Unconfirmed Member
I tried warrior. I will try more. I want to make a more midrange list, but I don't think it'll be better than dragon warrior so maybe it won't be relevant til next expansion.
I think between alley armorsmith and doppelgangster it has a lot of potential though. Maybe there is a list that can compete alongside dragon warrior. The other aspect is warrior's buffing weapons in hand, which is something paladin doesn't have access to.
Also the taunt buff is particularly powerful +3/+3. Pirate warrior can't beat that on alley I think!
Here's what I'm running:
I don't know if the Gorehowl/Pawnbroker/Grapplehammer combo is needed but I wanted a way to make the Brass Knuckles not suck so much. Maybe the better answer is to just not use Brass Knuckles, but 9/2 gorehowl has already won me some games, so might as well keep them for now.
It's one of the few decks I've found that seem to have answers for both aggro and control. Versus Aggro it is just typical control warrior shenanigans with a boosted Alley Armorsmith being game winning, and versus Control it's about creating huge Doppelgangsters to drop right after a good brawl.