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Hearthstone |OT6| C'THUN for President! Why pick the lesser evil?


Unconfirmed Member
may be that's my question, how is the skill measure in HS? by the cards in the deck? win/lose ratio? I might be reaching, but I always wondered if playing decks with lots of legendaries makes me match with other people with potentially lots of similar level cards.

Dahbomb is right. MMR is purely by win/loss. Cards and levels and whatever else are not involved.


made it to rank 15 with cthun renolock. It's a fun deck, but I feel like it really gets out tempo'd pretty hard by pretty much everything.... and it doesn't control as good as other control decks.

I think I might switch to nzoth rogue now for awhile, since I probably wont hit 10 anyway and I get bored of playing the same deck all the time. But, I'm wondering, if I want to improve as a player should I just stick with this reno c'thun deck and try to grind it out? Would it help me improve?

funny story: My last match I played cthun on 10, opponent mage plays yogg which casts vanish so we get cthun and yogg back into our hands, so I play cthun again on 11, and then he plays Yogg and it casts vanish again! at this point he only had like 3 hp left so he conceded. pretty funny though.


thanks for the replies, yeah I kinda thought it made to do something to do with win/lose rate

Think someone once posted a legend ranked player matched with a Rank 25 player.

Don't know if that was legit.

well, the HS spin slot says a lot of things, may be he fell on one of the noob spots for matchmaking?

I've never been matched with anything different than "Worthy Opponent"
If they coin SI-7 that's a win as it's one less Gadgetzan spell I guess? And rogues mully for Backstab, not so much for Deadly Poison. Although I guess since decklists are public they may change that strategy.

I dunno, I guess it was pointless to use Faerie Dragon. He should use Flame Juggler instead.

It's pretty standard for faerie dragon in a face warrior type deck. I'm guessing it's in this list probably to ensure it trades with other 2 drops or tunnel trog.

Going into warrior blind, backstab is not a great card. You tend to mulligan for higher card value cards and cycle. I might keep backstab lately since there is a warrior deck played that does play more minions, but typically the numbers don't line up in terms of health and damage and you don't want to give acolyte two draws. Backstab is decent later as a 0 mana spell to cycle off auctioneer though.

If you do happen to see a faerie dragon played by warrior, you're more than happy to trade coin for it. Against a face warrior, you need to prevent damage and get tempo asap. It's a hard match up for typical rogue decks to win, unless they can get some form of board control fast plus taunts. Arcane reaper hits to the face are extremely painful. I think that list is aiming to trounce slower combo decks. So chances are that losing out on coin cycling off gadgetzan is not a big deal anyway.


We already mentioning about what new player to do build cheap deck n whatnot, can you guys help player like me that want to start planing build more expensive deck

I'm interested to your advice.

Should I geared my dust to specific deck or just craft piece like Sylvanas or Ragnaros every month one by one?


We already mentioning about what new player to do build cheap deck n whatnot, can you guys help player like me that want to start planing build more expensive deck

I'm interested to your advice.

Should I geared my dust to specific deck or just craft piece like Sylvanas or Ragnaros every month one by one?

If you've been playing long enough you know what you enjoy. I'd start building specific decks based on what you enjoy.

I am a Priest/Paladin guy... So I started with their cards. Even with Priest in the bad shape as it is, I still pull off some amazing close wins with my dragon deck. Some of it is about knowing your strengths and overcoming your weaknesses.

I personally don't recommend Rag first (unless you're playing control paladin). Out of the 100's of decks I've made he's been in like 5. Sylvanas on the other hand can be a game changer in the right hands, and is one of the few I recommend crafting.

If you have a favorite class/playstyle let us know. I'm a mid-range on curve kind of guy.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I think you should look towards a specific deck or achetype you want to play (Control paladin, Control warrior), and start building for that. Along the way, you'll necessarily acquire legendaries that can be used elsewhere. Given a choice between two legendaries, a class one and a non-class one you should favor the none-class one.

I also recommend Sylvanas as one of the first few crafts. She's always been a good, playable card.


If you've been playing long enough you know what you enjoy. I'd start building specific decks based on what you enjoy.

I am a Priest/Paladin guy... So I started with their cards. Even with Priest in the bad shape as it is, I still pull off some amazing close wins with my dragon deck. Some of it is about knowing your strengths and overcoming your weaknesses.

I personally don't recommend Rag first (unless you're playing control paladin). Out of the 100's of decks I've made he's been in like 5. Sylvanas on the other hand can be a game changer in the right hands, and is one of the few I recommend crafting.

If you have a favorite class/playstyle let us know. I'm a mid-range on curve kind of guy.
I'm mid-range guy too, mid-range Shaman and my incomplete Dragon Priest is the most fun deck I played

but I really want to learn more reactive deck, in my time with Dragon Priest the most satisfying win that I get is when I use my removal resourcefully

I also had alot fun when watching Kripp play ultra slow deck when everyone else on deck like zzzzzz lol


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
The only top tier decks Sylvanas is consistently being used in are the N'zoth decks, and Paladin is the only class really of note there. This is not to say that she won't occasionally find her way into other deck types, but it's clear that her role inside decks is far from universal. When she is included she's a supportive fill card for slow decks expecting to play other Legendaires. Crafting her early on seems like a mistake.


What is even going on in the ladder today. Last 3 matches-aggro Paladin, Face Hunter (like fucking wolf riders and erryting) and now I'm playing against aggro secret paladin. In standard! At rank 11! Did I time travel?


What is even going on in the ladder today. Last 3 matches-aggro Paladin, Face Hunter (like fucking wolf riders and erryting) and now I'm playing against aggro secret paladin. In standard! At rank 11! Did I time travel?

you lose?

lose to all those 1 hp minion?


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
What is even going on in the ladder today. Last 3 matches-aggro Paladin, Face Hunter (like fucking wolf riders and erryting) and now I'm playing against aggro secret paladin. In standard! At rank 11! Did I time travel?
There are Aggro Paladin lists planned for Blizzcon that have caught attention, and that attention always pushes people to try related decks like Aggro Secret.
It used to be so easy to just recommend Dr. Boom to everyone. :(
I really couldn't be happier to have that period of the game behind us.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
The only top tier decks Sylvanas is consistently being used in are the N'zoth decks, and Paladin is the only class really of note there. This is not to say that she won't occasionally find her way into other deck types, but it's clear that her role inside decks is far from universal. When she is included she's a supportive fill card for slow decks expecting to play other Legendaires. Crafting her early on seems like a mistake.

Will this be true 1-2 years out, though? What are the real choices at this point in time for classic craft legendaries?

Cairne: Sylvanas' brother that disappeared after Naxx and only recently came back
Alexstrasza: Relegated to Freeze mages for the time being and it wasn't that common outside of Control Warrior either, I'm also not expecting Dragon decks to come back for a while
Archmage Antonidas: Mage exclusive, and neither Freeze nor Tempo run it anymore
Baron Geddon: Always a niche Control Warrior option
Thalnos: Miracle rogue
Captain Greenskin: lol
Cenarius: lol
Deathwing: lol (because it's seriously being played now)
Edwin: Rogue exclusive and I don't think ferty is thinking of Miracle
Grommash: Probably the second best control class legendary craft after Tirion, but Control Warrior has been a more consistently viable archetype than Control Paladin
Harrison: Tech option
Hogger: lol
Illidan: fucking lol
King Krush: Even if my control hunter prediction comes true this is still not worth a craft
King Mukla: lol
Leeroy: Not a control card
Lord Jaraxxus: A viable craft, I guess, but handlock is dead right now and Reno will eventually rotate in 1.5 years?
Lolwalker Cho: <--
Malygos: Combo card
Nat Pagle: Maybe if you traveled back in time to closed beta
Nozdormu: lol
Onyxia: lol
Velen: lol
Ragnaros: Ragnaros has phased in and out depending on how fast the meta has been, it's still a good craft in general but I've just gotten more mileage out of Sylvanas than Rag
Syl herself: Nuff said
The Beast: lol
The Black Knight: Tech card that was getting hyped up early this expansion but pretty much disappeared
Tinkmaster: Time travel craft along with Nat
Tirion Fording: Good card
Ysera: A legendary craft that's even slower than Ragnaros and gets into less decks because of that

Narrow that down and what are you left with?


Of those, Sylvanas is the obvious winner unless you want to commit to a class.

Let's extend crafts to sets facing rotation. That means TGT and WOTG. It's a rather short list.

~1 year left (TGT):
Justicar: Good craft but again, 1 year left to play it and that's not something I'd recommend first
Varian: Only tempo runs this

~2 years left (WOTG):
Velkor: C'thun exclusive
N'zoth: Nice card, but the thing is you actually need Cairne, Sylvanas and Tirion to make it worthwhile
Yogg'saron: Miracle/Tempo-mage Hail Mary tech
Staghelm: Not a control deck
Huhuran: Eh
Lightlord: Tirion is a better craft than this if you want to commit to Paladin
Xaril: Miracle/tempo exclusive
Hallazeal: Control shaman is yet unproven
Cho'gall: Jaraxxus is a strictly better craft
Malkorok: Tempo card

If you can swallow crafting a card you can only use for a limited time, Justicar is the only option. Between Justicar, Ragnaros and Sylvanas, Sylvanas still seems like the easy choice. Not only is it frequently good for Control, but it also finds its way into Midrange decks, turns on N'zoth and deathrattle synergies, and so on and so forth. Also Sylvanas is my waifu I might be biased???


So I'm back at my promotion game.

My literal worst match up. Again.

0% won rate, except this is only the third time ive see this match up this season. Last time was the last time I had rank 11 full stars.

Fucker BMed me on turn 2 so now I'm roping every turn.

I'll let you know how badly I lost in an hour.


The only top tier decks Sylvanas is consistently being used in are the N'zoth decks, and Paladin is the only class really of note there. This is not to say that she won't occasionally find her way into other deck types, but it's clear that her role inside decks is far from universal. When she is included she's a supportive fill card for slow decks expecting to play other Legendaires. Crafting her early on seems like a mistake.

While I agree with you in general. I use her quite frequently. My current Dragon Priest deck is a N'zoth deck is a Dragon/Death Rattle deck that is doing well. I also use Sylvanus in basically all Reno decks.

I would definitely craft something like Ysera first.


We already mentioning about what new player to do build cheap deck n whatnot, can you guys help player like me that want to start planing build more expensive deck

I'm interested to your advice.

Should I geared my dust to specific deck or just craft piece like Sylvanas or Ragnaros every month one by one?

Alexstraza, Sylvanas, and Ragnaros are the best legendary neutrals in the classic set as they change the board dynamically when played.

I crafted Ysera as my second Legendary, and I regret it in this meta. Rafaam can easily replace her. There are too many midrange/aggro decks that her impact doesn't really go well with the RNG cards.


When you start playing control (which it sounds like you will) she's super slow but saves you in late games. Problem is meta is so fast right now, it's hard to see it.

Even when you facing control deck if they kill her in one turn n you only get nightmare or minion, screw that

Only 2 out of 5 ysera card that I consider good get
I tried to ladder with Dragon Priest, but it really doesn't work without Chillmaw.

i've definitely won games that I wouldve lost w/ ysera giving me lethal. It also had the ability of not being a bgh target which isnt as big of a plus now, but I still think all the cards have some uses. Laughing sister isnt great but it's still a 3/5 for 3




So I'm going to keep playing, will play until I have zero stars and I'll have to stop before the combination of rage and my hypertension kills me, and then I'll play again tomorrow until I get back to full stars, and then I'll start losing again... the endless cycle.


I always feel really good winning mirror matches.

My memories of Ysera are my opponent always getting awakens to wipe my board exactly when it was the only aoe he could possibly have and exactly what he needed off the first ysera draw or he would have outright lost the game any other way.


Nothing more hilarious than seeing Kripp lose to a guy with N'zoth and Kel'thuzad at 6-2 in Arena.

Yeah that was insane.

Also, Twitch chat gets worse day by day, that "LUL" meme is unbearable.

I think the saddest part is that some of these people are actually older than me.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Maybe you should approach it from the opposite direction and craft the foundation first (rares, epics). There's no point having a legendary if you don't have the Forbidden Healings and Shield Slams to back it up.


Maybe you should approach it from the opposite direction and craft the foundation first (rares, epics). There's no point having a legendary if you don't have the Forbidden Healings and Shield Slams to back it up.

Don't craft rates unless you absolutely must have to.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Maybe I should just saving 15k dust in half year or something lol

I think I saved up about 7k before going all in on Control Warrior.

By all in I mean I played without Grommash for the better part of a year until I cracked it open one day from a classic pack PogChamp

(This was back when Control Warrior was good and not shit)

These days I'd probably work my way up to N'zoth Paladin. It'll be a viable deck for 1 year at the least, likely 2. I fucking hate Paladins though, racist fucks.


I think I saved up about 7k before going all in on Control Warrior.

By all in I mean I played without Garrosh for the better part of a year until I cracked it open one day from a classic pack PogChamp

That's hard to do, lol. Not so much now, but pretty sure that was impossible then.


My pro move for the day: I thought i was setting up a nice next turn by putting doomsayer down and i'd get Savannah on a clear board next turn. Next turn was 5 :/ Huge toad top deck bailed me out from absolute failure.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Will this be true 1-2 years out, though? What are the real choices at this point in time for classic craft legendaries?
I would probably just de-emphasize crafting neutral Legendaries with where the game is at right now. Sylvanas is simply not a core card in the decks she's being played in. Building her doesn't enable players to create the deck types that use her because she is one of the least essential pieces of those decks. If someone wanted to start building a N'zoth Paladin deck the core pieces are Tirion and N'zoth itself.

Not only is Sylvanas absent from the top decks on ladder right now, but I just don't see her as being the core component in decks even where she is included. I wouldn't overstate her versatility either, because she does not fit as well into the decks of many different classes. I don't really have the same opinion that she has a spot in midrange decks, because her presence is much more effective when the enemy has some kind of presence on the board.

The only card that has been truly evergreen in Hearthstone is Grommash Hellscream. People shouldn't really be crafting neutral legendaries and expect to find a place for them across a wide variety of decks, because it simply doesn't work out that way. It's best to focus in on a specific deck type or class that a player is interested in and invest into the key cards for that deck. These can be class specific spells or epic cards that have a high cost to them, but are crucial to a number of decks.


My prediction didn't come true :(


Beat a golden portrait Paladin playing some slow-ass control variant (no idea if he was Healadin or N'Zoth, everything he played against me could have been in either deck, didn't see any tells like Harvest Golem or anything).

Like every Control Paladin I've faced this season (80% win rate!) it was very easy to bait out removal. My Frothing, my brave, my ghoul... all removed. He used both equalities, both wild pyromancers, and a consecration all before turn 8. He was down to 15 health and decided to Eadric my board and send all his minions to my face. He should have healed, because my one health minions plus an enraged Grommash gave me an easy lethal.

(also, I beat another dumb ass "midrange" Shaman on the way who decided to ignore my frothing beserker (and every other one of my minions) so my frothing hit him twice for 19 damage and I was able to easily finish him by turn 8, but everyone feel free to keep telling me that smORCing a warrior instead of removing a frothing is a good play)


Ryzen got top 10 legend on US playing cthun rogue...pretty interesting deck cause it keeps the tempo and draw cards usually in rogue and subs in cthun cards instead of conceal, cold blood, etc. And 1 blade of cthun for large minions of slower decks. Worked against aggro because there's more early game and worked against midrange and control cause blade makes cthun huge and with all the standard draw you draw into cthun much sooner than other cthun decks.

Some of these wins were no doubt the element of surprise but I'm gonna give it a try. Solves the issues I see with cthun decks...not enough tempo plays and not drawing cthun soon enough.
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