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Hearthstone |OT6| C'THUN for President! Why pick the lesser evil?


wow this arena match, feels like it's constructed, this guy has a stupid deck with 3 servants, an ethereal conjurer, 2 flamestrikes, Oh and 3 flamewakers wakers

wow, second run, had awesome luck with my opponents deathlord and then he played an portaled bomb lobber, wtf



I love this.


Got 3 legendaries in 80 packs.
Did my quests for 10 packs
Now 3/90
Fuck this shit everyone seems to be getting way better.


Turn 4 I'm staring down
Abusive Sergeant, Knife Juggler, Posessed Villager x 2 and a Voidwalker
all I've got on board is a Tuskarr Totemic.
I kill the Voidwalker with my Totemic, cast lightning bolt onto the knife juggler, drop a Nerubian Prophet for 2 and use my last mana to evolve my board.

I get Knight of the Wild and Crowd Favorite for a 6/6 and a 4/4 against his remaining board.
Dude never recovers.
Flamewreathed Faceless, fuck whoever designed that.

Meh, I'm playing C'Thun rogue with double sap and blade.

Play more flamewreathed faceless, please.

And yes, C'Thun rogue totally works. The only issue at the moment is refining it to get a bit more card draw.


nzoth's first mate feels even better than I thought so far and I was already expecting it to be very good

it's the ultimate 1 drop and really sets the tone for the whole game,almost every time i've played it so far i've not just won but flat out dominated


I'm trying to get back into the game after being out since Naxx and I feel so lost. Any good places to start in terms of decks?


Meh, I'm playing C'Thun rogue with double sap and blade.

Play more flamewreathed faceless, please.

And yes, C'Thun rogue totally works. The only issue at the moment is refining it to get a bit more card draw.

Okay and if you don't remove it you straight up lose the game.

Remove crackle to replace it with Dr.4 EleGiggle
I'm trying to get back into the game after being out since Naxx and I feel so lost. Any good places to start in terms of decks?

Have you tried the deck recipes? Those are pretty cool. It's a relatively new feature that helps you generate specific deck types based on the cards you have. That's a good place to start.


Man, Cthun is a stupid card. I'm 6-1 with Reno C'zoo lock. My record so far is a 17 damage to face Cthun against a control priest. My one lose was to an Aggro shaman and even then I almost had him, just needed a taunt or Reno for lethal next turn.

Also, that warlock 5/6 give +1+1 when a friendly minion dies is super strong. It's like a pseudo lotheb.
Okay and if you don't remove it you straight up lose the game.

Remove crackle to replace it with Dr.4 EleGiggle

Which is why you run removal. Then they are just overloaded which is why I don't think the card is that great. The Shamans I have been playing have not impressed me at all.

I guess we'll see what evolves.

I have noticed Infested Tauren kinds of sucks.


Have you tried the deck recipes? Those are pretty cool. It's a relatively new feature that helps you generate specific deck types based on the cards you have. That's a good place to start.

I didn't try that, that seems like a good way to jump in.

The new expansion and format are literally only out a few hours so there's no real guides for decks out yet!

That is true haha. I guess it's a good time to get back into the game then.


wow this arena match, feels like it's constructed, this guy has a stupid deck with 3 servants, an ethereal conjurer, 2 flamestrikes, Oh and 3 flamewakers wakers

wow, second run, had awesome luck with my opponents deathlord and then he played an portaled bomb lobber, wtf
Arena gonna arena, I had a Mage esportal a turn 4 Malkorok + Gladiator's Longbow against me today. Paladin still BrokeBack incarnate.


My first ever Yogg wiped a full board of Patrons, summoned me Treants, buffed a treant, drew me two cards and gave me Counter Spell. Oh yeah, it also used Blood Warriors after it hit itself with earth shock - which gave me a second Yogg.



Which is why you run removal. Then they are just overloaded which is why I don't think the card is that great. The Shamans I have been playing have not impressed me at all.

I guess we'll see what evolves.

I have noticed Infested Tauren kinds of sucks.

Yeah but its a case of either you have the removal or you don't, that's why it's stupid. The 2 overload is marginal now especially with the 3/2 sentinel card. If they have more threats down the line then you used your removal on a 4 mana card.


so I just finished the second quest for 5 packs and I got the Dragon Lord.

So in 48 packs I got golden Xril, Twins and Dragon Lord.

I feel lucky.


Yogg is garbage guys, don't waste dust due to hype.

Kripp goes up against a non Cthun deck after a long time (Aggro Shaman) and gets annhialated. Got to use Yogg twice against a Cthun Warrior still lose because Yogg fatigued him to death.

Just watch some Trolden videos of it.
Yeah but its a case of either you have the removal or you don't, that's why it's stupid. The 2 overload is marginal now especially with the 3/2 sentinel card. If they have more threats down the line then you used your removal on a 4 mana card.

Yes but in the context of rogue down the line is me playing the twins into a 28 attack c'thun buffed by the blades after a stealthed brann.

Sure a 7/7 is strong, but I don't think the deck is as powerful as the other options.


Enjoy your meme decks while you can, seems like people are already running into a bunch of aggro Shaman meta prophets so I give it about a week until ladder is fully infested

Yogg is simultaneously the greatest and worst card. Will keep Trolden employed.
He better stockpile that footage because soon turn 10 will be a relic of the past. Guess there's still Esportal Yogg from wild modes



I did the second quest for the last 5 packs and received 2 golden legendaries.



I had never dropped so quickly 2 legendaries, much less 2 golden.

Overall I bought 10 packs less than TGT, where I spend real money, and overall I got a better loot on this day
I don't think rogue is quite dead yet. Miracle rogue seems very promising, and I am not that experienced with miracle rogue so I know people are gonna make a really refined deck that is better than mine. Right now I am running violet teachers and xaril for 4 drops, but maybe tomb pillager is better. Instead of summoning 1/1s you just save up your spells for gadgetzan, but tbh I usually cycle more than I need to, which is a problem in itself.

The other thing is I am using double cold blood rather than malygos as a finisher.

As for blade flurry, it's not unplayable as I suspected, but not hitting face is still a real downer, or costing 2 extra etc.. Seems important just to clear board, so I have a 1 of.
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