A few personal thoughts based on the live reaper report.
These numbers only represent a 24 hour overview across all ranks.
Shaman still the king, but only by a few points.
Warrior definitely going to be tier 1.
Warlock potential Tier 1 or top of Tier 2.
Priest not looking Tier 1 material based on this, but certainly a great meta call if you aren't seeing a lot of warlock and druid.
Druid looking surprisingly weak despite all the Jade idol concerns (which are valid btw). I was expecting it to be over 0.51
Paladin is garbage tier. I was hoping this wouldn't be the case, but there it is.
Rogue struggling, but has some great match-ups vs. Druid and Priest. Explains why I had some great winstreaks, but hit a brick wall on aggro warrior and shamans. Although pirate rogue can actually outrace warrior in some cases.