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Hearthstone |OT6| C'THUN for President! Why pick the lesser evil?

We have these cards for two years...There's no way blizzard won't nerf some of these overpowered class cards and buff some of the under-powered (priest) ones. Right?
We have these cards for two years...There's no way blizzard won't nerf some of these overpowered class cards and buff some of the under-powered (priest) ones. Right?

Blizzard is atrocious at balancing this game. They do not give a single crap about underpowered cards, and overpowered cards will only get touched after about 6 months of complaining.

Lol tried Yogg for fun and to see how bad he really is.

Cast him, first card -pyro blast to my face. I don't know what I expected.
Congratulations, you are the first!

Anyone have any great success with Ragnaros, Lightlord in any of their pally decks? Trying to find a good (perhaps) control deck to build around him.
Yeah, someone posted a list about a page back. I've faced 3 Paladins using Lightlord so far. He's my favorite Mind Control target after I go Shadowform. :-D


Anyone have any great success with Ragnaros, Lightlord in any of their pally decks? Trying to find a good (perhaps) control deck to build around him.

Yup he's been fantastic for me so far. Single handedly won a game for me when a C'thun priest Mind gamed my Deathwing. Healed me for 16 and set-up lethal.


When the Cairne attacked the Paly (trigged the misdirection), did Cairne take 5 damage and died as well? https://youtu.be/Mh91oBwtgRc?t=385 This expansion is so bugged.

Yeah, I noticed that. Unique interaction with Misdirect? Is that new?

Ok, so it worked as intended. The weapon didn't lose durability though. Never noticed that before. Learn something new everyday.

so weird because it does not work that way in any other instance, why wouldn't it be equal interaction across the board. oh well.

Yeah, shadowcaster, again, better that the shit they gave priests.
so weird because it does not work that way in any other instance, why wouldn't it be equal interaction across the board. oh well.

Yeah, shadowcaster, again, better that the shit they gave priests.
I hope Brode gets called out on that card. It's one thing to only get one legendary in 64 packs so far, and it's another to have the one legendary you get be completely unplayable. :-/


We have these cards for two years...There's no way blizzard won't nerf some of these overpowered class cards and buff some of the under-powered (priest) ones. Right?

Blizzard would never let an overpowered class card remain in the game untouched for a long period of time.

Lol, I know old blizzard would take forever. But...Ben seemed to express remorse for earlier lack of vision with cards and their effects on the meta and I hoped he would turn over a new leaf and be more proactive with the new expansion. Especially, within the first week.


Kinda hilarious that Zoo, Freeze mage and aggro shaman stay the strongest competitive decks in the game, maybe a sign that you should be nerfing shit slightly more frequently Blizzard.

Only another year and those cards might cycle out. Blizzard Balancing™

Lol, I know old blizzard would take forever. But...Ben seemed to express remorse for earlier lack of vision with cards and their effects on the meta and I hoped he would turn over a new leaf and be more proactive with the new expansion. Especially, within the first week.

Dunno why anyone would believe Ben Brode, the Jay Wilson of Hearthstone, he has proven himself incompetent plenty of times.
RIP Handlock. :(

Lol, I know old blizzard would take forever. But...Ben seemed to express remorse for earlier lack of vision with cards and their effects on the meta and I hoped he would turn over a new leaf and be more proactive with the new expansion. Especially, within the first week.
Just think about who you're quoting:

"We want less time between announcements and releases."
-Makes us wait 2 months between WotOG's announcement and release.

"We want the game to be more interactive. We don't want people to die from no board or interaction."
-Makes zero changes to Freeze Mage, the biggest OTK deck there is, and creates a new OTK deck through a Priest epic in WotOG.

"We don't want any lopsided matchups like Control Warrior vs. Freeze Mage."
-Makes no changes that would actually affect this.

"Paladin is my favorite class."
-Speaks for itself.

I think the man might be an Ogre, but the head we always see is Hearthstone PR Ben, while Hearthstone Balance Ben is slightly off camera designing and balancing cards without any concern for what the other head said.


Anyone have any great success with Ragnaros, Lightlord in any of their pally decks? Trying to find a good (perhaps) control deck to build around him.

I played around 20 games with him in my Dragons-N'zoth deck.


The healing he provides is pretty game-changing, especially if you went through the match killing minions with your truesilvers. It can sometimes cause problems where you have to trade away a damaged minion to ensure that ragnaros lands the heal on you, but its usually pretty okay to managed. If the hunter/shaman can't deal with him, you auto-win basically (8 damage threat + 8 damage heals per turn).

Its also a good entomb bait vs priest, since they can't handle too much big minions with lightbomb gone. I would rather deal with a stolen Ragnaros lightlord than a stolen Sylvanas or Tirion.


I expect Zoolock, dual Shamans, Freeze Mage and Patron Warrior.

Then the specialists will try to bring other classes and get farmed.

Control Nzoth Paladin is pretty dope and CW is pretty viable too.


Lol, I know old blizzard would take forever. But...Ben seemed to express remorse for earlier lack of vision with cards and their effects on the meta and I hoped he would turn over a new leaf and be more proactive with the new expansion. Especially, within the first week.

Are people actually calling for nerfs, and expecting them, the first week of the expansion? Really?
I played around 20 games with him in my Dragons-N'zoth deck.


The healing he provides is pretty game-changing, especially if you went through the match killing minions with your truesilvers. It can sometimes cause problems where you have to trade away a damaged minion to ensure that ragnaros lands the heal on you, but its usually pretty okay to managed. If the hunter/shaman can't deal with him, you auto-win basically (8 damage threat + 8 damage heals per turn).

Its also a good entomb bait vs priest, since they can't handle too much big minions with lightbomb gone. I would rather deal with a stolen Ragnaros lightlord than a stolen Sylvanas or Tirion.
That's exactly why I run 2x Mind Control. I'll steal all 3. :-D

It made me really sad when my opponent played Ragnaros Firelord, I Mind Controlled him, and then he got Mind Controlled back. :(

I was jovial when I stole Lightlord and then played Firelord the next turn. The dream!

Are people actually calling for nerfs, and expecting them, the first week of the expansion? Really?
Would you list all the amazing uses the Priest legendary has? :)


Honeymoon phase for Old Gods ended quicker than TGT lol...

Nah game is far more enjoyable even with these unbalanced shit, because shit from gvg/naxx still more broken.. and they not even class card, thanks god I don't need to see Boom and Avenge again, streamer also having fun


There was a honeymoon phase for TGT?
People had fun with their Inspire decks for a week plus some weird stuff like Lock n Load decks. Back then Secret Paladin was new and people were amazed at the Christmas tree "dream". Yes back then pulling that off was considered a big deal. Also Dragon decks were invented in TGT which was a good time to be a dragon fan.

There was an Archon tournament back then right when TGT came out. Xixo brought in Secret Paladin and was constantly derided for bringing it because it was perceived to be bad and gimmicky. He was later kicked off of his team for whatever reasons.

People are quick to forget stuff from TGT.


That's exactly why I run 2x Mind Control. I'll steal all 3. :-D

It made me really sad when my opponent played Ragnaros Firelord, I Mind Controlled him, and then he got Mind Controlled back. :(

I was jovial when I stole Lightlord and then played Firelord the next turn. The dream!

2 Mind Controls in a meta with zoo, freeze mage and face shaman?


So, I have build this Zoo Deck now, with the exception of Dark Peddler, because I don't own any of the Explorers Adventure wings. Any good alternatives I could use? I currently just put in a Leery and a Boneguard Lieutenant, but both don't work that well. The new Bilefin Murloc looks promising as an alternative though. Anything else I forgot?


Honeymoon phase for Old Gods ended quicker than TGT lol...

I dont think that's accurate, people are having funw ith wild new decks, and just a little bit of salt from some about the councilman. Personally I am having a blast, I am just upset over the priest legendary, and i will continue to be when shadowcaster is better than it as an epic for rogues.But aside from that, I am loving n'zoth paladin


I put Chillmaw in my N'Zoth deck since it's kind of the best Taunt with Deathrattle that is available. I also have a higher curve and it seems to be working out better than when I was going with a lower curve deck.

Either way, I'm having a lot of fun with it too. Seems to work out pretty well for the most part.

Ah Chillmaw would be pretty nice, unfortunately I don't have him and probably not gonna craft unless I feel like making a Dragon Priest or something else down the line. The Tauren taunt the spawns the slime is working out pretty well.


i'm starting to think it's impossible to win vs ebolashaman as control warrior. Just when i think i've outlasted the shit they can throw at me they vomit up something else, there simply isn't enough removal..


I've been having a lot of fun fine tuning my paladin deck. I'll post the list up later when I get home.

I first found I didn't have enough healing so I added some more, then I found board clears to be a problem so swapped some dud c'thun minions out for consecrate/equality.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Are people actually calling for nerfs, and expecting them, the first week of the expansion? Really?

The first week of the expansion is basically the worst time to nerf something. The meta needs like a month to two months to stabilize. People need time to open and craft legendaries and refine decks.


I still think the standard meta we have now is preferable to the meta we had prior. It's kind of a bummer that the ladder has so quickly reverted to aggro, but I suppose it was inevitable while people were testing these slow, unoptimized C'thun decks.

Played two games of Evolve Shaman this morning after I went on my crafting spree, it's preeeeeetty good. I'm using a list that has Bloodlust, and it's surprising how fast you can refill the board with that deck in order to get value.


The first week of the expansion is basically the worst time to nerf something. The meta needs like a month to two months to stabilize. People need time to open and craft legendaries and refine decks.

Even people claiming that the councilman is broken is just because hes new. I'm guessing some people are mulliganning for their specific cards to do their combo or something or aren't teching for contingencies cause decks aren't refined


I was getting a lot of good Shaman cards in my Old Gods packs so I started to make a deck, I'm almost finished but don't know what to fill in as my last three. I don't have Sentinel, Evolve, or Tunnel Trogg (I don't have any expansions).

I'm planning on adding 1 Evolve and 2 Sentinels to round it out, but that'll take some time. The Bloodlust doesn't seem optimal but not sure what to replace it with.



Nah game is far more enjoyable even with these unbalanced shit, because shit from gvg/naxx still more broken.. and they not even class card, thanks god I don't need to see Boom and Avenge again, streamer also having fun
Oh dang I totally forgot avenge is gone. Been playing around it still haha.


Unconfirmed Member
Oh dang I totally forgot avenge is gone. Been playing around it still haha.

Yeah, when I first saw a secret pali, I assumed I accidently was in wild and played around avenge too. Lot harder to win when you do that.

Secret Paladin isn't so scary if you can control the board, but it's a lot harder to control the board when you're worried about avenge going off.
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