Okay I'm calling it a night. Went from rank 20 to 10 with Pirate Warrior. Think my final score was something like 28-5. Deck is pretty insane.
Turn 4 lethal is pretty new.Aggro is good in an unsettled meta? Who knew?
I realize some of you have never played in an aggro meta before, since midrange Shaman slowed the game down significantly, but this isn't new or surprising.
Aggro is good in an unsettled meta? Who knew?
I realize some of you have never played in an aggro meta before, since midrange Shaman slowed the game down significantly, but this isn't new or surprising.
All the sudden I'm playing a bunch of midrange Shamans with Small-Time Buccaneer + patches...
Turn 4 lethal is pretty new.
pirate warrior can easily kill on turn 4. show me a time where that was possible.
pirate warrior can easily kill on turn 4. show me a time where that was possible.
Pirate Warrior was never this good before.Since Wotog.
Pirate warriors have been ultra fast for months and months and months.
Pirate Warrior was never this good before.
Turn 4 lethal is pretty new.
pirate warrior can easily kill on turn 4. show me a time where that was possible.
Anyone can get sub turn 4 kills against Handlock.
ETA until Hunter figures this out with Glaivezooka in Wild?
So I bought a set of 15 of the promo card packs for cheap on eBay but I guess I already redeemed 5 at one point because Battle.net would only let me add 10 of them (there's an account max of 15).
Is there anyone who hasn't used all 15? I'll PM you the codes. It'll get you 5 classic packs.
One of my quests is playing 75 Battlecry minions, which class has the most battlecry minions?
I don't think I've ever used a promo pack, I wouldn't mind them if you're offering!
Zealous D I can confirm that playing Krul with Apothecary actually kills you instantly (if you have a bunch of demons in hand).
One of my quests is playing 75 Battlecry minions, which class has the most battlecry minions?
Hell no. Someone used Leeroy against me and I died. I do not like this card anymore. I thought it was within maybe fringe playability but because of PW and Leeroy interaction my opinion of this card is much lower now.Are you liking apothecary otherwise?
someone explain to me why operative is a 5/6 again?
Because that's what Blizzard does when Reddit throws a fit about their "main" class not getting good cards. (Despite Priest of Feast being one of the strongest cards in the game and people doing 12 win runs in Heroic Brawl with Priest, Priest was "bad" according to Reddit's amateur balance team and Purify was a personal insult).
Now that Blizzard has shown that they kowtow to Reddit's whining, every time Reddit thinks an expansion doesn't treat their new "main" well we get to deal with weeks of circlejerk complaining until Blizzard prints a bunch of overpowered garbage to make them shut up.
So strap in for "Rogue is bad and I can't possible play another class so you better buff it" daily posts to go along with the "my greedy unoptimized deck is losing to aggro, you better nerf cards that have't even been out a week because they're obviously OP and there's no possible way the meta can adapt" posts all over social media.
I don't remember the last time the meta adapted to anything that was actually over powered. It usually required Blizzard tampering by nerfing, removing from Standard or new stronger cards to be printed.
Undertaker Hunter - Had to be nerfed
Combo Druid - Nerfed/removed
Grim Patron - Nerfed
Secret Paladin - Moved to Wild where it is still dominant
Handlock - Nerfed
Aggro Shaman - Nerfed
Midrange Shaman - Uncontested until new expansion and will be moved to Wild in a few month anyway
Patches is over powered for sure.We don't know what it is actually overpowered yet.
Patches is over powered for sure.
I personally think Jade Idol is over powered but I am not going to talk about it too much until I have played with it and against it more. Same for Drakonid Operative and a couple of other cards.
But Patches is clearly a problematic card.
For such a Vicious Syndicate fan, you sure do deny their stats when it comes to priest.
We don't know what it is actually overpowered yet.
Zealous D I can confirm that playing Krul with Apothecary actually kills you instantly (if you have a bunch of demons in hand).
Was Priest the worst class? Probably. Is that a big deal? Nope. Being the worst doesn't mean it couldn't win games or that people needed to riot and demand buffs for weeks on end. My favorite deck is 100% dumpstered but I'm moving on and adapting.
What ever you say Mike.
Kazakus being 4 mana makes that card so cool.
It is pretty much raining Epics in these new packs. Oh and of course, I craft Kazakus yesterday and pull him from a pack today. Oh well, dust for a certain pirate everybody keeps yelling about.
You must have a lot of time to shitpost when you're roping every turn in Hearthstone!
Also you fail at reading comprehension, since I'm bashing Blizzard's bullshit, reactionary class buffing they did in MSG, and you're trying to insinuate I'm a Blizzard shill.
No you said the same exact BS Donais said when people were clamoring for buffs to Priest, implying that just because it's last doesn't mean it needed a buff when it was clear as fucking day it did need some serious buffs.