I have neither, what should I replace for them when I do craft them.
Which will be a while from now
it's hard to play a control warrior style of deck w/o those. I'd try and shift it towards the tempo warrior deck
I have neither, what should I replace for them when I do craft them.
Which will be a while from now
He got really off his game when he couldn't remember what his last card was and had to decide to play Sylvanas or burn a card. Then it just went downhill from there.
Though he did play Yogg druid to top 20 legend... yesterday or the day before it.
This is why people should use Hearthstone Deck Tracker. No more not knowing what cards you've got left.
well since you can't use it when you play in tournaments it's a handicap for some
well since you can't use it when you play in tournaments it's a handicap for some
I just had someone self immolate in front of me.
Someone was playing a reno jackson rogue deck and for some reason they were running gang up.
At some point during the game they targeted my sylvanas with gang up. On turn 10 they played reno jackson and healed for 0. They realized how dumb that was and conceded.
that's why they don't play minion on first 2 turn, they play freezing trap and doomsayer, toad and elekk actually fine tho
turn 3 above, they unstoppable
my record as shaman against them is 4-14 worst matchup by far
Savjs not tourney player tho isn't he
His tournament wins are over $50k but most of that is from 2014Savjs not tourney player tho isn't he
Says a lot about competitive HS that you can "waste" a championship.HS players make way more money much more easily being a well-known streamer than wasting time playing tourneys. The only (profitable) reason one should do tourneys is to get recognition and then capitalize on that to be a streamer. Firebat mentioned that Ostkaka wasted his championship by not doing that and instead remained on the down low.
Noob question incoming..
Just played against expert Mage, using Mage, how do I get the secret cards?
Says a lot about competitive HS that you can "waste" a championship.
Uh.. isn't that like Random rising star from football league refuse to move to bigger club and accept endorsement
btw Lifecoach vs Ostkaka currently happening
So you're out of arena forever thenFlamewreathed in arena WTF was blizzard thinking. This shit the is the most OP fuckery in the history of HS. There are no counters to it in arena. It's a fucking 4-mana common that ends the game there on turn 3 or 4.
I'm out of arena until they nerf it.
Flamewreathed in arena WTF was blizzard thinking. This shit the is the most OP fuckery in the history of HS. There are no counters to it in arena.
What do you guys think is the arena class ranking now? I'm still picking paladin or mage when offered but don't know outside of that.
Flamewreathed in arena WTF was blizzard thinking. This shit the is the most OP fuckery in the history of HS. There are no counters to it in arena. It's a fucking 4-mana common that ends the game there on turn 3 or 4.
I'm out of arena until they nerf it.
So you're out of arena forever then
Shaman arena isn't even that strong honestly, you basically need an insane deck to do really well otherwise it's a subpar class.
Rexxar will return. The next adventure will bring hunters back to dominance...
call of the wild is imo the best 1 for 1 card in the game, so any slightly OP cards will turn hunter into an unstoppable force.
this makes me happy because i love hunter and its my favorite class. its the first class i reached 500 wins with and i love how its dominant playstyle (smorc smorc eat shit) goes against everything all players advise against and hate.
What do you guys think is the arena class ranking now? I'm still picking paladin or mage when offered but don't know outside of that.
i love hunter and its my favorite class.
Uldaman, aldor, seal of Champions, divine strength, etc. If a Paladin somehow has none of their broken cards then yeah they're in trouble, you're just not gonna see a lot of them.Paladin, too, to a certain extent. You can have a really good Paladin deck or a really shitty one if it doesn't have any Truesilvers, Muster for Battles, Keepers, Shielded Minibots, Cog Hammer, Consecration, or Murloc Knight.
If a Paladin somehow has none of their broken cards then yeah they're in trouble
Flamewreathed in arena WTF was blizzard thinking. This shit the is the most OP fuckery in the history of HS. There are no counters to it in arena. It's a fucking 4-mana common that ends the game there on turn 3 or 4.
I'm out of arena until they nerf it.
That was someone here who played against a shaman that played Flamewreathed on turns 4,5 and 6 right? That's my favorite arena story
Barely paying attention, don't even remember what's in the deck, winning anyway.
That was someone here who played against a shaman that played Flamewreathed on turns 4,5 and 6 right? That's my favorite arena story
Turn 4: Flamewreathed
Turn 5 (3 mana): Coin + Flame Wreathed
Turn 6: Flamewreathed?
It doesnt work an other way, unless you far sighted a flamewreathed for turn 5.
The salt is so real
Are you on EU or NA?
What do you guys think is the arena class ranking now? I'm still picking paladin or mage when offered but don't know outside of that.