Been playing other people for the first time in a while due to the WoW: Legion launch. Have the new cards from Karazhan shaken things up a bit for the other decks, or is it all a bit "same old"?
Oh, and Aggro Shaman is still a cunt's deck, I see...
Top decks are still top and have in fact gotten better. Hunter has gotten better so you see more of it as well as Beast Druid.
You see more spell centric and dragon decks around with the occasional meme decks.
Top decks right now:
Aggro Shaman: Broken deck made up of broken cards that got even better because it can now beat one of its few bad match ups Zoolock with cards like Spirit Claws and Maelstrom Portal.
Dragon Warrior: Top deck before, still top deck now mostly because it's the only bad match up that Aggro Shaman has now. Got the option to play Curator with Fierce Monkey for more value, late game card draw option but operates pretty much the same as before.
Token Druid: Got buffed significantly with Arcane Giants. Moongblade Portal is nice too especially since it buffs Raven Idol potential. Yogg just keeps getting better.
Midrange/Hybrid Hunter: Was tier 2 before but now even stronger with Kindly Grandmother and has option to play more secret heavy deck with Cloaked Huntress. Still operates mostly the same just with better early game which is a big deal as it means stronger Call of the Wild plays.
Tempo Mage: Got buffed because of Babbling Book and Firelands Portal. Very hard to play against this class now with all the random spells and card generation out of the ether. Also has the Yogg threat late game.
Zoolock: Got Imp of Malchazaar which means they run a few more discard cards now but it's basically just Zoo that is faster. Expect to see more Soulfires and Doomguards when playing against Zoo nowadays.
Beast Druid: At least tier 2 deck and about as good as Hunter decks. Has cheat potential with Innervate like all Druid with cheat potential if you hit Menagerie Warden on a decent target. Still is over shadowed by Token Druid because it doesn't contain the Yogg comeback factor.
Control decks am cry. Mostly because the aggression is too high or by the mid to late game some of these decks accumulate a lot of RNG advantage that make it difficult to play around. Then you run into the random dude who puts Prince Malchazaar in their aggressive Tempo Mage deck that is impossible to play around or control.
Barnes is seeing some play in Hunter, Tempo Mage and Rogue decks. Very threatening in Rogue because it can pull stuff like Questing Adventurer, Violet Teacher, Malygos, Emperor, Gadgetan etc. which has been enough to pull Rogue up a bit.