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Hearthstone |OT6| C'THUN for President! Why pick the lesser evil?

Turn 7 Dragonlord.

Opponent kills Dragonlord.

Three Dragonlords and two Nozdormos hit the table...

I think "Offensive Play" + Hogger is still the NUTS.

I got out a turn 2 Hogger with Offensive Play and the Coin that stayed on board the whole game because my opponent was playing Hunter and the only cards he could play were Cairne and Tink which kept transforming my Recruits. He finally gave up when I dropped a 5 mana Tirion.


Offensive play + Sylvanas is nuts.
"ok, I can deal with one sylvanas, I've got hogger. Ok, they played anothers, guess I'll just play my zerus as a 1 drop.. TWO MORE SYLVANAS?"

esc concede

Dealing with a single sylvanas is hard enough if you don't have a poly or a silence, but 3 mana sylvanas with multiple copies is just gg.


I just turned a table in a brawl on a turn 1 offensive play + sylvannas... on the second turn he summoned another one and things started to get out of control...

don't even remember how I manged to win that


Gold Malygos *smug*

What is the most obnoxious Maylgos deck. Rogue, shaman, mage? I want to troll.



Why not monthly nerfs? I know it'd potentially cost Blizz some money in all those dust refunds, but the folks hoarding extra copies of cards have to be a very small sliver of the player base, and it'd keep the meta fresher, longer.

The current standard ranked meta is already super stale. Every match is decided based on if the aggressive player curves out or if the slower deck can draw their answers.

The power level of one-drops in this game is ridiculous.
Double Thaurissan and opponent never conceded. Come on.

Double Offensive Play and opponent plays cheap Vol'jin on empty board. I'm holding two Kelthuzads and a Rag. I can only drop one Kel and if he drops another Vol'jin I'll just lose it. So I wait. Next turn, draw Rag, so I drop both. He drops one more Vol'jin but RNG takes care of him.
Why not monthly nerfs? I know it'd potentially cost Blizz some money in all those dust refunds, but the folks hoarding extra copies of cards have to be a very small sliver of the player base, and it'd keep the meta fresher, longer.

The current standard ranked meta is already super stale. Every match is decided based on if the aggressive player curves out or if the slower deck can draw their answers.

The power level of one-drops in this game is ridiculous.
I think most 1-drops are fine. It's just a few of the class 1-drops that are nutty. A patch to reduce Mana Wyrm and Tunnel Trogg to 1/2 would be amazing.

Blizzard is notoriously slow to respond with proper balance decisions. Usually they respond with multiple poor decisions because they have to have their own "creative" approach instead of the obvious and correct one.


I think most 1-drops are fine. It's just a few of the class 1-drops that are nutty. A patch to reduce Mana Wyrm and Tunnel Trogg to 1/2 would be amazing.

Those two in particular are game winning on their own if they stick. Games shouldn't be won or lost on freaking turn one.


So my opponent only has a totem and an Eadric he got with master of evolution the past turn

Uses evolve, and get a pyromantic that triggers a Gromm
Then after he hit me 10 with gromm he uses evolve again and gets
Wolfrider and a King Crush for letal

I ain´t even mad
So my opponent only has a totem and an Eadric he got with master of evolution the past turn

Uses evolve, and get a pyromantic that triggers a Gromm
Then after he hit me 10 with gromm he uses evolve again and gets
Wolfrider and a King Crush for letal

I ain´t even mad
Pyromancer triggered from the Evolve? That's interesting.


I kind of want to devolve my opponent's board. turn them all into random minions that cost 1 less. if they're 0 cost already it should just kill them.
I kind of want to devolve my opponent's board. turn them all into random minions that cost 1 less. if they're 0 cost already it should just kill them.
I've had the same thought. Master of Devolution.

It would make Shaman the premiere disable class, because it's basically a Polymorph in most situations. You'll want to use it on a Tirion, Highmane, Sylvannas, etc., and that disrupts the deck flow.
My opponent's Yogg-Saron just...gave me a Yogg-Saron...

Do I play it? :-/

Edit: Wow, so my opponent got Gang Up on his Yogg, and the second one summoned full board, put Soul of the Forest on it, wiped my 4-minion board, nuked me for 10 damage, and gave him a full hand.

This game is the epitome of stupid random bullshit. I'm not even mad, lol - it's just so amazingly dumb.


Playing buff paladin against freeze mage

They never expected the Darkbane + 5 1 mana buffs combo on turn 8 for lethal.

EDIT: only at rank 12

Cat Party

So my opponent only has a totem and an Eadric he got with master of evolution the past turn

Uses evolve, and get a pyromantic that triggers a Gromm
Then after he hit me 10 with gromm he uses evolve again and gets
Wolfrider and a King Crush for letal

I ain´t even mad
Any game with King Krush is a good game.


Every time I played mulch today, it backfired in the most hilarious way,

I mulch faceless against this face shaman, he get freaking grommash...

I mulch edwin, he gets crazed alchemist, no big deal right? nope... he plays it twice on my twin emperors and evis them, like lmao. no other way could he remove them and I lost the game because of it.

Against this other face shaman, it gives him the 4/4 spellpower card....

Against this tempo mage, it gives him evovled kobold for lethal.

It cost 3 freaking mana. Druid is nerfed enough already, it's time to print a usable removal, I would take overcosted polymorph even, something anything that doesn't make you feel horrible for using the card and can't lose you the game.
The brawl shouldn't take very long. You can find out within the first 2-3 turns whether you'll win or lose.

The longest game I played, I played two Lorewalkers and my opponent just played normally because he didn't want to give me two Offensive Plays.
Took me over a half hour because my opponents kept getting ridiculous synergies.

Baron Rivendare + Sylvannas and Cairne.
Deathwing Dragonlord + dragons.
Rend Blackhand + dragons.

Meanwhile I got a game once that was Darkfisher, Zerus, Cho, Majordomo.

Lost 6 in a row now won 3

Now I got yogg sarond 3 times in a row and barely anhthing negqtive happened to him each time and it was like 6+ spells each


I dropped 3 King Mukla on turn one during one of my brawl's yesterday.

My opponent played two banana's on two of the Mukla's on his turn, emoted a couple of things then conceded.



Only been playing a few weeks but pulled a Tyrion fordring from a pack yesterday. Thought I wanted to focus on Warlock but that one card made my Aggro pally deck much better. Went from 19 to rank 14 today...feels good.
Only been playing a few weeks but pulled a Tyrion fordring from a pack yesterday. Thought I wanted to focus on Warlock but that one card made my Aggro pally deck much better. Went from 19 to rank 14 today...feels good.

With Owl nerfed Tyrion got way better than he's already been and he was already one of the strongest legendaries.


Took me over a half hour because my opponents kept getting ridiculous synergies.

Baron Rivendare + Sylvannas and Cairne.
Deathwing Dragonlord + dragons.
Rend Blackhand + dragons.

Meanwhile I got a game once that was Darkfisher, Zerus, Cho, Majordomo.

Cho actually very good , won me game when my hand actually bad

millhouse too if you get double quick
Turn one my opponent did Aggressive Play plus 3 King Mukla. The bananas filled my hand and I overdrew, burning my Offensive Play. He hit me for 15 damage turn 2 and 3 and I lost.

What the fuck.


any reason not to disenchant super shitty cards like wisp? I'm like 30 dust away from a card I need
Someone give me a fun deck to climb ladder with.

any reason not to disenchant super shitty cards like wisp? I'm like 30 dust away from a card I need

Depends on the card. As a general rule it's not worth it to dust commons and rares but honestly, if you really need the dust, then yeah you can dust your trash tier cards. Just don't dust anything you might want to use some day. Though you can get 30 dust from a single pack.


My high school buddy and a fellow HS player got suddenly diagnosed with cancer at 31, and went in for urgent surgery this week. All seems well, all went well. In recovery now.

I visited today and - because the guy has always been insistent on never paying a dime for the game, and has therefore never enjoyed the special joy that is opening a ton of packs in a row - I decided to lift his spirits by buying him 40 packs of Old Gods. He appreciated the gesture a lot.

But fuck. Just two legendaries, and both were Muklas!


And the poor guy's only had 3 legendaries so far this expansion, and all three have been Twin Emps! Lol.


It cost 3 freaking mana. Druid is nerfed enough already, it's time to print a usable removal, I would take overcosted polymorph even, something anything that doesn't make you feel horrible for using the card and can't lose you the game.

For real. I know they're scared of giving a Ramp class hard removal but come on, it's not like Ramp is even a competitive archetype.

Someone give me a fun deck to climb ladder with.

Token Druid is fun and can win. I like Savjz' list a lot more than JackieChans.


Takes a little getting used to, but you can create some really powerful board states.

Or, if you want to dip your toe into wild, here's my work-in-progress:



My high school buddy and a fellow HS player got suddenly diagnosed with cancer at 31, and went in for urgent surgery this week. All seems well, all went well. In recovery now.

I visited today and - because the guy has always been insistent on never paying a dime for the game, and has therefore never enjoyed the special joy that is opening a ton of packs in a row - I decided to lift his spirits by buying him 40 packs of Old Gods. He appreciated the gesture a lot.

But fuck. Just two legendaries, and both were Muklas!


And the poor guy's only had 3 legendaries so far this expansion, and all three have been Twin Emps! Lol.

I was going to buy 40 packs, but then I remembered I've opened more than 40 packs since I'm playing last April. I only have happy Rag and Cho, which I already dusted. Now I'm just grinding for free packs


warrior always has win axe
mage always has frost bolt
shaman right now with tunnel trogg
rogue with si:7 agent

thats about it, no other classes have autoincludes as frequent as those


warrior always has win axe
mage always has frost bolt
shaman right now with tunnel trogg
rogue with si:7 agent

thats about it, no other classes have autoincludes as frequent as those

Paladin always Truesilver at turn 4

Hunter have Highmane 6 o'clock
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