1 hour to go for EU?
shaman shenanigans picture.
I love this.
You guys actually got in? I've been trying all afternoon and I still can't get into the game.
Enjoy the lightbomb.
Sorry priests.
FUCK YEAH! The final pack of my free set of five!!!
Flamewreathed Faceless, fuck whoever designed that.
Flamewreathed Faceless, fuck whoever designed that.
Flamewreathed Faceless, fuck whoever designed that.
Meh, I'm playing C'Thun rogue with double sap and blade.
Play more flamewreathed faceless, please.
And yes, C'Thun rogue totally works. The only issue at the moment is refining it to get a bit more card draw.
I'm trying to get back into the game after being out since Naxx and I feel so lost. Any good places to start in terms of decks?
The new expansion and format are literally only out a few hours so there's no real guides for decks out yet!I'm trying to get back into the game after being out since Naxx and I feel so lost. Any good places to start in terms of decks?
Okay and if you don't remove it you straight up lose the game.
Remove crackle to replace it with Dr.4 EleGiggle
Have you tried the deck recipes? Those are pretty cool. It's a relatively new feature that helps you generate specific deck types based on the cards you have. That's a good place to start.
The new expansion and format are literally only out a few hours so there's no real guides for decks out yet!
Arena gonna arena, I had a Mage esportal a turn 4 Malkorok + Gladiator's Longbow against me today. Paladin still BrokeBack incarnate.wow this arena match, feels like it's constructed, this guy has a stupid deck with 3 servants, an ethereal conjurer, 2 flamestrikes, Oh and 3 flamewakers wakers
wow, second run, had awesome luck with my opponents deathlord and then he played an portaled bomb lobber, wtf
Which is why you run removal. Then they are just overloaded which is why I don't think the card is that great. The Shamans I have been playing have not impressed me at all.
I guess we'll see what evolves.
I have noticed Infested Tauren kinds of sucks.
I'm starting to not want to craft yogg, yeah you'll get soem moments, but bleck most of the time
It's so tempting even if I think it's a terrible card
Yeah but its a case of either you have the removal or you don't, that's why it's stupid. The 2 overload is marginal now especially with the 3/2 sentinel card. If they have more threats down the line then you used your removal on a 4 mana card.
He better stockpile that footage because soon turn 10 will be a relic of the past. Guess there's still Esportal Yogg from wild modesYogg is simultaneously the greatest and worst card. Will keep Trolden employed.
Worth it to build Al'Akir for midrange? I don't have a finisher exactly for this deck, but I dunno.
Maybe. He certainly was useful in the past, but it kind of depends on the meta , so it's hard to tell right now.Worth it to build Al'Akir for midrange? I don't have a finisher exactly for this deck, but I dunno.