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I think Moroes is about as bad as Purify; why aren't there petitions about that one?

Priest got a couple cards that are going to be used in decks. That's more than some classes got.

Seems like people are asking for Blizz to turn Priest into just another Curve deck with over powered early game minions.

If Priest players want that style of game play, pick up literally any other class.
1) Moroes is a neutral card. Neutral cards tend to be weaker than class cards anyway.

2) It being neutral means that it does not hurt or help one class absurdly more than others.

3) It doesn't take up one of the three crucial class cards. Pompous Thespian is a meh card too but no one is complaining about because it's just a neutral. If Prest got that as a class card then people would be upset too.

4) Moroes is STILL better than Purify.

5) Purify is given to the worst constructed class in the game at the moment.

6) Purify is a common so it's going to mess up Priest Arena too. And Priest is also the worst Arena class.

7) The whole design of the card is non sensical. The card comes with a draw back yet isn't cheaper than normal for a drawback card. It's not in line with how they have costed cards.

8) The card is significantly worse than other class/neutral cards that do similar things (ie. a 2 mana cycle). Worse than Flare, Slam, Battle Rage, Under city Huckster, Novice Engineer, Loot Hoarder... all of which draw for 2 mana without a drawback. Even the draw is conditional.

9) Priest already has a 0 mana Silence that they can use to target both friendly minions AND enemy minions. They also have Power Word Shield that buffs your minion and cycles for 1 mana. Not only is this card extremely bad... it's also redundant and boring.

I looked over all of the class cards and I think only Savagery is probably worse than Purify.

And just because people want better cards for Priest or they think Purify is a joke doesn't mean that they want Priest to become another curve god deck.


Unconfirmed Member
It'd be fun to see more aura effects in Hearthstone, especially debuffs that could double as removal for all the tokens the game is filled with lately.

I've always wondered by there were no auras that negatively impacted your opponents minions. We have the buffing ones like Stormwind Champion, Raid Leader, etc. It would be cool to have the reverse, Toxic Creeper that does -1 atk to all opponet minions or w/e.

I can see them not wanting to have a minion that does -HP to enemy minions as that could be pretty frustrating to remove and to play against as some classes (although I think it would be rad AND it fucks over Zoolock which is + in my book), but auras doing cool things seems like a very underexplored space in Hearthstone atm.


Why is Entomb considered so anti-fun when Hex and Polymorph exist?

From my perspective I think its unfair that someone can take my card right off the board and add it directly to their deck. Alas, I also had problems with Removal cards for that same reason. I'd prefer for players to have to deal with the cards that are played rather than get a hard remove spell. But at least those spells do not give them my card.... Alas, I really have no grand understanding of overall balance right now. After I have 6 months under my belt you'll see me post more and use better logic lol.

edit- This my first CCG as well for context.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
7) The whole design of the card is non sensical. The card comes with a draw back yet isn't cheaper than normal for a drawback card. It's not in line with how they have costed cards.

Yeah this is what it makes the card unplayable.
Now, if Purify had 0 mana cost it would be awesome... maybe even at 1 mana it could be playable since it's easier to combo with an Eerie statue or something like that (5 mana 7/7 for example)
So yeah, the card itself is not terribad, it's the cost.
Yeah this is what it makes the card unplayable.
Now, if Purify had 0 mana cost it would be awesome... maybe even at 1 mana it could be playable since it's easier to combo with an Eerie statue or something like that (5 mana for 7/7)
So yeah, the card itself is not bad, it's the cost.

Well here is where I sorta disagree. Yeah, 1 mana purify makes it more playable. But you don't actually have to combo it on eerie statue in the same turn. If you play eerie statue, then silence it in the same turn, you aren't really gaining anything by doing that since eerie statue can't attack immediately as it still has to wait a turn before attacking.

It may be easier to fill your curve out at lower cost and that is a valid point.

The comparison to flamewreathed faceless is actually kinda valid tbh, except faceless doesn't require an activator and always eats up 2 mana (unless unlocked by another card).


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
Well here is where I sorta disagree. Yeah, 1 mana purify makes it more playable. But you don't actually have to combo it on eerie statue in the same turn. If you play eerie statue, then silence it in the same turn, you aren't really gaining anything by doing that since eerie statue can't attack immediately as it still has to wait a turn before attacking.

It may be easier to fill your curve out at lower cost and that is a valid point.

The comparison to flamewreathed faceless is actually kinda valid tbh, except faceless doesn't require an activator and always eats up 2 mana (unless unlocked by another card).
Good point, it was the first card i could remember that you could silence it "as a buff"


Class cards are supposed to be stronger than neutral cards.

Just pointing out that there's a Legendary that's about as bad as "the worst class card ever printed" or whatever. And Priest did get two playable neutral cards. I think Feast and Bishop are both going to see play. If Priests don't want them I'll trade them the Warrior portal spell for either. Just tweak to restore 4 health instead.

It's not about being another curve deck... it's about being able to be more than trash tier. They just want a card that allow them to survive against the popular meta decks to just have a chance whether it's a minion or spell. A minion like death lord or a spell like lightbomb.

Deathlord and Lightbomb already exist; and a Deathlord-alike wouldn't be as impactful without Velen's Chosen.

Blizzard are probably never printing another effective board clear again, so let that dream die.

I was expecting a high-health, low cost minion for Priest but I guess Blizzard thinks that would be strong with Priest's hero power or that it didn't fit with their goals in this expansion.

Moroes is a neutral legendary. Yeah, he sucks, but it doesn't really affect anything. Priest getting a garbage common fucks them in Arena even harder than they're already fucked and denies them what every other class gets for constructed: an overpowered tool that only they can use. This is on top of giving them only mediocre cards that either come out too late or already have significant competition for those slots.

Yeah, Purify should have been the rare. I don't care about Arena at all, so I'm not going to take it into consideration when evaluating cards.

I think people are sleeping on Priest of the Feast. I think it's going to be good. Onyx Bishop should also be very good if people build their decks around it.

Overall, I think this set improved Priest--I think people got themselves hyped up that this set was going to give Priest the treatment Shaman got when they were bottom tier; but that was never realistic.


Unconfirmed Member
Regarding Priest's other cards:

Priest of the Feast is definitely playable. Great stats for 4 mana, and an effect that will actually help you catch up after losing for the the first 3-4 turns. I think anyone sleeping on this card is crazy. The card is great. It isn't a 4 mana 7/7, but it is good.

Onxy Bishop is good enough to see some play. I don't know if it will be good enough to make constructed or to create some kind of Resurrect Priest, but I'll try it out and maybe it will be cool.

So those cards are at least interesting. Definitely better than what some classes got.


Credit where it's due. Moat Lurker is the single most exciting card in terms of it's versatility that they've added to the game so far.

Really love the design on that one. Too bad the meta will probably only get faster so we can't see fun stuff like using it on your own damaged Tirion etc.


If I was Blizzard I would swap rarities on Firelands and Book, swap rarities on Onyx Bishop and Purify... then buff Purify by making it cost 1 less (or take out friendly tag).

I don't think it would take much to make those changes and the adventure still isn't out yet.
I think people are sleeping on Priest of the Feast. I think it's going to be good. Onyx Bishop should also be very good if people build their decks around it.

Overall, I think this set improved Priest--I think people got themselves hyped up that this set was going to give Priest the treatment Shaman got when they were bottom tier; but that was never realistic.

I don't know, man. We already have Resurrect with the exact same effect for 2 mana and nobody plays it. I can't see a 5 mana version with a 3/4 body attached being much better. It also doesn't do anything to help fix Priest's real weakness: absolutely no early game. It's even worse with all the Warriors around. You can't play a turn 1 Cleric because it dies to War Axe 100% of the time without doing anything.


If I was Blizzard I would swap rarities on Firelands and Book, swap rarities on Onyx Bishop and Purify... then buff Purify by making it cost 1 less (or take out friendly tag).

I don't think it would take much to make those changes and the adventure still isn't out yet.

But that would be like admitting they did something wrong.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
But that would be like admitting they did something wrong.

Have they ever changed a card after revealing it?
But im sure some loud folks would hate Blizz for doing so lol


If I was Blizzard I would swap rarities on Firelands and Book, swap rarities on Onyx Bishop and Purify... then buff Purify by making it cost 1 less (or take out friendly tag).

I don't think it would take much to make those changes and the adventure still isn't out yet.

that would be admitting that kripp, reddit etc are better at designing for this game than they are.
Turn 1: Injured Kvaldir

Turn 2: Resurrect

Yes, that already exists right now. But it's not reliable to have both of those cards in hand by turn 2, and even if you do, all you got was a 2/1 and a 2/4 for 3 mana and 2 cards. It's not that great. Compare it to say turn 1 Tunnel Trogg, turn 2 Totem Golem. The Trogg will kill your Kvaldir and survive and then the Trogg and the Golem kill the Resurrected Kvaldir and the Golem survives. And if you keep Resurrecting Injured Kvaldirs, you're more likely to resurrect one when you play Onyx Bishop giving you a 3/4 and a 2/4 for 5 mana. That's not terrible, but compared to some of the stuff that other classes can pull for 5 mana, that's not all that great either.


You can't play a turn 1 Cleric because it dies to War Axe 100% of the time without doing anything.

That is a problem exclusive to Priest?

Anyway, most Priest lists run Museum Curator in that spot anyway, or the class Dragon. Now they can run Arcane Anomaly or Netherspite Historian in that slot if they want.

Arcane Anomaly coin PW:S seems pretty good to me.
That is a problem exclusive to Priest?

Anyway, most Priest lists run Museum Curator in that spot anyway, or the class Dragon. Now they can run Arcane Anomaly or Netherspite Historian in that slot if they want.

Arcane Anomaly coin PW:S seems pretty good to me.

I think arcane anomaly might be a pretty decent replacement for zombie chow. I think it might even be alright in classes that wouldn't touch zombie chow due to the deathrattle downside.

Like rogue... seems like it could actually be alright. It won't make the cut in miracle rogue I think, at least not current lists.
That is a problem exclusive to Priest?

Anyway, most Priest lists run Museum Curator in that spot anyway, or the class Dragon. Now they can run Arcane Anomaly or Netherspite Historian in that slot if they want.

Arcane Anomaly coin PW:S seems pretty good to me.

No, it's not exclusive to Priest, but what else do they have to play until turn 4? Cleric is their early game and then they heal and pass until they can find a Shifting Shade or they need to remove something with Auchenai. Museum Curator is nothing. That 1/2 body isn't even worth addressing most of the time. It's not like they have anything to buff its attack with so that it's actually threatening. I think Arcane Anomaly has potential as a good early Priest drop, but it requires you to have other cards to combo with it or else it just dies for free. That's always been Priest's problem. They have a bunch of cards that can potentially combo with each other, but then you have to have them all in hand at once or you just have a hand full of useless bits and pieces that don't do anything without their matching combo piece.


At this point the ACTUAL problem with Priest is all the self-appointed experts writing off the whole class before even trying any of the new cards.

Luckily we got Kibler and others who aren't so close minded who will test the fuck out of ALL the new cards in Priest decks. Maybe Priest decks get better, maybe they don't.

It's worth at least exploring.

Or we could start petitions to get people fired because the cards in the set aren't obviously OP.


In my case I'll just wait an extra expansion where Blizzard will predictably dump a bunch of dumb CotW type of cards on priest to make it work instead of actually doing some proper balancing.
I've been laddering with this tempo deck recently. It was inspired by the chinese tempo deck, although I never actually looked at a list. From what I understand, however, is that it runs cabalist's tomes + ice block + yogg instead of the late game options that NA/EU tempo decks run (like drake, rag, antonidas, faceless). I was tinkering around with a slower tempo deck and I wasn't happy with it, but I was happy with cabalist's tome. So I wondered how well cabalist's tome + ethereal conjurer + ET + antonidas would work out. So far pretty well.

This is version 1.1 (1.0 was no ice block, +1 acolyte of pain):

Decklist 1.1

So far ice block has been in 8 matches, has been irrelevant. I'm not ready to ditch it though. Surviving an extra turn could make antonidas and cabalist's tome steal a match. Maybe not worth it in the grand scheme.

Also, I guess the slow tempo mage deck I made wasn't bad by any means. Held a 68% winrate over ~40 games at least.


Decided to try out a scumbag Priest deck, because why not.


EDIT: Might craft a Cabal Shadow Priest


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Credit where it's due. Moat Lurker is the single most exciting card in terms of it's versatility that they've added to the game so far.

Really love the design on that one. Too bad the meta will probably only get faster so we can't see fun stuff like using it on your own damaged Tirion etc.

It's overcosted as hell though.
Yogg will win you way more games than ice block in that kind of list i imagine.

Yeah maybe.

I am kinda thinking about how I can spruce it up with the new set atm. Barnes is potentially good. Arcane golem could work. If I keep ice block, then valet potentially (also get quite a bit of secrets off cabalist's tome) but this is doubtful without bigger changes to the list.


Dude its takes no rocket science priest stay in dumpster science.. sure test the fuck out of Purify if you wish. Sure.

Because Purify is the only card released in the 45 card set? There weren't two other class cards and a bunch of neutrals? We don't have years of experience showing us how shit people are at evaluating pre-release cards? No skilled deck builder can possibly find a way to use these new cards effectively in priest?

You want Kripp and/or Reddit to design the cards from now on? Fuck that.

How am I the voice of reason and everyone else just wants to shit on a bunch of cards they've never even used?


At this point the ACTUAL problem with Priest is all the self-appointed experts writing off the whole class before even trying any of the new cards.

Luckily we got Kibler and others who aren't so close minded who will test the fuck out of ALL the new cards in Priest decks. Maybe Priest decks get better, maybe they don't.

It's worth at least exploring.

Or we could start petitions to get people fired because the cards in the set aren't obviously OP.

We're all going to be testing the new cards. That doesn't make them any more appealing. And none of those cards introduced in Karazhan will fix the current problem. You don't have to be "self-appointed expert" to see that.


Super Sleuth
Cabalist tome is just plain fun. Usually too slow, but damn fun. Getting to use spells you usually can't fit in a deck is great. Like blizzard.
I do wonder where all the aggression is coming from. Like all of us are armchair experts here of course we're gonna be wrong a hell lot of time but this isn't supposed to be a resource of highest level hearthstone advice.

I mean I immediately went into NZoth Pally and that turned out to be a stinker, someone gilded his Patron Warrior,... come OG release.


At this point the ACTUAL problem with Priest is all the self-appointed experts writing off the whole class before even trying any of the new cards.

Luckily we got Kibler and others who aren't so close minded who will test the fuck out of ALL the new cards in Priest decks. Maybe Priest decks get better, maybe they don't.

It's worth at least exploring.

Or we could start petitions to get people fired because the cards in the set aren't obviously OP.
The new cards aren't even close to addressing any of the problems the class has.
That's blatantly obvious.

They don't need another 4 drop, they don't need another resurrect card and they sure as fuck don't need purify.


Super Sleuth
For some reason, I'm way more bummed out about humility or Aldor Peacekeeper than I am hex or other hard removal.

Polymorph at this point is anniying because you don't see it as much.
With this release I think I can cut the MC and secrets from my NZoth pally or otherwise cut the Nzoth from my Secret Pally in Wild.
Excited to try out Medivh in Control Paladin in standard even though the deck is still gonna be bad.


I do wonder where all the aggression is coming from. Like all of us are armchair experts here of course we're gonna be wrong a hell lot of time but this isn't supposed to be a resource of highest level hearthstone advice.

People are really angry at Blizzard for not releasing the cards they made up in their hands prior to the card announcement.

How dare they not just copy and paste the theory-crafted cards from Reddit straight into the game! How dare they give us a bunch of new cards with interesting effects and interactions and not make it super obvious what current meta decks we can just slot the cards into!
People are really angry at Blizzard for not releasing the cards they made up in their hands prior to the card announcement.

How dare they not just copy and paste the theory-crafted cards from Reddit straight into the game! How dare they give us a bunch of new cards with interesting effects and interactions and not make it super obvious what current meta decks we can just slot the cards into!

So what let them, Blizzard is still making bank. People on Reddit always are angry at something, it's not even that balancing a card game is hard just that criticizing them is easy.

I'm not as positive as you about the new cards though, the expansion does seem lackluster.


It's overcosted as hell though.

Yup, we really can't have fun playable cards unless you're the type that finds 4 mana 7/7's fun.

But still, in terms of design it's leagues beyond 99% of the cards we've had so far in the game. Would really reward creativity from the player if this was playable.


The new cards aren't even close to addressing any of the problems the class has.
That's blatantly obvious.

They don't need another 4 drop, they don't need another resurrect card and they sure as fuck don't need purify.

Actually they do need the new 4-drop. It's not gonna elevate the class, but it is an amazing card against all forms of aggro.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gulNsbnLeak <- This animated video is great

People are really angry at Blizzard for not releasing the cards they made up in their hands prior to the card announcement.

How dare they not just copy and paste the theory-crafted cards from Reddit straight into the game! How dare they give us a bunch of new cards with interesting effects and interactions and not make it super obvious what current meta decks we can just slot the cards into!

Yeah, I think the entire theme from the trailer to the cards is all about being different. Some of the biggest winners of the expansion are new archetypes. Beast druid, control dragon, multi-race decks, secret hunter/mage (more mage than hunter, but I could be surprised by hunter)...

There are very few cards that you can just slot into existing decks. I feel like a couple expansions ago people were complaining that no new archetypes were being made and the cards that were being added are just power creep where you just slot them into existing decks and those decks are now better than old ones. Now we're complaining that we didn't get that. And I frankly get it, priest is bad right now. But I also feel like 1 adventure isn't going to turn it all around (like naxx had that 3/4 people raved about being the power creep priest needed and it wasn't enough).

So even if purify was some broken card, we'd probably be back to power creep argh (see shaman) and people would be pointing out that blizzard's long standing problem is that when they fix bad decks by adding broken cards, it's terrible. I think they could have done better. They could have put purify in an expansion rather than an adventure, but I don't think priest gets turned around in a single adventure. It's not like priest is 1 card away from being great.

I think the worst part about this expansion is not the lack of priest cards. It's the powerful zoolock cards they added while zoo is already tier 1. Why aren't people complaining about that?


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
At this point the ACTUAL problem with Priest is all the self-appointed experts writing off the whole class before even trying any of the new cards.

Luckily we got Kibler and others who aren't so close minded who will test the fuck out of ALL the new cards in Priest decks. Maybe Priest decks get better, maybe they don't.

It's worth at least exploring.

Or we could start petitions to get people fired because the cards in the set aren't obviously OP.

Both Kibler and Reynad said that priest got good cards (Except Purify of course). Not mind blowing 4 mana 7/7 kind of good cards though.

I think the worst part about this expansion is not the lack of priest cards. It's the powerful zoolock cards they added while zoo is already tier 1. Why aren't people complaining about that?
Like when the community complain about aggro decks being too strong and Blizzy prints Flame Juggler and Argent Rider. lol
Maybe is that the dev team wants a different game than the community.


Moroes is a better Priest card than Purify is, because you can stick power word shield on it and avoid all the easy 1-damage AOEs out there.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Anything from Blizzard regarding Shitify?
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