Since teching my Jade Rogue list hard against P*rate Warrior about 15 games ago I of course haven't seen a single one.
if you could just ban one class before hitting play, meta would never get stale and there would be more class diversity in the game. That would make the game closer to their own competitive format.
They can never balance the game, something will always be broken in any expansion and people just play that one thing. That's the only way to fix it.
Damn, tried out Savjz's Reno Dragon Priest tonight. Ended up switching out Ysera for Deathwing and have been crushing Jade decks that flood the board and empty their hands. 7-0 to end the night feels pretty good!
Just played that. Dirty Rat'd a Ragnaros on turn 2. Oof.
I've always been a Priest player with occasional forays into Reno-mage / Rogue, but man, this expansion, I'm really enjoying N'zoth Jade Rogue / Jade Druid--so much that I'm considering making Aya my first craft!
My craft list this expansion is probably:
1) Aya
2) Kakarus / Raza (Kakarus is probably more powerful, but I like Raza more)
3) Shaku
4) Finja / Wickerflame (want to make murloc paladin!)
5) Madam Goya (probably a waste, but I like her)
Anyone else find this expansion opening up new ways of playing for themselves?
You typically don't dirty rat til you can combo with it. Like you have shadowworddeath in hand already or MCT plus enough mana to remove with it. Unless vs aggro, you shouldn't be playing it on curve.
The other thing is that if you just wait, your opponent will eventually have more cards in hand you want to dirty rat because they hold on to those longer.
I love this expansion this is the most fun I've ever had I dont want to stop playing. will have to take off some days from work...
All of those legends might be a fad to be honest although Kaza & Aya feel like they will stick. Running Shaku in this experimental deck I put together. right now not worth crafting probably.
That's when you appreciate pirate warrior exists.
Have we come to a consensus yet on Raza? Really tempted to craft him, especially if he becomes a Priest staple. I have enough dust to craft 3 legendaries and I'm looking at:
Have we come to a consensus yet on Raza? Really tempted to craft him, especially if he becomes a Priest staple. I have enough dust to craft 3 legendaries and I'm looking at:
Just had my worst stretch of arena runs ever, since open beta. 1-9, no gold as any of my rewards. Ouch. Anyone else find the post-MSG arena meta tougher?
we still need to reach a consensus on even the reno archetype this time around, I think it is still too early to even say if Reno is viable, raza needs more time
aggro shaman is back, ayyy
''pirate Warrior isn't even the best aggro deck in the meta, son"
Does it run any new cards?
yes, the 2 Jade class cards and Buccaneer + Patches.Does it run any new cards?
My first game this morning was against a Pirate Warrior and I ended up beating him so badly he rage quit.
A small pirate package (Patches too good in aggro not to).
Renolock beats Renopriest almost every time, and it's just the best Reno deck out there at the moment. for those reasons I don't think Renopriest will ever be tier 1 or will see much play, but yes, it's a pretty solid deck.I think it's pretty easy at this point to say that Reno priest is certainly viable. Tier 2 at worst.
Renolock beats Renopriest almost every time, and it's just the best Reno deck out there at the moment. for those reasons I don't think Renopriest will be ever tier 1 or will see much play, but yes, it's a pretty solid deck.
i actually thought arena has been easier after msog. have been getting at least 5 wins in my past 5 runs with my last run (as priest) going 11-2 which is my personal best run.Just had my worst stretch of arena runs ever, since open beta. 1-9, no gold as any of my rewards. Ouch. Anyone else find the post-MSG arena meta tougher?
Terrible draw and no patches. Still always like seeing pirates get wrecked.
OMG KRIPP could have killed hearthstone
i actually thought arena has been easier after msog. have been getting at least 5 wins in my past 5 runs with my last run (as priest) going 11-2 which is my personal best run.
if this rock paper scissors meta sticks around, I don't think I will play the game very much.
if this rock paper scissors meta sticks around, I don't think I will play the game very much.
nah, I don't think burst will do much for Priest, especially since Renolock now runs more taunts and heals because of the aggro decks being everywhere. you just hope for them to don't draw all the answers they usually have.With Jade decks out there, perhaps Reno priest needs to run more burst.
If a Reno priest is running burst renolocks should become less of an issue.
ftfyaggro Shaman beats rock, paper, and scissors.
It drove cwar extinct though.