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Hearthstone |OT6| C'THUN for President! Why pick the lesser evil?


Void Terror is a bad card, I would take it out. The reason is that one minion tends to be more vulnerable than multiples. I would use a Shattered Sun Cleric in that position. Also, Siphon Soul is out of place in a zoo deck, too slow and you're rarely going to be in a topdeck matchup.


Void Terror is a bad card, I would take it out. The reason is that one minion tends to be more vulnerable than multiples. I would use a Shattered Sun Cleric in that position. Also, Siphon Soul is out of place in a zoo deck, too slow and you're rarely going to be in a topdeck matchup.

I use Siphon soul to kill huge minion such as flamewreathed.

I just added void terror so I can absorb the attack and health from my power overwhelming minion.

Any replacement suggestions?


I use Siphon soul to kill huge minion such as flamewreathed.

I just added void terror so I can absorb the attack and health from my power overwhelming minion.

Any replacement suggestions?

I noticed you don't have any Voidwalkers in your deck. I would cut the Raid Leader and Siphon Soul and run two Voidwalkers. Having a blueberry to protect your other 1-drops is amazing.


I noticed you don't have any Voidwalkers in your deck. I would cut the Raid Leader and Siphon Soul and run two Voidwalkers. Having a blueberry to protect your other 1-drops is amazing.

Raid leader is actually late addition to replace voidwalker. I used it to buff my tentacles, usually when I have lethal.

Any replacements for siphon soul to kill huge minion?

Anyway I just reached ranked 14th with this deck, my highest rank so far. Started from 19th earlier today


My current deck. Any Suggestions?

Only use 1 darkshire, cuz I only have 1 forbidden ritual which I just crafted with 2 abusive sergeants and knife juggler.

How to make the image smaller?
I'm looking over this deck and there are a few things that really jump out at me.

You are running too many one offs. Your entire late game is one off cards and that is probably hurting you more than you think. It makes your deck a little more unpredictable than it should be.

You should remove these cards:
  • Void Terror - The card often works against you. It only works well with Power Overwhelming, but you should only be using PO to trade into huge minions (which kills your little guy usually) or to do lethal damage.
  • Shadow Bolt - This card's cost is too high for a high tempo deck like zoo. You already have 2 Soulfire, so you don't need this card at all.
  • Raid Leader - This card is too over costed for Zoo. If you feel you need another buff card, try running Dark Iron Dwarf. Dark Iron Dwarf has decent stats for his cost, only needs 1 minion to gain value, and can often trade and live. All of which make it much better than Raid Leader.
  • Siphon Soul - As a Zoo player you don't need this kind of removal. This is a card best used in Control decks. If the opponent plays a big minion you should do 1 of 2 things. Option 1 is to kill it using Power Overwhelming, multiple trades, or Soulfire. Option 2 is to start focusing on face damage and make their big minion trade into your small minions which is inefficient for them.
    This card is also a dead draw when you have nothing to kill with it. Zoo does not want dead draws, we want to always be playing cards.
  • Ooze/Crazed Alchemist/Flame Juggler - You have to drop 2 of these. You have way too many 2 drops and it is probably slowing your deck down by a lot more than you think. It doesn't matter which 2 you drop, but you will want to substitute them for 1 drops that I recommend below.

So those 6 new slots in your deck give you a few options.

  • Void Walker x2 - This card is import in the mirror match and as a way to protect your more valuable minions like Knife Juggler from trades and weapons. It also offers you a way to extend the game by one or two turns in some situations.
  • Darkshire Councilman - Add in another one. This card is good with every card in your deck. When he hits 2 attack he is already as good as other 3 cost minions. Anything higher than that is straight up broken.
  • Knife Juggler - Add in another one. If you don't have another Knife Juggler you should add in the new corrupted murloc that summons the 1/1 taunt.
  • Defender of Argus - With a more proactive early game you will have more opportunity to close out the game with this card. The taunt lets you protect your own face, and the buff often gives you lethal.
  • Dark Iron Dwarf - If you don't have another Defender of Argus or often find yourself with lots of stuff on the board and no buffs this card is great.
  • Imp Gang Boss x2 - I don't think you have the expansion that this card was released in, but if you enjoy Zoo you really should work towards getting this card.


I'm looking over this deck and there are a few things that really jump out at me.

You are running too many one offs. Your entire late game is one off cards and that is probably hurting you more than you think. It makes your deck a little more unpredictable than it should be.

You should remove these cards:
  • Void Terror - The card often works against you. It only works well with Power Overwhelming, but you should only be using PO to trade into huge minions (which kills your little guy usually) or to do lethal damage.
  • Shadow Bolt - This card's cost is too high for a high tempo deck like zoo. You already have 2 Soulfire, so you don't need this card at all.
  • Raid Leader - This card is too over costed for Zoo. If you feel you need another buff card, try running Dark Iron Dwarf. Dark Iron Dwarf has decent stats for his cost, only needs 1 minion to gain value, and can often trade and live. All of which make it much better than Raid Leader.
  • Siphon Soul - As a Zoo player you don't need this kind of removal. This is a card best used in Control decks. If the opponent plays a big minion you should do 1 of 2 things. Option 1 is to kill it using Power Overwhelming, multiple trades, or Soulfire. Option 2 is to start focusing on face damage and make their big minion trade into your small minions which is inefficient for them.
    This card is also a dead draw when you have nothing to kill with it. Zoo does not want dead draws, we want to always be playing cards.
  • Ooze/Crazed Alchemist/Flame Juggler - You have to drop 2 of these. You have way too many 2 drops and it is probably slowing your deck down by a lot more than you think. It doesn't matter which 2 you drop, but you will want to substitute them for 1 drops that I recommend below.

So those 6 new slots in your deck give you a few options.

  • Void Walker x2 - This card is import in the mirror match and as a way to protect your more valuable minions like Knife Juggler from trades and weapons. It also offers you a way to extend the game by one or two turns in some situations.
  • Darkshire Councilman - Add in another one. This card is good with every card in your deck. When he hits 2 attack he is already as good as other 3 cost minions. Anything higher than that is straight up broken.
  • Knife Juggler - Add in another one. If you don't have another Knife Juggler you should add in the new corrupted murloc that summons the 1/1 taunt.
  • Defender of Argus - With a more proactive early game you will have more opportunity to close out the game with this card. The taunt lets you protect your own face, and the buff often gives you lethal.
  • Dark Iron Dwarf - If you don't have another Defender of Argus or often find yourself with lots of stuff on the board and no buffs this card is great.
  • Imp Gang Boss x2 - I don't think you have the expansion that this card was released in, but if you enjoy Zoo you really should work towards getting this card.

Thank you so much!

Yeah, I think should use my voidwalkers again. No taunt hurts me in my last game.

I can get imp gang boss. Already have the 1st wing of BRM, I could buy the rest of the wings

I can crafted 1 more rare. Should I craft a forbidden ritual or knife juggler? Or both?


I use Siphon soul to kill huge minion such as flamewreathed.

Power Overwhelming plus Abusive Sergeant on a Tentacle kills a Flamewreathed. Doing it on a possessed villager is even better. If you only have PO, trading a couple of little minions into the big minion is also good.

Don't be afraid to trade. Don't be afraid to use your PO to get a favorable trade.


Here's a good little primer on how to play zoo. You don't want slow cards like Siphon Soul--that doesn't help your win condition. You want sticky minions and you want reach. Substitutions like Harvest Golem, Dark Iron Dwarf, even Reckless Rocketeer should be considered for cards you don't have access to.

I personally really like Crazed Alchemist in zoo. It kills a Mana Tide or Flame Tongue Totem straight up and helps you make favorable trades.

You can even combo it with Abusive Sergeant or Dire Wolf Alpha to make a temporary buff into a permanent one.


Using a 6 mana card to kill a 4 mana card and you made it to rank 14? I gotta start playing zoo

Flamewreathed is really a 6 mana card because of the overload. But the problem I have with Siphon Soul in zoo is that it is too narrow: it can only remove a minion. There are plenty of other options in Zoo that can do that, or they can also be used to cobble together lethal damage in the right situation. It's a great card in something like Renolock that needs to get to the late game at all costs, but not for zoo.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Using a 6 mana card to kill a 4 mana card and you made it to rank 14? I gotta start playing zoo

People shat on overload. Now that there's actually an extremely powerful overload card people act like the effect doesn't even exist. Mind-boggling.
People shat on overload. Now that there's actually an extremely powerful overload card people act like the effect doesn't even exist. Mind-boggling.

It was never the concept of Overload itself, it was the actual Overload cards that were released were mostly worse than what other classes had. And Flamewreathed isn't good because it's an Overload card, it's good because you actually get more stats than what you would expect for the mana (6 mana should be 6/7 or 7/6) in addition to being able to play it early. They went from printing bad cards that weren't worth the cost after you factored in Overload to printing OP cards. Shaman also didn't have decent early game until they got Trogg and Golem. Now they have one of the best openers quickly followed up by one of the best cards ever printed along with some powerful new Totem synergy. And all of this happened at a time where most classes are generally weaker after Standard removed Naxx and GvG.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
It was never the concept of Overload itself, it was the actual Overload cards that were released were mostly worse than what other classes had. And Flamewreathed isn't good because it's an Overload card, it's good because you actually get more stats than what you would expect for the mana (6 mana should be 6/7 or 7/6) in addition to being able to play it early. They went from printing bad cards that weren't worth the cost after you factored in Overload to printing OP cards. Shaman also didn't have decent early game until they got Trogg and Golem. Now they have one of the best openers quickly followed up by one of the best cards ever printed along with some powerful new Totem synergy. And all of this happened at a time where most classes are generally weaker after Standard removed Naxx and GvG.

I understand why Flamewreathed Faceless is powerful. But the way some people talk about the card it's as if they think it's purely 4 mana and because of that there aren't any good answers to it, like the person I quoted who said Siphon Soul on a Faceless was poor. There's plenty of good answers for it. Any hard removal is good. It's just a matter of drawing into that hard removal before it gets played. The card is OP but it's not Call of the Wild, Mysterious Challenger, or Dr. Boom levels of OP.


ladder is like all shaman now at rank 3-4, I just wanted to clear a hunter quest, I got 7 shamans 2 warriors. and everyone plays the face hybrid one on tempostorm.

To think we have to suffer through this for a whole year, goddamn, just add a ban button to ladder q, seriously. what do I have to do if I don't want to play against this non sense? I don't care about countering, it's just not fun when every game is trogg into golem. I don't want to see Thrall's shit face in every game.

Signed up for TES Legends and even Gwent beta, hope I get in and that some of these games really become breakout success and lit a fire under team5's ass. Like seriously, how you can fail this much at balancing a children's card game again and again.


Unconfirmed Member
ladder is like all shaman now at rank 3-4, I just wanted to clear a hunter quest, I got 7 shamans 2 warriors. and everyone plays the face hybrid one on tempostorm.

To think we have to suffer through this for a whole year, goddamn, just add a ban button to ladder q, seriously. what do I have to do if I don't want to play against this non sense? I don't care about countering, it's just not fun when every game is trogg into golem. I don't want see Thrall's shit face in every game.

Time to play Wild! No shamans there! A good number of paladins, but at low levels its pretty diverse.


I understand why Flamewreathed Faceless is powerful. But the way some people talk about the card it's as if they think it's purely 4 mana and because of that there aren't any good answers to it, like the person I quoted who said Siphon Soul on a Faceless was poor. There's plenty of good answers for it. Any hard removal is good. It's just a matter of drawing into that hard removal before it gets played. The card is OP but it's not Call of the Wild, Mysterious Challenger, or Dr. Boom levels of OP.

Call of the Wild is what an 8 mana card should be IMO. Compare it to something like Ragnaros or Tirion Fordring. Good but definitely not busted. The fact that it has the impact that it does, is a testament to how bad Blizzard has been at handling the late game.


Super Sleuth
You can even combo it with Abusive Sergeant or Dire Wolf Alpha to make a temporary buff into a permanent one.

Can you expand on this?

Also, I was using a void terror to make PO buffs permanent also. Is that a valid card in zoo or should POs only be used for ending face damage?


Only reason you shouldn't dust him is if you're a completionist or you want him purely for funsies. Not a competitive card at all.


Power Overwhelming plus Abusive Sergeant on a Tentacle kills a Flamewreathed. Doing it on a possessed villager is even better. If you only have PO, trading a couple of little minions into the big minion is also good.

Don't be afraid to trade. Don't be afraid to use your PO to get a favorable trade.


Here's a good little primer on how to play zoo. You don't want slow cards like Siphon Soul--that doesn't help your win condition. You want sticky minions and you want reach. Substitutions like Harvest Golem, Dark Iron Dwarf, even Reckless Rocketeer should be considered for cards you don't have access to.

I personally really like Crazed Alchemist in zoo. It kills a Mana Tide or Flame Tongue Totem straight up and helps you make favorable trades.

You can even combo it with Abusive Sergeant or Dire Wolf Alpha to make a temporary buff into a permanent one.


Can you expand on this?

Also, I was using a void terror to make PO buffs permanent also. Is that a valid card in zoo or should POs only be used for ending face damage?


I fixed my deck and now I'm on losing streak lol.
Can you expand on this?

Also, I was using a void terror to make PO buffs permanent also. Is that a valid card in zoo or should POs only be used for ending face damage?

Abusive Sargent gives a +2 Attack bonus for 1 turn. If you give a minion +2 attack and then swap its stats with Crazed Alchemist, it will have a permanent +2 Health buff. With Direwolf Alpha, it gives a +1 Attack buff to adjacent minions. If you swap a minion's Attack and Health while next to the Direwolf, it will get a permanent +1 Health and still get the temporary Attack bonus. This also works with Stormwind Champion. Everything on your board gets +1/+1, so if you use a Crazed Alchemist to swap Attack and Health, it swaps the buffed stats and then adds +1/+1 on top of that.
Minion is 1/1
Abusive makes it 3/1 temporarily
Crazed swaps to 1/3
Can't really "remove" the boosted attack, so stays at 1/3

Minion is 1/1
Dire Wolf makes it 2/1 temporarily (effect removed if Dire Wolf dies/another minion gets in between)
Crazed swaps to 1/2 (doesn't remove the added attack before swapping)
Dire Wolf buffs it to 2/2 (if they're still adjacent)

EDIT: beaten. Definitely one of the quirks of the game (like buffed and damaged minions being silenced and not dying, removing Stormwind Champion and not killing off 1-health minions, etc.)


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Call of the Wild is what an 8 mana card should be IMO. Compare it to something like Ragnaros or Tirion Fordring. Good but definitely not busted. The fact that it has the impact that it does, is a testament to how bad Blizzard has been at handling the late game.

Call of the Wild is better than both Tirion and Ragnaros. It is almost impossible to 1-for-1 with Call of the Wild but you can punish Ragnaros or Tirion in certain ways, like Entomb or Polymorph. So you don't always just plop them down whenever you want. Call of the Wild is a single card finisher that requires no prior setup and no planning. You don't even have to build your deck around it like Mysterious Challenger or N'Zoth. The card is definitely busted and the only reason more people don't realize that is because Hunter is sort of struggling in their early game right now.


Someone was spectating me and saw the Crazed Alchemist/Dire Wolf interaction and was blown away. It's one of my favorite lesser known interactions.
Abusive Sargent gives a +2 Attack bonus for 1 turn. If you give a minion +2 attack and then swap its stats with Crazed Alchemist, it will have a permanent +2 Health buff. With Direwolf Alpha, it gives a +1 Attack buff to adjacent minions. If you swap a minion's Attack and Health while next to the Direwolf, it will get a permanent +1 Health and still get the temporary Attack bonus. This also works with Stormwind Champion. Everything on your board gets +1/+1, so if you use a Crazed Alchemist to swap Attack and Health, it swaps the buffed stats and then adds +1/+1 on top of that.

Did not know the stormwind champion one
Did not know the stormwind champion one

Yeah, this also works against the Adventure Mode boss that swaps all minions' stats when they are played. If you have a board wide buff like Stormwind Champion or Mal'Ganis with demons, then they get their stats swapped at the buffed level and then get the buffs applied on top of that, so they effectively get buffed twice, and the original buff will stay even if the aura minion dies.


I'm not sure I'll ever understand Blizzard's obsession for printing low mana cards that are way above the power curve.

Ease of play and the ability for any player to put a powerful deck together quickly. It's a gateway for new players to succeed and avoid getting discouraged by having these players get pummeled by seasoned players with powerful decks and more experience.


Neo Member
Yogg druid is so much fun..actually making me enjoy playing the game..and pr tip: soul of the forest plus wisps of the old gods is an amazing combo; I have had many insta-concedes thanks to that :)


Call of the Wild is better than both Tirion and Ragnaros. It is almost impossible to 1-for-1 with Call of the Wild but you can punish Ragnaros or Tirion in certain ways, like Entomb or Polymorph. So you don't always just plop them down whenever you want. Call of the Wild is a single card finisher that requires no prior setup and no planning. You don't even have to build your deck around it like Mysterious Challenger or N'Zoth. The card is definitely busted and the only reason more people don't realize that is because Hunter is sort of struggling in their early game right now.

What.. Hunter is everywhere on ladder now and its auto include for tourney
Lol, I just played someone who is beyond horrible at the game but they won because of Yogg. Like, he played Sorcerer's Apprentice only to use Polymorph: Boar on it so he could run it into my Soulpriest and hero power it, that's how awful he was.

I guess that's what Blizzard wants though. They want morons to be able to win so they'll spend money.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Lost because of Yogg in a fatigue game. Had the game won up until the point where he had no choice other than to Yogg up, got the entire christmas tree up, including ice barrier which resulted in him winning the fatigue war despite me having N'zoth'd up, 7 minions against 1 on his side of the board.

Game is shit and hope this game backfires against Blizzard. I wish for this game to eventually die out so we could force Blizzard to actually be making good games again like they did 15 years ago.


Lost because of Yogg in a fatigue game. Had the game won up until the point where he had no choice other than to Yogg up, got the entire christmas tree up, including ice barrier which resulted in him winning the fatigue war despite me having N'zoth'd up, 7 minions against 1 on his side of the board.

Game is shit and hope this game backfires against Blizzard. I wish for this game to eventually die out so we could force Blizzard to actually be making good games again like they did 15 years ago.

Ok this one is funny, you mad opponent 10 mana card actually do something?

like your n'zoth summon gazzilion minion out of ass?


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Ok this one is funny, you mad opponent 10 mana card actually do something?

like your n'zoth summon gazzilion minion out of ass?
No, you're the one that's funny

27 health, 7 minions on the board
3 health, empty Yogg placed on the board


Unconfirmed Member
No, you're the one that's funny

27 health, 7 minions on the board
3 health, empty Yogg placed on the board

And you can rest easy knowing that 80 times out of a 100, the other player would have been killed by the Yogg play. Sucks that it went the other way for you, but I guess you just didn't praise Yogg hard enough.


Some fucker played Reno Jackson and then Jaraxxus. Not even 70 damage is enough to win. Reno is a stupid card.
I just lost to a mage who played reno when they were at 12 health and I had them dead next turn. Whittled them down again and survived the initial cthun burst and a second turn of him in play. Got my enemy to 4 hp then they froze my minions and my hail Mary life tap did not give me siphon soul.

As someone who has only been playing for a little over a week I fucking hate reno. He's my second most hated card after cthun and only slightly ahead of emporer thaurissan.

I'm still having plenty of fun with the game and I know I have a lot to improve on both skill and deck wise. It's super satisfying to have a plan work out though and most close losses just make me wonder if I could have pulled out the win if I did something different.
Someone was spectating me and saw the Crazed Alchemist/Dire Wolf interaction and was blown away. It's one of my favorite lesser known interactions.

Minion is 1/1
Abusive makes it 3/1 temporarily
Crazed swaps to 1/3
Can't really "remove" the boosted attack, so stays at 1/3

Minion is 1/1
Dire Wolf makes it 2/1 temporarily (effect removed if Dire Wolf dies/another minion gets in between)
Crazed swaps to 1/2 (doesn't remove the added attack before swapping)
Dire Wolf buffs it to 2/2 (if they're still adjacent)

EDIT: beaten. Definitely one of the quirks of the game (like buffed and damaged minions being silenced and not dying, removing Stormwind Champion and not killing off 1-health minions, etc.)
I did not know this - cool!

Some fucker played Reno Jackson and then Jaraxxus. Not even 70 damage is enough to win. Reno is a stupid card.

I just lost to a mage who played reno when they were at 12 health and I had them dead next turn. Whittled them down again and survived the initial cthun burst and a second turn of him in play. Got my enemy to 4 hp then they froze my minions and my hail Mary life tap did not give me siphon soul.

As someone who has only been playing for a little over a week I fucking hate reno. He's my second most hated card after cthun and only slightly ahead of emporer thaurissan.

I'm still having plenty of fun with the game and I know I have a lot to improve on both skill and deck wise. It's super satisfying to have a plan work out though and most close losses just make me wonder if I could have pulled out the win if I did something different.
Reno is worse now than it has ever been before. Be glad you are fighting weakened Reno.


I swear matching making puts you against your worst match ups.

I play paladin it puts me against priests 50% of the time

I play a midrange hunter it's zoo

I play Mage and it puts me against warrior.

Like can I get any sort of advantage?!


Super Sleuth
I don't understand Cho'gall. If it wasn't a battlecry, and with him active all spells used life instead of mana I would kind of sort of see the use, but I see absolutely no use in him as is.
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