What deck list are you running? I enjoyed the deck at lot (Jade Idol so good), but the variation I played was a bit wonky and felt poorly put together.
For that deck, I feel an early Jade Idol should alway be used for the golm, but late game used for more idols. What do you think about that, I heard other people liking to do the opposite.
I'm not using a netdeck. i don't have ONIK so no arcane giants. i took HS's lotus golems suggestion and changed some things. like i added 2 azure drakes, 2 nourishes and removed some dumbass things like lotus agents and lunar visions.
one thing I've realized is that following one deck to a specific "t" is not that important.
get the basic idea, have most of the cards, add in your own tech choices, and go play.