Not sure why people complain about Jade, it gets absolutely wrecked by aggressive decks.
Jade gets slaughtered by aggro, but it tends to slaughter control in my limited experience. Lopsided matchups are bad for any competitive game.
Not sure why people complain about Jade, it gets absolutely wrecked by aggressive decks.
Guess what i don't want to play brain dead aggro decks.
I feel like Jade Rogue is the weakest archetype. Shaman is okay. It's the Jade Druid that I think has the potential to be meta-defining.That's how Hearthstone has always worked though, the meta shifts all the time. Jade is the answer to strong control decks. And even then you still need to get the right draw to win out in the end. If anything, Jade feels far too inconsistent to be competitive. At least with the Rogue deck I've got going.
The problem is that aggro = brain dead in Hearthstone, and that doesn't have to be the case. A lot of card games have aggro that is difficult to play well.Guess what i don't want to play brain dead aggro decks.
In total, I opened 50 packs and got 1 legendary, Hobart Grapplehammer, which I'm not disappointed with at all as I think he could be pretty useful. Maybe some sort of face-Warrior/Pirate deck?
Otherwise, pretty standard packs I'd say, however this pack was one of the best I think:
Yup, these are pretty much the reason why I'm most likely going to quit HS in a few days once these decks are literally everywhere.
Control is basically dead until 2018 and chances are we can't even escape to wild this time around. Thanks blizzard.
Yup, these are pretty much the reason why I'm most likely going to quit HS in a few days once these decks are literally everywhere.
Control is basically dead until 2018 and chances are we can't even escape to wild this time around. Thanks blizzard.
So what's the early consensus on Kazakus? I didn't unpack him, but I'm tempted to craft just since he looks so cool.
Well control decks are fucking dead thanks to Jade Golems.
So what's the early consensus on Kazakus? I didn't unpack him, but I'm tempted to craft just since he looks so cool.
Right but my point is Jade probably isn't gonna be viable in the long run. People are playing it now because it's new, but it seems to have some serious weaknesses. I've been trying to run with it since yesterday and it's really rough now that people have figured out that they just need to go for the face and shut me down early.
The card is very good but we don't know if Reno decks are going to have staying power in the meta.So what's the early consensus on Kazakus? I didn't unpack him, but I'm tempted to craft just since he looks so cool.
The card is very good but we don't know if Reno decks are going to have staying power in the meta.
The card is very good but we don't know if Reno decks are going to have staying power in the meta.
i've been trying renolock......jade golems get completely out of control
Yeah and it's already the pits.The expansion has been out for less than 24 hours. Lol.
I feel like needing to put the Jade Golem deck on a clock is the exact proof that control decks are dead - if you're about putting your opponent on a clock to answer what you are playing each turn, then you're probably playing a midrange deck now. Control decks should never have to be on a timer - they can't succeed as such. One definition of control is that the deck gets stronger as the game goes on.I think a control deck can beat a jade golem deck if it has a win condition that's not fatigue. You have to put the jade golem deck on a clock. Something like Anyfin Paladin can do this. Reno decks can pull win conditions from something like Yogg in Reno Mage or powerful Inspire effects like Paletress in Reno Priest. Here's a couple replays of my reno games yesterday. I already posted the Priest replay but the Mage one pulled a win condition out of Rafaam.
I feel like needing to put the Jade Golem deck on a clock is the exact proof that control decks are dead - if you're about putting your opponent on a clock to answer what you are playing each turn, then you're probably playing a midrange deck now. Control decks should never have to be on a timer - they can't succeed as such. One definition of control is that the deck gets stronger as the game goes on.
I feel like needing to put the Jade Golem deck on a clock is the exact proof that control decks are dead - if you're about putting your opponent on a clock to answer what you are playing each turn, then you're probably playing a midrange deck now. Control decks should never have to be on a timer - they can't succeed as such. One definition of control is that the deck gets stronger as the game goes on.
I have had a similar prediction but I have also that deck running Gadgetans to cycle the cheap 1 mana cards and keep creating Jade Golems while you cycle. It's going to take some time to develop that deck because it's more of a combo deck.Honestly, when the meta settles down I think a Spell Token Druid that runs Mark of the Lotus and maybe just 1 or 2 copies of Jade Idol might turn into the real meta-deck for Druid. You could really blow somebody out with Violet Teacher when you have redundancy in the +1/+1 board spells now.
Tavern Brawl.Fucking hell, I can't even finish the "Win 3 matches with Warrior, Paladin or Hunter" quest.
Old decks don't work and don't have enough new cards to make a decent "expansion" deck.
Not sure why people complain about Jade, it gets absolutely wrecked by aggressive decks.
I think a control deck can beat a jade golem deck if it has a win condition that's not fatigue. You have to put the jade golem deck on a clock. Something like Anyfin Paladin can do this. Reno decks can pull win conditions from something like Yogg in Reno Mage or powerful Inspire effects like Paletress in Reno Priest. Here's a couple replays of my reno games yesterday. I already posted the Priest replay but the Mage one pulled a win condition out of Rafaam.
Then cthun warrior already killed control decks.
Some control decks get stronger as the game goes on than others. Always have.
Control decks can put others on a clock, but Control vs. Control shouldn't be about the clock, it should be about resource management. For example, in Priest vs. Anyfin Paladin, the match isn't about Anyfin Paladin putting the Priest on a clock. It's about the Priest trying to counter the Murlocs so that the Paladin can no longer win with Anyfin, and the Paladin is trying to ensure the Priest has to use its preferred removal on other cards as well.There have been control decks in the game that have put people on clocks before. Control Warrior used to put people on a clock with Alexstrasza and Grom. Anyfin Paladin does this now. Slow Warlock decks can Leeroy+PO+Faceless. Basically they have to move in this direction rather than just waiting for Golden Monkey or burning people out with Triple C'Thun.
Classic Control Paladin stays losing.
Reno Priest, or Reno Shadowpriest? You only really Reno Priest if you're going Shadowform. Otherwise there are too many cards you would rather have 2x of for consistency and excellence.Trying out Reno Priest and it's ass so far. Lost to new Miracle Rogue, Jade Druid, Hand Buff Paladin, and Zoolock.
Yeah Control decks with definite win conditions can win against Jade.
Reno Priest, or Reno Shadowpriest? You only really Reno Priest if you're going Shadowform. Otherwise there are too many cards you would rather have 2x of for consistency and excellence.
Fucking hell, I can't even finish the "Win 3 matches with Warrior, Paladin or Hunter" quest.
Old decks don't work and don't have enough new cards to make a decent "expansion" deck.
Hmm, I didn't know we were talking about OTK. Reno Priest has a great OTK combo:Reno OTK doesn't necessarily need Shadowform.
Priest is too much fun to be viable in this meta
Hmm, I didn't know we were talking about OTK. Reno Priest has a great OTK combo:
1) Play Auchenai Soulpriest.
2) Play Reno Jackson.
Does that actually work? lol
It works.Hmm, I didn't know we were talking about OTK. Reno Priest has a great OTK combo:
1) Play Auchenai Soulpriest.
2) Play Reno Jackson.
Does that actually work? lol