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Hearthstone |OT6| C'THUN for President! Why pick the lesser evil?


Started laddering today to complete a few quests. A lot of C'Thun Priests at Rank 18-20.

Priest vs. Priest.

Somehow I'm winning with that deck I used last season.




Super Sleuth
I like watching Thijs' streams. He is just so positive most of the time.

I have really been liking Controltheboard as well. He constantly thinks out loud which is very helpful for me being new.


There is something seriously wrong with this brawl, Even with 4 of each legendary plus the offense cards, I keep drawing the same legendaries and end up a hand with 3-4 of them constantly.

yup rediculous, 4 nat pagles and 4 malygos vs my opponent getting 4 emps and 4 corrupted hoggers in his hands, the actual mixing of cards is not happening properly, cause this is ridiculously unlikely statistically.


I like watching Thijs' streams. He is just so positive most of the time.

I have really been liking Controltheboard as well. He constantly thinks out loud which is very helpful for me being new.

Best practice to think out your turn aloud in both constructed and arena. That way you know you're at least trying to make the best possible move unless your deck is a vomit on the board and hit things. If your deck revolves around that later strat, then you shouldn't feel bad about losing.

Also thinking that way will make you less salty / bitter about losses.
Best practice to think out your turn aloud in both constructed and arena. That way you know you're at least trying to make the best possible move unless your deck is a vomit on the board and hit things. If your deck revolves around that later strat, then you shouldn't feel bad about losing.

Also thinking that way will make you less salty / bitter about losses.

I do that with my opponents turns because there's no way they'll ever not have the answer in hand or top deck it. :p


There is something seriously wrong with this brawl, Even with 4 of each legendary plus the offense cards, I keep drawing the same legendaries and end up a hand with 3-4 of them constantly.

yup rediculous, 4 nat pagles and 4 malygos vs my opponent getting 4 emps and 4 corrupted hoggers in his hands, the actual mixing of cards is not happening properly, cause this is ridiculously unlikely statistically.
I've noticed this too, both you and your opponent are very likely to draw into multiple copies of the same cards. I think it's a side effect or bug of how they coded it so that you always get the Offensive card on your second? draw. Anyway the way to exploit it is to just keep multiple copies of good legendaries in your starting hand though you should be doing that anyway.


I've noticed this too, both you and your opponent are very likely to draw into multiple copies of the same cards. I think it's a side effect or bug of how they coded it so that you always get the Offensive card on your second? draw. Anyway the way to exploit it is to just keep multiple copies of good legendaries in your starting hand though you should be doing that anyway.

Yeah they've had set draws before. Nothing new.


Just had great game against tempo mage with Tempo Warrior, my starting hand was horrible.. no playable card until turn 3/4

He start with 2 mana wyrm, my draw in midgame get better and manage to clear board but my HP really low thanks to giant ass 2 mana wyrm, on empty board my opponent play flamewanker, apprentice and trap.

I had "lethal" but I thinking if its Ice block I lose because I had to attack with all of my minion to pop it, no attack left to trade.. so I ignore my lethal and game prolonged several turn because his flamestrike etc, I get total board control finally with Varian Wrynn

after that I found its truly Ice Block, damn its so satisfying my decision save me.
Just had great game against tempo mage with Tempo Warrior, my starting hand was horrible.. no playable card until turn 3/4

He start with 2 mana wyrm, my draw in midgame get better and manage to clear board but my HP really low thanks to giant ass 2 mana wyrm, on empty board my opponent play flamewanker, apprentice and trap.

I had "lethal" but I thinking if its Ice block I lose because I had to attack with all of my minion to pop it, no attack left to trade.. so I ignore my lethal and game prolonged several turn because his flamestrike etc, I get total board control finally with Varian Wrynn

after that I found its truly Ice Block, damn its so satisfying my decision save me.

The subgame playing around secrets is great. Stuff like my opponents going face solely to not pop my avenge. Hunter bluffing explosive traps by making an otherwise bad trade. The correct way to pop a Noble Sacrifice, correctly identifying the redemption played and not killing the deathrattle first, fishing for mirror effigy and counterspell.

Itls a dynamic in HS rewarding knowledge and sequencing like little else.


I was hating yogg at first and I'm not playing it still, but honestly? with all these shamans and hunters around playing their OP nonsense, if you play a meme deck like yogg druid or hunter I see a around, have fun and ass pull some wins even, more power to you. This meta isn't worth putting any effort into, just roll shaman yourself or play meme decks, anything in between and you just frustrate yourself.

Watching lifecoach yesterday, he was so mad at the 7/7, like really mad playing his fun nzoth rogue deck and losing left and right to shaman non sense. What's even more disappointing is that you have Blizzard guys comment on state of standard and how everything is awesome while completely ignoring the elephant in the room.


I was hating yogg at first and I'm not playing it still, but honestly? with all these shamans and hunters around playing their OP nonsense, if you play a meme deck like yogg druid or hunter I see a around, have fun and ass pull some wins even, more power to you. This meta isn't worth putting any effort into, just roll shaman yourself or play meme decks, anything in between and you just frustrate yourself.

Yep, I now play a C'thun Yogg Druid, just miles of taunts and then hail mary plays at the end, win or lose it's more fun than actually trying to counter the cheese.


I've been swaying between Rank 13 and Rank 9 a lot lately, really frustrating considering you have to lose almost twice as you win to do that. Been using Control Warrior, Y'shaarj Priest, Ramp Druid, and Yogg Mage mostly.


For once, the meta is cooperating. I was getting farmed by hunters as a Warrior, so I switched to zoo, and I fully expected to stop seeing Shaman and Hunter, but that wasn't the case.

Zoo is really good against Hunter (few run Unleash) and Shaman (few run Lightning Storm) and you can steal wins from Warrior.

I beat a Control Warrior this morning who played two revenges and two Ravaging Ghouls against me. Got lethal by using Crazed Alchemist on my Darkshire Councilman.

I realized I'm getting good at playing against Hunter and Shaman because they all run the same decks and I really know the Warrior match-up since I've played 2000 games with that class.

Of course, Shaman can still fuck you if they have good Totem RNG and draw their god-like curve in the right order, but so far this season I have a winning record against them.

I have a lot of room to improve in piloting zoo. My 350 ranked wins with Warlock were all with traditional handlock and demon handlock,so I'm not playing optimally, but I'm actually having fun with the game again. I like that you have to play a bit risky. I like trying to feel out when is the right time to stop trading. I like tapping when I'm under 10 health and finding an answer. It's a fun deck to pilot, it is good against two of the three most prominent decks, and you get to use to Imp Gang Boss, which is such a pain for your opponent to deal with.


Super Sleuth
The humble bundle E3 digital ticket has 500 coins as part of the $1 tier. So for anyone that has an Android device, it is basically $5 hearthstone credit for $1. US only.
Current list of legs left to craft.
  • Alexstrazsa
  • Bloodmage Thalnos
  • Justicar Trueheart
  • Harrison Jones
  • Loatheb
Epics I still need
  • 1x Forbidden Healing
  • 2x Ice Block
  • 1x Pyroblast
  • 2x Preparation
With the amazon deal I'm no longer fully F2P anymore but that's gonna be take a while.


Current list of legs left to craft.
  • Alexstrazsa
  • Bloodmage Thalnos
  • Justicar Trueheart
  • Harrison Jones
  • Loatheb
Epics I still need
  • 1x Forbidden Healing
  • 2x Ice Block
  • 1x Pyroblast
  • 2x Preparation
With the amazon deal I'm no longer fully F2P anymore but that's gonna be take a while.

Loatheb is out of Standard, why do you want to craft it.
Loatheb is out of Standard, why do you want to craft it.

I love secret paladin and depending on the ladder flavour of the day I need it on wild. Not a priority right now but eventually. I just went through literally my complete collection dusting everything even remotely useless to craft the pieces I needed for Zoolock, even crafted a possessed villager only to get a golden one from my arena run.


Super Sleuth
it says pay what you want. Is it confirmed it has to be a dollar?

Not by me. Just going by what I read on Reddit. There are often restrictions like that on humble bundles though.

And there is only one credit allowed per account. Not sure if you can abuse it or anything.
Had a funny Brawl yesterday. I was Rogue and played Gallywix. My opponent played two Lorewalkers. It got a point where we both played Coins to fill up the other person's hand before playing Offensive Play or minions.

I ended up losing due to lag/animations.


Priests are such filthy thieves. This one stole Twisting Nether and Shadowflame from me.



I was five off of lethal and what do I get off the top? Forbidden Ritual. How many empty board spots do I have? 5. Who is the MVP of the modern day zoo? Darkshire-fucking-Councilman.


Played nine games so far today, won my first 8.

And I'm still titled at the loss--some super lucky hunter who honestly won the game on turn 2 when his fiery bat had perfect deathrattle RNG and cleared my board. I was playing from behind ever since.


Super Sleuth
I don't know what that is, but I'm sure its fanboys will be in the thread preaching how rad it is and how much Hearthstone sucks once it's out.

Card game from Witcher 3 being made stand alone. Not really super similar to hearthstone/MTG.


I don't know what that is, but I'm sure its fanboys will be in the thread preaching how rad it is and how much Hearthstone sucks once it's out.

We don't need other fanboys in here telling us how much Hearthstone sucks, we have our regulars for that.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Playing N'Zoth Priest against other control decks is so fun as you steal all their cards. I was up against a C'Thun Priest and played more C'Thuns than he did!


Playing N'Zoth Priest against other control decks is so fun as you steal all their cards. I was up against a C'Thun Priest and played more C'Thuns than he did!

That's the way it has been since the beginning playing any control deck against Priest. The bigger your cards, the more likely you are to lose to them.


I'm playing against the worst Dennis I've ever met.

Turn 1 rockbitter to my face. And the rest are hilarious. Using windfury to a dust devil -_-


Playing zoo is quite fun, but I don't have imp gang boss, and I use reckless rocketeer as finisher lol

So far it's been 10-4, it was all so close in those lost matches, so I guess it's not that bad.

edit: oops, 2 posts in a row


Man that Chinese Tempo Mage deck is pretty strong. Went on a 7-1 run. Only loss was against a C'thun druid when he curved out well with an early innvervate and I had no answer for his cards. Fun deck though.
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