Okay, Hearthstone team, this is getting way up your own ass. Like, hey, haha, it's Ragnaros! Everybody loves Ragnaros. Let's create some made-up bullshit to fit into Pally. Nevermind there's a bunch of cool Paladin-themed potential legendaries we could go with. And nevermind there already exists a 2nd form Ragnaros we could've used. Oopsy-doodles!
Can't wait for Ragnaros, Magelord and Ragnaros, Assassinlord.
As for the effect, I think it's rather amazing. It must be dealt with ASAP or will get out of control with the ability to heal the player. Or itself. Sure, Silence and BGH ruin the fun, but they always ruin the fun. Rag 2 has got pseudo taunt.