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Hearthstone |OT6| C'THUN for President! Why pick the lesser evil?


1-1 in arena, my opponent plays double innervate Y'Sharaj on turn fucking six.

So happy I wasted my gold to get offered garbage cards and face constructed ramp druid at one and fucking one.

This happens to me for every few runs I have.

Followed by the Hello BM emoting.


This happens to me for every few runs I have.

Followed by the Hello BM emoting.


No longer mad at arena RNG. Because my pack RNG totally made up for it:


Not a bad reward for a 3-3 run.


I've essentially given up on arena entirely. If I'm lucky I'll get 3 maybe 4 wins but it's usually 2 and I'm done.

Pre Old Gods I usually got 4 or 5 with the occasional 7 to 9 in there. 3 or fewer was really rare. I've only done three since, and it was 3, 2, and then 3 wins.


Super Sleuth
Got to rank 12 tonight, pretty happy about that for being my second month.

Last 4 arena runs i haven't gotten more than two wins. I can't adjust to bad decks.

And now i have two Shaman quests, very few shaman cards, and have to make the decision whether or not to spend what little dust i have on shaman cards.

I was looking to make more tempo mage cards, but those are all crazy expensive. Stuff like cabalist, bloodmage, yogg. Watching control on twitch play what he calls Chinese tempo looks like a lot of fun but it will be months before i can afford all that stuff.

Cat Party

Old Gods has made arena a lot harder because it's diluted the card pool so much. Last Paladin deck I drafted had no weapons, no consecration, no keeper. So sad :p
I really like the Tavern Brawl concept, but it is past time to banish some cards ins some games. There are so many broken combos, that it is ridiculous to have a fair match.


Got a gold Herald Volazj from a pack. I don't really follow the meta or anything, has this guy been useful in any good decks or should I dust him and craft another legendary?

Also hilariously enough I got a Deathwing Dragonlord in the same pack. Not golden though so I will just hang on to him.

I got Deathwing, Dragonlord 3 times. Dusted him twice. Then the third time he was golden, so I was like, fine, if you insist, I'll keep you this time!


Super Sleuth
I just curved out the worst i ever have in a hunter game against another hunter, never drawing any of my 2 drops at all. Still beat him though because he was playing a yogg n load super poorly and left my tundra rhino on board through two Savannah turns.


Just got the chicken dinner achievement reward bringing me up to a little over 1k gold. I feel rich and accomplished for the short amount of time I've been playing the game so far.


You would be seeing a whole lot more of the card if it hadn't been nerfed.

The card is called Knife Juggler. There was never going to be a point where it didn't juggle knives.

What deck would play Knife Juggler that doesn't play it now? I see him in Midrange Hunter sometimes, Zoo, Aggro Paladin and the random Face Hunter. Only could see Shaman inclusing them but they seem quite happy with Flame Juggler.

And I don't have a problem with him juggling knives. I have problem with him sniping and deciding the game because the opponent can vomit minions on the board. And with forbidden ritual it only got worse in my experience.


Knife Juggler is fine now, he's no longer the auto-include 2 Drop for any deck that's slightly aggressive which was the main point of the nerf.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
What deck would play Knife Juggler that doesn't play it now? I see him in Midrange Hunter sometimes, Zoo, Aggro Paladin and the random Face Hunter. Only could see Shaman inclusing them but they seem quite happy with Flame Juggler.

And I don't have a problem with him juggling knives. I have problem with him sniping and deciding the game because the opponent can vomit minions on the board. And with forbidden ritual it only got worse in my experience.

Hunters are not really running Knife Juggler in my experience. If he wasn't nerfed he'd be in every Hunter list. I also do think you'd see him more in Shaman and he'd be better than Flame Juggler. Decks that currently run him would also be flat out stronger and therefore more popular than they currently are.

People try to say that nobody liked to play Knife Juggler on Turn 2 but that's in a Naxx/GvG world. Turn 2 Knife Juggler used to get bullied by Leper Gnome, Worgen Infiltrator, Shielded Minibot, and Mad Scientist. Without those cards in Standard he would have turned into the strongest neutral 2-drop in the game without the nerf that he got. Think back to how prevalent he was during classic. You used to have decks like Aggro Mage that would run him.

Post-nerf? You see him in flood decks and that's it. Not every aggro list runs him. And that's how it should be.


Knife Juggler is fine now, he's no longer the auto-include 2 Drop for any deck that's slightly aggressive which was the main point of the nerf.
He's still a fucking bitch fuccboi tho fuck that card

Edit: we've seen all types of decks reach legend but here's a challenge. Only spells and vanilla minions


Noxious posted a vid about how doomsayer is op and needs a nerf.

Just fuck right off. That card has existed since the start of the game and no one gave a shit about it until now.

It's a great tech card. Even hunters run it now.


Anyways as a guy who loves plAying aggro, fuck doomsayer


Doomsayer is the only thing keeping these aggressive/tempo oriented decks at bay and EVEN then it's not doing a good enough job of it because that's what comprises most of ladder anyway.

Also people didn't care about Doomsayer before because Deathrattles and Silences were more prevalent and better. With those factors nerfed, Doomsayer is a lot stronger.


That dude had draws though.... like rag and tirion and MC every time. I honestly think facetanking the gormok was a misplay and he still won because he got the leeroy and his opponent blanked.

Doomsayer is the only thing keeping these aggressive/tempo oriented decks at bay and EVEN then it's not doing a good enough job of it because that's what comprises most of ladder anyway.

Also people didn't care about Doomsayer before because Deathrattles and Silences were more prevalent and better. With those factors nerfed, Doomsayer is a lot stronger.

tempo decks dominate ladder? people don't want want to queue up for 20+ minute long control mirrors while trying to climb ladder? QUELLE FUCKING SURPRISE.


that deck is more like midrange debuff paladin which I guessing its a big part of why its work

someone should try remove the secret part of it and convert it to some big threat like Tempo Warrior, I can imagine its can work better.


would it be too much if bloodhoof brave was 3/6 enrage +2 attack instead?

It's just game losing bad against hunter/priest/paladin/renolock that you might was well not play them. It makes sense in tempo warrior, it has a lot whirlwinds, but in control warrior? it's trash.

I'm not sure what taunt to play instead, I replaced them with evil heckler now, cause screw it at least it's fun and has 5 attack all the time, it's a big deal actually! It dies to truesilver and evis, abusive plus something though lol...

they should just print a 5/5 taunt for 5, really why not, screw power creep, we need it.
Priest should have gotten a card that got lowered with every heal done :/
Or anything useful at all.

would it be too much if bloodhoof brave was 3/6 enrage +2 attack instead?

It's just game losing bad against hunter/priest/paladin/renolock that you might was well not play them. It makes sense in tempo warrior, it has a lot whirlwinds, but in control warrior? it's trash.

I'm not sure what taunt to play instead, I replaced them with evil heckler now, cause screw it at least it's fun and has 5 attack all the time, it's a big deal actually! It dies to truesilver and evis, abusive plus something though lol...

they should just print a 5/5 taunt for 5, really why not, screw power creep, we need it.
What about new Annoy-o-tron?
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