I should just quit now
Your pack triggered me to open a quick 15. Got dog shit besides a dupe Patches.
I should just quit now
I should just quit now
Rogues had 2 Jade Commons plus all the Jade classes had Jade Spirit which had the same occurrence for them as class cards. So Rogue essentially had 3 COMMON Jade cards that if they had an occurrence bonus of 100% you could expect to draft 4-5 of them in a deck. And Jade Golems when buffed are really powerful in Arena.Even with the possibility of an insane occurrence bonus, the Jade mechanic seemed way too optimistic in arena. Not all of the jade cards are common and you have to play at least 4 jade cards for the mechanic to get good. You're just sacrificing a lot of early tempo. I think the Kabal was always going to get the most of out this expansion in arena since their cards synergized the least.
Rogues had 2 Jade Commons plus all the Jade classes had Jade Spirit which had the same occurrence for them as class cards. So Rogue essentially had 3 COMMON Jade cards that if they had an occurrence bonus of 100% you could expect to draft 4-5 of them in a deck. And Jade Golems when buffed are really powerful in Arena.
So I could definitely see where they were coming from especially for Rogue. They expected Rogue to be really high in Arena because of the Jade mechanic but I guess it's a wash now.
Just opened Raza! Was considering a craft so that's great to see.
Even with the possibility of an insane occurrence bonus, the Jade mechanic seemed way too optimistic in arena. Not all of the jade cards are common and you have to play at least 4 jade cards for the mechanic to get good. You're just sacrificing a lot of early tempo. I think the Kabal was always going to get the most of out this expansion in arena since their cards synergized the least.
I just drafted a double imp gang boss and double abyssal enforcer deck yesterday. I even got a crystalweaver to make the imp gang bosses better. 72.8 Tierscore on HearthArena but I think they underrate Abyssal Enforcer. We'll see how well it does when I get to play it.
I think running Wrathion assumes you cut at least 1 Azure Drake. Weren't most people keen on doing that anyway?
Why the hell does 5 damage + polymorph a random enemy potion transform the minion I was targeting then do no damage to it? Feels bad to lose a game to a bug.
Seems like proper sequencing. The minion doesn't die until the spell fully resolves which transform the X/0 into a 1/1.Why the hell does 5 damage + polymorph a random enemy potion transform the minion I was targeting then do no damage to it? Feels bad to lose a game to a bug.
Drakonid operative is such a dumb card. 'See 10% of your opponents deck and pick the best card' on a premium statted card. Blizzard design philosophy at its finest.
Operative is more op tbhThat Batstone tournament is going to end up banning out Jade Idol too.
That should probably be banned too.Operative is more op tbh
I guess Operatives is card that people like to see/watchThat should probably be banned too.
Too bad, it's Firebat's tournament and he's gonna do what he wants.I personally don't like the idea of banning cards in a meta that hasn't settled.
Drakonid Operative doesn't push out deck archetypes by itself. Patches and Jade Idol do. That's the main reasoning here. You can't play classic Control/Fatigue with Jade Idol in the meta and you can't play any deck that requires some time set up due to Patches Pirates.I guess Operatives is card that people like to see/watch
No one spam brokebacķ emote or crying broken to operative than like patches or jade druid
Too bad, it's Firebat's tournament and he's gonna do what he wants.
I personally don't like the idea of banning cards in a meta that hasn't settled.
I personally don't like the idea of banning cards in a meta that hasn't settled.
I personally don't like the idea of banning cards in a meta that hasn't settled.
Jaraxxus has a massive draw back.I'm gonna bite to what Dahbomb said about Jade Idol.
I'm not sure what difference about Jade Idol to card like Jaraxxus and Doomcaller.. card that ensure you always win against control deck is always exist.. and Jade Idol is nothing special in this kind of regard.. shit Jarraxxus is better than ever now for killing particular style of deck thanks to how consistent reno deck with current card pool.. but you love jarraxxus but really dislike jade idol.
Too bad, it's Firebat's tournament and he's gonna do what he wants.
Had 900 gold saved up before the expansion, so I picked up 9 packs + the 6 free ones. Gotta say I'm pretty happy with these pulls.
Golden Aya is like pulling a Golden Rag back in vanilla, congrats.
Hoping for a quick response...
Say I use a Potion of Madness and then Recombobulator on the minion I'm taking control of. Would I keep the minion not that is was recombobulated (lol) or would it still go back to my opponent?
You would keep it.
Similar to shadow madness.