40 that I bought
Y'Shari Rage Unbound

I'm ok with this. Probably get 60 more later when servers stabilize.


Wondering why I'm seeing C'thun Shamans. Is there like, any reason to do that over any other class?

You can hold your own till turn 10 with feral spirits, Hallazeal, lightning storm, earth elemental, elemental destruction, and do an early agro shaman like game


I got the shaman leg and deathwing :( got tons of epics and gold cards though.

I have all the shaman cards and playing midrange shaman for the quest. Like every opponent is beast hunter rank 3-4 and it's really easy to beat them lol. Thing from below is very strong.

Servers are borked, I DC last game and the games are really laggy overall. I can't even view my own deck in collection manager but I can play it lol.


You can hold your own till turn 10 with feral spirits, Hallazeal, lightning storm, earth elemental, elemental destruction, and do an early agro shaman like game
Ah, yeah, I guess. Seems a bit weird to me, though, since Shaman doesn't have any cards that directly synergize with C'thun and from what I've seen, they have a really hard time buffing C'thun as a result if they wanna keep up with the rest of the game.

But speaking of, coming back with Hallazeal and Lightning Storm is the greatest fucking feeling. He left up a Wind Totem and my Azure Drake and I went from 5 HP to full and had the board on top of that. I have absolutely no regrets crafting this dude. I love him, holy shit.


yeah, I already made 3 Hallazeal plays, it felt so good against the face shaman dude. That was after I harrison'd his doomhammer.


C'Thun decks all suck, this druid even lived long enough to play C'Thun against the might of midrange shaman. I was like whatever, Hex.


Awesome. Got in on my iPhone, open pack, crashes. Go back in, open pack, crashes lol. The cards still go into my collection even though I didn't reveal them right?


3-1 with my Midrange list right now. I'm kinda glad I'm not up against aggro right now because I'm pretty sure I'd melt. I've smacked down every C'thun deck I've played, though, even the ones that managed to play C'thun, just gotta believe you're gonna draw Hex.
I just had a 20 minute game of fatigue against a Reno lock as Reno Shadow Priest. I copied his Reno with Thoughtsteal on turn 3 and then Harrison's his 7 durability Jaraxxus. Poor guy got right smashed.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
1 hour to go for EU?
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