I think Deathwing, Dragonlord is pretty reasonable.
It's most vulnerable to Polymorph and Hex, but those two cards aren't too commonly played - and even if they are more widely utilized in standard, that's two classes who need to draw that answer before Deathwing, Dragonlord can die.
Silence is going to get nerfed, but even if DD does get silenced, it's still the classic Deathwing (with better card art
), only minus the battlecry - which is actually mostly better than OG Deathwing.
I hear people talking about sacrificing battlecries, but honestly, if you Varian out Alex - it's usually a good thing. The only time it's not is when you NEED the heal to not lose the game. Other dragons it can pull - including Deathwing, Ysera and Chromaggus are really powerful cards to summon instead of playing.
Honestly, the one thing that concerns me is that Dragon synergy is all about having dragons in your hand to enable effects like Blackwing Corrupter. Maybe the new Deathwing, Dragonlord deck doesn't need tempo effects, though, and those cards don't need to be played at all. A huge issue in Dragon is not drawing a dragon to enable your early game cards - that's an inconsistency that may not exist in a Deathwing control deck.
It's not going to make the best deck in the game, but I can see it being reasonable enough to play on ladder.