My apologies to anybody playing Control Warrior in this meta. I tried it, and shit's tough.
Warrior could really use a midrange weapon like Death's Bite again.
I like Mavenfall and Shadowverse the most out of other TCGs.
I talked about that Wild Nzoth Rogue deck a while back. Instant win against Control decks.
I want to try Shadowverse more. I mainly have to use an emulator since HS is such a god damn storage hog on my phone.
That flamewanker turn at HCT stream
man fuck that card
and a disgusting yogg, fuck that card as well.
It should add another minute if your connection drops. Just once per game.Agree with reconnect being awful
Have lost multiple games to it
I got it from the Welcome pack, and I was so excited. Then I realized how bad it is in this meta.Pulled Jaraxxus. It's nice but not really what I'm looking for right now.
and a disgusting yogg, fuck that card as well.
I want the text to read exactly like that, lol.Good Yogg against shaymen is well come doe
Its the change of text they should done tbh
10 mana 7/5 "battlecry: fuckshit an shaman"
I think you have a really good point. The most frustrating experiences I have against secrets are:I feel like blizzard keeps missing the mark with secrets. They should be something you deliberately play and deliberately play around. Like well timed secrets include forethought or great... timing. I mean, that is how I think secrets work best, when you time it well and you land that great value because your opponent either couldn't play around it or made the wrong risk. And it should be feel somewhat deliberate, even when you just play the card because you're filling your curve.
But then they added mad scientist which kind of flies in the face of all that. I don't mind that mad scientist was particularly powerful, I hated how the RNG kind of cuts now in the deliberateness of secrets.
Now they have cloaked huntress, which promotes just vomiting secrets out almost without care because you're playing a ton of cards. Again, it cuts out the deliberateness of the secrets, of playing cards in general, but particularly I feel secrets should be deliberate.
That is just how I feel about secrets. They're great because they provide opportunities to play around things, to guess or take risks surrounding what those secrets are. But when there is no methodology because you just vomit free cards... kind of defeats the purpose.
I think now you can probably use Arcane Giants which probably makes that deck better than what it was before. Before people would just copy Belchers with it.I don't know why this deck wasn't ever popular, because I don't think I've ever beaten a Grinder Mage player.
mid hunter get farmed all day at various recent tourney lmao
It's called Renolock, look it up.
TIER 1: Well-optimized decks with extremely efficient and overwhelmingly powerful combos and card synergies that makes losing against these decks feel helpless and unfair.
Until now, I didn't even care about the Execute nerf. :-/Nzoth Rogue tier 2?
Yeeeaaaa.... I don't know about that one.
The rest is completely unsurprising if you have been paying attention to high ranked Ladder and tournaments.
Next Wild tier list will be released in a week, I am actually surprised it's coming that soon. Though Secret Paladin is even more the #1 deck in that format given the nerfs that happened to its competition (Grim Patron nerfed because of Execute, Zoolock nerfed because of Abusive, Hunter nerfed due to CotW).
Thijs keep insìsting Kobold is bad in freeze mage.. man dude say a lot dumb thing recently
To be fair, Evolved Kobold is only good in these Aggro Freeze decks that are looking to continuously pump out burn unlike the more traditional Freeze Mages that we are used to. You wouldn't play Kobold in a deck that is trying to stall to the classic heavy hitters like Alex, Pyro and Antonidas since any game you're going to win shouldn't need more than 20 total burn in a turn.
It actually got used right when OG released, and then Freeze Mage became unpopular.Nobody even heard of evolved kobold until like a week ago. Calling him dumb for thinking it is bad is hilarious.
I have the dreaded watch a friend win quest. Anyone here play regularly that I could watch?
Griddlelol is my battlenet ID
You need to provide a server name and the number (#XXXX) after your name.I have the dreaded watch a friend win quest. Anyone here play regularly that I could watch?
Griddlelol is my battlenet ID
It probably is to be honest. A lot of the times it's a dead card and usually when you use it to kill, it's just overkill anyway. Probably need to examine some stats on it but the card hasn't exactly blown me away with its ability. Will definitely be completely unusable when Emperor rotates out and you can't cheat combo with it.Thijs keep insìsting Kobold is bad in freeze mage.. man dude say a lot dumb thing recently
you need to write the full ID, with the # included and all.
You need to provide a server name and the number (#XXXX) after your name.
Updated, thanks.
So I see the opinion on Yogg is still pretty positive as far as the nerfed cards go.
Hunter seems to have melted under Call of The Wild though.
Are Execute and Yogg the only nerfed cards still being used in higher end decks?
rockbiter isn't still used?
Well, it's not in either the Tier 1 Mid-Range Shaman or near-bottom of Tier 3 Aggro Shaman list in the link.
I still don't get taking the tempo storm meta snapshot as anything but the opinion of a few players.
oh sorry, I was asking because I couldn't check the link as it is blocked..
welp I guess I should be changing my midrange shaman deck...
I still don't get taking the tempo storm meta snapshot as anything but the opinion of a few players.