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Hearthstone |OT6| C'THUN for President! Why pick the lesser evil?



Fuck you too blizz


Got rank 5 (from 10 or so) with my control hunter. It's terrible and'll never get legend with it but damn if i'm not having fun with it.


Some card choices and how to play if you're interested:

2x tracking and 2x King's Elekk: those are your tutors and ensure that you'll always have a 6 drop bomb on T6 (5 on coin). Be careful in how you use tracking. Only use it when you either need a particular card (usually reach, sometimes freezing against sylvannas) or on T5 and T7-T9 to get your 6 drop, nzoth or call of the wild the turn before you can play it. The deck is absolutely defined and made possible by those two cards, which ensure you'll drop a stream of bombs from T6 to T10, making life impossible for control lists.

2x Snipe : those are a concession to shaman and a better anti-aggro card in general right now compared to explosive. Explosive really only shine against zoo right now sadly, while snipe get anything from tempo warrior except 6+ drops, and more importantly kill stupid golems, troggs and flametongue totems explosive do nothing against. It's also really nice vs rogue as it kill auctioneers before they can cycle anything, and drakes. No one expect it either so they hardly play around it.

Bow, quickshot and kill commands are usually for removing opposing threats early on. Combined with Bear, explosive and snipe, you can manage average starts from aggro. Good shaman starts coupled with hexes will however ruin you.
Dead shot is often YOLOed against shamans , but in general it's 3 mana remove a threat which is acceptable for a control list.

4 6 drops with deathrattle, and they are arguably the best in the game.

Why play this over Nzoth pally: it's way better against priest and tempo/control warrior. Those are literally autowins. With 4 instead of 3 powerful deathrattles and 2xcall of the wild, priest have a much harder time keeping up. You always threat homongous amounts of damage too, which make it harder for them to just entomb or death you every turn. Warrior just get completely destroyed by snipes/freezing and consistent T6-T7 Highmanes/Sylvanas/Cairne into Nzoth or Call of the Wild. In general, most control MUs are autowin because of how consistently you drop bomb after bomb on T6-onward whereas control lists usually can muster 2-3 removal cards, and those removal cards aren't even as efficient against your deathrattle threats.
Compared to Nzoth pally however you have a much worse Shaman MU, and you can't run doomsayers because they mess up your Elekk's too much. If you see tons of shaman, don't run this. You run also 0 healing so doomhammer is ur death.

What to mull for: Nzoth and Call are always sent back, while Elekk is always kept against everything.
Against warrior, you can keep 6 drops in hand, because even tempo has low pressure. Deadshots are also keepable, while traps are all mull. Against priest, you can keep bow and quickshots to kill northshires and most other minions which usually have 3 hp (shades, curators, Justicar etc...),.
Against shaman, keep quickshots, bows, kill command (kill minions behind taunts and 5/5 taunts) and snipes/bears/freeze. Dead shot is debatable, but since most common shaman now is totems, i'd say it's a mull. This MU is bad, hex ruin you.
Against warlock and hunters mull like a shaman, but keep explosives and unleash too.
I haven't played against mages in like 30 games so dunno.


Playing against a Dragon Priest who is da curve god. Decided to make my Priest Quest with Dragon Priest, too. First few turns, no Dragons, just spells.
What's with these Hunter decks running Doomsayer?
Are they midrange? I can see that, actually - of all the aggro-oriented classes, Hunter has the worst start. A crappy 2/1 that pings for 1 vs. Mana Wyrm and Tunnel Trogg, and then the 2-drop is a 3/2 that pings for 1 vs. stuff like Totem Golem. Wiping the board early for your mid-game minions that are much stronger than that could be a viable strategy, and Doomsayer procs on your turn so you have the tempo lead.

Hmmm... okay maybe I'll try saving up gold for an adventure.

Well I'm limited based on what runs on Mac or PS4. Also many card games I just take one look at and pass because of the art style since that's really a deal-breaker for me. Hearthstone is on the borderline for this actually. I've only started playing Hex but so far I really like it, except for the fact that it runs like sh*t and frequently crahses. In art style and gameplay it's very much a MtG clone which suits me just fine and I'm really loving the singler player stuff which is what I would have loved in Hearthstone. Basically I just want a way to play the CPU to unlock cards. If there is some kind of "story" around that then that's fine too.
Duelyst runs on Mac, but it has close to zero single-player content. Poxnora has a lot of single-player content, but I think Hex is probably the best in that sense. Infinity Wars gives you cards just for logging in every day, which is pretty great. :-D


There are plenty of streamers that does a better job of discussing individual cards and testing them at a high level. Unfortunately you'll have to watch it live or dig up an old VOD because they rarely produce Youtube highlights focused on said discussion.

I'm surprised that they don't. I'm just on the lookout for good content outside of what I already know to pass the time at work since Twitch is blocked.

I don't watch alot of Hearthstone live because I might as well be playing with the limited time I do have. I do watch some in the morning, so if you have some good names, I'll check their VODs.
I am in an existential crisis. I went away from my favorites and am now running an apparently good Shaman deck. I am just super unable to play it. I can't go above rank 15.
The problem I had with many of the shaman decks is that the game seems to have turned into a lot of control decks to counter act the aggro decks and mid range shaman can struggle with that as well as you try to build board. Which sucks because I had a lot of fun with totem shaman. But what good is it if you can't keep totems on the board?

It's why I went back to evolution and have multiple 5 health and up minions that will evolve nicely up. That way I don't need as many minions on the board and can refresh them if they are damaged with evolve.

Mage and Zoolock still give me fits though. Cabalist Tome just gives mages spells for days to keep the board clean.


The problem I had with many of the shaman decks is that the game seems to have turned into a lot of control decks to counter act the aggro decks and mid range shaman can struggle with that as well as you try to build board. Which sucks because I had a lot of fun with totem shaman. But what good is it if you can't keep totems on the board?

It's why I went back to evolution and have multiple 5 health and up minions that will evolve nicely up. That way I don't need as many minions on the board and can refresh them if they are damaged with evolve.

Mage and Zoolock still give me fits though. Cabalist Tome just gives mages spells for days to keep the board clean.

I wanted to try something else because I have always been a dirty Zoolock player. It worked for me. I feel like I should return to that...


The problem I had with many of the shaman decks is that the game seems to have turned into a lot of control decks to counter act the aggro decks and mid range shaman can struggle with that as well as you try to build board. Which sucks because I had a lot of fun with totem shaman. But what good is it if you can't keep totems on the board?

I'm sorry bro this hard to swallow, Shaman board is VERY hard to deal.. I play midrange Shaman yesterday to get rank 5, only deck that had no trouble clearing board is Warrior with Brawl.. its night and day with zoolock that seem had no trouble to cleared by various class at this day

My last win is vs N'zoth pally he cleared my board twice and yet I close the game with bloodlust full of minion
I'm sorry bro this hard to swallow, Shaman board is VERY hard to deal.. I play midrange Shaman yesterday to get rank 5, only deck that had no trouble clearing board is Warrior with Brawl.. its night and day with zoolock that seem had no trouble to cleared by various class at this day

My last win is vs N'zoth pally he cleared my board twice and yet I close the game with bloodlust full of minion

Yeah, Bloodlust + Rockbiter + an active Doomhammer = at a minimum 10 damage, and with 3 or so minions on board you're looking at 20 damage, even if they're all totems.

Totem Shaman means you get odd win conditions / lethal combinations off of the strangest things.

Tuskarr drops you a Flametongue? Maybe that 2 attack doesn't seem so significant, but then you've got Bloodlust and Rockbiter and now it's 8 attack, maybe more with Primal Fusion.

I once had an 11 / 1 searing totem for lethal.

Anyways, hit rank 11. Was rough for a day or so going back and forth, then got 3 wins in a row to beat last month's progress. Hoping to hit 10, which I should be able to if I can eke out a win or two.


Playing my own version of tempo warrior with two axe flingers. It is most likely a bad deck (my version of it anyways), but crushing zoolocks and watching people play C'thun when an axe flingers is out has been hilarious.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Yeah but they will use up removal / trade a bit.
Bilefin Tidehunter may be better though for tempo though?

Cruel Taskmaster or Amani Berserker would be better than Bilefin. Bilefin doesn't work if you are running Ghoul.
I'm sorry bro this hard to swallow, Shaman board is VERY hard to deal.. I play midrange Shaman yesterday to get rank 5, only deck that had no trouble clearing board is Warrior with Brawl.. its night and day with zoolock that seem had no trouble to cleared by various class at this day

My last win is vs N'zoth pally he cleared my board twice and yet I close the game with bloodlust full of minion
glad it is working for you, but my opponents seem to always have an answer to the minions I am playing. I fought a warrior that had a turn 5 brawl and turn 7 brawl and a 0/2 totem was the only one left lol. I think it comes down to each person's match ups, but I just have terrible luck. Like I have had Paladins pull 4 board clears on me and I just have nothing left play.

That has shied me away from playing multiple minions and exhausting my hand. I climbed from 8 to 5 with my current evolution deck, so for me bigger bodies that I can refresh has just been more successful for what I have been facing. I still have bloodlust and flametounges to get big burst as well of course. Very much midrange still but evolve has allowed me to keep those bigger bodies on the board longer.

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
Right I have all classes to 10 and now I have no idea where to go from here, I have about 500 dust and I can get more but I don't know what to dust. I want to build a free to play deck, maybe Hunter or Warlock but I'm finding it hard to find a recent F2P deck without any expansions needed or anything of that sort. I don't want to buy anything right now as Overwatch is out soon and this is more something for me to do to pass the time for now, maybe in the future I'll want to spend money and get more serious but not yet. If anyone has some suggestions though would be great, I've been looking at my collection for awhile now just wondering what to do next.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Right I have all classes to 10 and now I have no idea where to go from here, I have about 500 dust and I can get more but I don't know what to dust. I want to build a free to play deck, maybe Hunter or Warlock but I'm finding it hard to find a recent F2P deck without any expansions needed or anything of that sort. I don't want to buy anything right now as Overwatch is out soon and this is more something for me to do to pass the time for now, maybe in the future I'll want to spend money and get more serious but not yet. If anyone has some suggestions though would be great, I've been looking at my collection for awhile now just wondering what to do next.

Keep building your collection of classic cards until you get all the commons and most of its rares. Once you have almost all the rares you can start thinking about adventures and the other expansions. You'll probably be playing sub-optimal decks for awhile, but you can build some half decent aggro decks.

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
Keep building your collection of classic cards until you get all the commons and most of its rares. Once you have almost all the rares you can start thinking about adventures and the other expansions. You'll probably be playing sub-optimal decks for awhile, but you can build some half decent aggro decks.

I'm just not sure what to spend my dust on, like I have a basic Hunter deck, what could I make with my 500 dust that would take it up a notch above basic?

This is the basic deck I'm using and want to improve upon: http://www.icy-veins.com/hearthstone/basic-hunter-deck
Cruel Taskmaster or Amani Berserker would be better than Bilefin. Bilefin doesn't work if you are running Ghoul.

Oh good point, forgot about the Ghoul.

Right I have all classes to 10 and now I have no idea where to go from here, I have about 500 dust and I can get more but I don't know what to dust. I want to build a free to play deck, maybe Hunter or Warlock but I'm finding it hard to find a recent F2P deck without any expansions needed or anything of that sort. I don't want to buy anything right now as Overwatch is out soon and this is more something for me to do to pass the time for now, maybe in the future I'll want to spend money and get more serious but not yet. If anyone has some suggestions though would be great, I've been looking at my collection for awhile now just wondering what to do next.

Once you have a solid deck, play that one class until you hit 20 so you can access the Tavern Brawl. Do your challenges with basic decks from other classes or the Tavern Brawl to get gold, and then at that point you can do an arena run or two a week, and get a free deck from Tavern Brawl each week as well.

Did you get your C'Thun cards? You can probably put together a half decent deck with that. I'd hold onto your dust until you really really want a card though. That may take some time to find.

For now, treat it like a daily F2P game - check in once a day or three, do the challenges, and start hoarding golf and dust.
I know you said you don't want to spend money but the adventures are worth it, I think they're the best part of the game and you'll end up with some more cards anyways.

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
I know you said you don't want to spend money but the adventures are worth it, I think they're the best part of the game and you'll end up with some more cards anyways.

Maybe in the future but just not now, I don't feel invested into the game enough to spend over £30, especially after just buying Overwatch.

I'm looking at crafting 2x Savannah Highmane and replacing my 2x Boulderfist Ogre, would this be a step in the right direction?
Maybe in the future but just not now, I don't feel invested into the game enough to spend over £30, especially after just buying Overwatch.

I'm looking at crafting 2x Savannah Highmane and replacing my 2x Boulderfist Ogre, would this be a step in the right direction?
Yes. Savannah Highmane is the best 6-mana minion in the game.


glad it is working for you, but my opponents seem to always have an answer to the minions I am playing. I fought a warrior that had a turn 5 brawl and turn 7 brawl and a 0/2 totem was the only one left lol. I think it comes down to each person's match ups, but I just have terrible luck. Like I have had Paladins pull 4 board clears on me and I just have nothing left play.

That has shied me away from playing multiple minions and exhausting my hand. I climbed from 8 to 5 with my current evolution deck, so for me bigger bodies that I can refresh has just been more successful for what I have been facing. I still have bloodlust and flametounges to get big burst as well of course. Very much midrange still but evolve has allowed me to keep those bigger bodies on the board longer.
Mind share your list?

Evolve shaman is my favorité shaman I switched to zoolock and midrange shàman for better consistency at ladder now I already rank 5 I can play anything that I like more.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
I'm just not sure what to spend my dust on, like I have a basic Hunter deck, what could I make with my 500 dust that would take it up a notch above basic?

This is the basic deck I'm using and want to improve upon: http://www.icy-veins.com/hearthstone/basic-hunter-deck

Be conservative with your dust. It is very easy to collect commons and rares in this game so you are better served holding your dust for epics and legendaries.


Maybe in the future but just not now, I don't feel invested into the game enough to spend over £30, especially after just buying Overwatch.

I'm looking at crafting 2x Savannah Highmane and replacing my 2x Boulderfist Ogre, would this be a step in the right direction?

if you're really set on playing hunter, then absolutely. They're basically good legendaries in terms of power level. I would focus on 1 class now to get to 20 so you can start doing tavern brawls.


Right I have all classes to 10 and now I have no idea where to go from here, I have about 500 dust and I can get more but I don't know what to dust. I want to build a free to play deck, maybe Hunter or Warlock but I'm finding it hard to find a recent F2P deck without any expansions needed or anything of that sort.

Here's a recent guide for new players you might find useful.



One thing I don't understand, everyone is saying Shaman anything on the ladder this month is godly, but if the game goes as far as turn 10 then it gets completely owned by a C'thun deck. How are you supposed to deal with that? (other than "end the game by turn 6" or whatever)
One thing I don't understand, everyone is saying Shaman anything on the ladder this month is godly, but if the game goes as far as turn 10 then it gets completely owned by a C'thun deck. How are you supposed to deal with that? (other than "end the game by turn 6" or whatever)
You don't win every match.
One thing I don't understand, everyone is saying Shaman anything on the ladder this month is godly, but if the game goes as far as turn 10 then it gets completely owned by a C'thun deck. How are you supposed to deal with that? (other than "end the game by turn 6" or whatever)

You don't win every match.

Yep. My totem deck has good days and bad days, but I'm at nearly 70% win rate with it. My midrange / evolve decks were closer to 60% but I've typically won more than I've lost.
One thing I don't understand, everyone is saying Shaman anything on the ladder this month is godly, but if the game goes as far as turn 10 then it gets completely owned by a C'thun deck. How are you supposed to deal with that? (other than "end the game by turn 6" or whatever)
At competitive ranks, you dont see many c'thun decks. Seen less than a handful this season.


One thing I don't understand, everyone is saying Shaman anything on the ladder this month is godly, but if the game goes as far as turn 10 then it gets completely owned by a C'thun deck. How are you supposed to deal with that? (other than "end the game by turn 6" or whatever)
First of all you out tempo Cthun decks early game and keep filling up the board while threatening lethal.

If your board is full then Cthun will at worst just wipe your board, you can comeback by using Hex and then repopulating the board.

And finally the higher you go in ranks the less Cthun decks you see.


Unconfirmed Member
One thing I don't understand, everyone is saying Shaman anything on the ladder this month is godly, but if the game goes as far as turn 10 then it gets completely owned by a C'thun deck. How are you supposed to deal with that? (other than "end the game by turn 6" or whatever)

Every Shaman can build a great board against C'thun's weaker buff minions earily. Then just use spells on taunts and go face with minions and the game usually is too far in your favor for C'thun to change much on turn 10-15. Especially with a Doomhammer or Bloodlust finisher.

I suppose shaman is still not a great card efficency class so something extremely control oriented like Elise or Reno Shaman would still not work, if that's what you mean.

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
if you're really set on playing hunter, then absolutely. They're basically good legendaries in terms of power level. I would focus on 1 class now to get to 20 so you can start doing tavern brawls.

Yeah that's exactly what I'm doing, just going to play Hunter until 20 at least, I'm currently at 11.

I just won a ranked game which was nice, totally smashed a Mage! I'm now rank 20 with a star :D

What I'm using for now, it's the basic deck with ogres swapped for highmane, it'll have to do for now. I still have 285 dust and a bunch of cards to disenchant, I'm just looking for a safe to DE guide. This one looks promising? http://sectorone.eu/rondels-disenchanting-guide/

EDIT: http://www.hearthstonetopdecks.com/decks/fluffys-standard-midrange-hunter-may-2016-season-26/ I have 10/30 for this deck and I can make a lot of what I miss, only two cards are expansion. Would this be a good deck to slowly build towards?
trump played Neirea yesterday on stream and he was running a Murloc N'zoth Paladin. The second Anyfin combo can do 30 damage which isn't really that bad. didn't see full deck but he dropped N'zoth before playing Sylv/Tyrion/whatever else.
Mind share your list?

Evolve shaman is my favorité shaman I switched to zoolock and midrange shàman for better consistency at ladder now I already rank 5 I can play anything that I like more.


Cut off at the top is a single Evolve card. People will likely criticize the lack of flamewreathed and the inclusions of rag and Kodorider. Well I have found I have no problem dealing damage early as most shaman players know very well, so flamewreathed just slowed down the early and mid game play with overload and wasn't giving me anymore damage than I was already dealing. And of course it doesn't synergies well with evolve. I just find rag and Kodorider to be better plays in the late game. Rag can get you to near lethal or lethal or at worst clean up your opponents board, and Kodorider is a great turn 8 play to fill your board back up, or better yet a turn 9 play when you can play evolve as well. Twilight hammer also synergies great with evolve as it drops a 3 mana minion for free and it can then be evolve right away to help it survive, not to mention the hammer allows you to remove minions while not removing your own. Speaking of synergy, big game hunter being 5 mana helps a little actually as it now evolves to a 6 mana and removes a big boy. But mainly there are a lot of 5 health minions that can stick around to be evolved after taking damage.

There's likely room for improvement and everyone pilots decks differently but I just found this to be great because I don't need a lot of minions on the board at one time and when I do get that point they usually have higher health, and not prone to board clears. I still struggle with Mage, however, I cannot figure that class out or am just unlucky against it. Just spells on top of spells

Edit: the one thing I may change at some point is blood Mage, but I like a guaranteed buff on turn 5 for lightning storm (too many 3 and 4 health minions early), and you get a card draw and a free hit, that could be combined with flametounge or bloodlust.
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