I think it is fair to say that you will not start Hearthstone from scratch, playing Free to Play only and hit Rank 5 or higher in the first month unless you have played the game before, get really good at arena very quickly, grind out gold everyday and/or get really lucky with pack openings.
That said, I think somebody who completes daily quests, finishes all the
basic achievements and devotes at least an hour or 2 a day or a chunk of time every couple of days a can make 1 good deck in a month and have 2-3 decent decks after a few months. There is no reason somebody who devotes time to the game cannot hit rank 5 after a few months of playtime. (we all know expert players can reach Legend in a month with a F2P account, but I think that is besides the point)
For that you need to:
- Focus on cheap decks (zoo, face shaman, aggro paladin).
- If you get luck with card packs you can try to put something more serious together. Patron warrior was the greatest cheap deck ever as far as I was concerned.
- dust any and every card you get that doesn't work towards your main classes
- read articles and guides on the decks you are playing
- watch streamers play with the decks you are playing
- play approximately 300-400 games in a month
I truly think the last bit is where most people fall short and even people, like me, who have played the game so much they have every golden hero portrait, start to find themselves doing worse than expected.
You need to play a lot of games, with a good win percentage, to make it to rank 5.
Legend can take twice as many games or more. If you have trouble hitting your desired rank, it is possible you are just not playing enough games. I always hit Rank 5, but I forget how long it takes until I look back at my deck tracker and see for myself. While your are playing in chunks of 10 or 20 games a day it can be depressing to find yourself 1 rank higher or not making progress at all. You have to look at progress in hearthstone over
HUNDREDS of games.
I am probably just restating the past arguments, but I think it is reasonable to say that a new player to Hearthstone should not expect to pay nothing for the game and get to high ranks in a short amount of time. It should not really be taboo for people to pay money for card packs/adventures if we are enjoying the game and expect that the money payed wouldn't give us a leg up in the deck building process.
However, I do think, if someone insists on being free to play, they can devote time and energy into the game and be relatively successful in whatever time frame matches up with their desire to get better. Hell, a lot of pay to win players never get past rank 15 in the game because they just don't play that much, but enjoy having all the cards.