Pirate Warrior is fucking garbage. You literally can't mount a defense against it.
offense is the best defensive. Play aggro shaman, the matchup is so much in your favour it's not even funny.
Pirate Warrior is fucking garbage. You literally can't mount a defense against it.
Lifecoach roping and then messing up his plays![]()
So I got this in back to back packs I got with gold from dailies:
Should I dust Goya?
I don't think so. It's an unrealistic dream to have all 9 classes capable of building a deck that has no hard counters available to it. And it's not even necessarily a good thing to have a meta with no hard counters. That's not really a meta game, it's stale. There would be a few decks at the top with better winrates then the rest of the pack, and you are rewarded less for discerning where the meta game is heading.
I think lopsided match ups are just a part of a healthy meta. The meta adjusts. It's when it cannot adjust that things are a problem.
I feel like you could play goya in maly druid w/o any other minions than maybe barnes. Or maybe jade druid with Aya.
I have neither reno nor arya FeelsBadManI would want to at least try it out first, maybe in a Reno or ramp deck.
And then dust it.
offense is the best defensive. Play aggro shaman, the matchup is so much in your favour it's not even funny.
I have neither reno nor arya FeelsBadMan
Then dust her, don't feel too bad about a regular legendary of your choice, if you don't have patches craft it. Worst case he gets nerfed and you get your dust back.I have neither reno nor arya FeelsBadMan
True but you're also just regularly racing them since you have burn that buffs your 1-drop and your hero power is actually relevant.Aggro shaman is favored because they had "defense" mechanic such as feral spirit n maelstrom portal tho
Dust him for Aya and play Jade shaman/druid
Or craft patches and play pirate warrior/rogue?
Will definitely craft Patches.
Then dust her, don't feel too bad about a regular legendary of your choice, if you don't have patches craft it. Worst case he gets nerfed and you get your dust back.
This discussion ties back into my previous post where I wondered what the answer to this question would be based on Blizzard's internal statistics:
Is the average game of hearthstone more likely to be a competitive match whose winner is determined by individual player choices or is it more likely to be a predetermined blowout caused by deck choices or draw order of cards?
If your average game is just a blowout one way or the other I don't think that's particularly interesting game design because it makes execution irrelevant. You could skip the actual gameplay part and just tell me the results based on the matchmaker; optimizing a statistical formula isn't fun to me.
Made Up Hypothetical: Let's say I pick pirate warrior and based on the current matchmaking pool I win 65% of my matches in an overwhelming fashion but lose 30% in an overwhelming fashion because of the deck matchups. That leaves a small subset of games (5%) where my choices actually matter and determine the outcome.
What exactly is the game that I would be playing in that scenario? Is the "game" just picking the deck that outputs the highest default win-rate based on the statistics of the matchmaking pool, e.g., an Excel Formula game? Or is the real game in those small subset of matches where I actually get to make meaningful choices that dictate the outcome?
If you never make meaningful choices when you're playing a match, then there's no difference between you playing and a bot playing. You're just doing manual labor to see if your choice of A will output a higher number than if you had chosen B. Again, I don't know if that's true or not, maybe the average game does come down to skill as opposed to the dice roll. But I would hazard a guess that most CCGs tend to struggle with this problem one way or another.
The problem is that Hearthstone has to be so simplified that it can't use a lot of the other solutions that other CCGs can implement in an attempt to make execution/skill more important: banning cards/classes, sideboards, more complex mechanics, etc.
I've gone and put Patches + 2 of the 1/2s into wild secret paladin. Funny to hit it with a coghammer.
aggro Shaman is favored because it's the better aggro deck, some people here still haven't realized it.Aggro shaman is favored because they had "defense" mechanic such as feral spirit n maelstrom portal tho
I must be really bad with the deck because I lost to some Druids playing taunts on curve, and some Priests who weren't dead by turn 6 and had a full board. /sPirate Warrior is fucking garbage. You literally can't mount a defense against it.
Put together this wild demon dreadsteedlock for the 15 demons quest. it's probably not that great but it's fun and it got the quest done easily enough.
Secret paladin is even stronger now. I really feel Blizz need to nerf the living heck out of it, or come out and say directly that they dont give a rats behind about wild.
No Dark Bomb? whyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
But yeah I'ma save this for the next time I need to do that demon quest.
CrystalWeaver is pretty underrated btw too bad renolock with demon is bad
but Crystalweaver itself is pretty good
You say that but I just keep losing with secret paladin. I'm stuck at 13.
EU or US? What decks are you running into?
Inkmaster isn't that great, and works only in Renomage.Just got Mayor Nogg and I'm now over 1500 dust.
Who to craft...I was thinking Inkmaster or Patches.
I think this is a different discussion. And I think there is a ton more skill in the game. But I think this discussion has been beaten to death tbh. In short, I think the game's where your decisions matter weigh far more than 5%. Far more than 50% when you count deck building and deck selection. Before you even get into a game you've already made several choices that impact the result.
are you running the N'Zoth list? That's the best and most disgusting one.You say that but I just keep losing with secret paladin. I'm stuck at 13.
are you running the N'Zoth list? That's the best and most disgusting one.
also I believe running Patches + Small-Time Buccaneer is not an improvement at all. a) it's a very optimized and old deck, with broken cards everywhere, it's hard to make space for 3 new ones b) Patches sucks if you don't draw one of your two pirates first, and Small-Time Buccaneer isn't that good because you don't have any weapon until turn 3.
I just want to clarify that I didn't mean the hypothetical as a prediction of the actual numbers. It was an intentionally extreme example to illustrate a point. I wouldn't be happy with a 50/50 split either but as I said I have no idea what the numbers are. Far as I know it's 90/10 in favor of skill.
What I do know is that I don't play hearthstone because I feel challenged in decision making against other players in ranked, I play to satisfy broader archetype desires (I want to win with a weird thematic deck, I want to figure out how to beat the heroic bosses in funny ways, I want to play the tavern brawl or arena, etc).
I kind of slapped it together based on previous experience with dreadsteed decks and I don't play wild much. Sometimes I forget about those cards that rotate out, lol.
I guess you could cut the Dark Peddlers? Or maybe the doomguards? Or the flame imps, I dunno, lol. But the Flame Imps get you extra ticks on the quest.
Keep the demons for the quest obviously. I'd cut Kel'Thuzad, who while awesome isn't helping your curve with all the Enforcers, Boom and Mal'Ganis/Jaraxxus. THen maybe a Void Terror or Sac Pac? I dunno. Dark Bomb is so good though, it's hard to say if its better than the synergy there. In terms of just being a silly quest deck, I'm sure its fine, but I think just running 1x Dark Bomb over KT is prolly going to help some.
I think a lot of people approach the game the way you do. I do some of the time as well. Nothing wrong with that. But there is a whole huge skill gap between even me and pro players. I've hit legend multiple times and I know I can't hit top 100 legend even if I tried (well, I don't know for fact cause I've never tried but I believe for me to do it I would have to significantly up my game).
I remember strifecro stating he thinks the game actually is 90/10 in favor of skill over luck.
I think it's great if there are a lot of match ups closer to 50/50. But that doesn't mean if you win 55% of those match ups, only 5% of your matches were decided by skill. That's a misconception to begin with, I think because it assumes both players have played perfectly each game.
I think the biggest sign of skill over luck has to do with consistency in results. And we've had high consistency with a lot of players over time.
This all said, I really do think the whole skill vs luck discussion is tired so I'll likely leave this as my last post on the topic.
people are sleeping on friendly bartender against aggro matchups. It trades well with early pirate crap and if it isn't removed will continually heal you.
I tried it out very early on but it seemed like 1 heal per turn really isn't meaningful enough.
Even if warrior let it live all game, that's like 4 points of healing, and more likely it's going to be war axed to death only healing 1 health.
I very rarely post in this thread so I understand that it's beyond well-treaded ground for the regulars and its far more tiring than anything else to see it since you've discussed it a billion times already. I'd like to see more transparency and statistics from Blizzard in part because I think it helps to educate players like myself who can only go off what they experience which is going to be biased and non-representative.
For example, having them reveal that their official deck suggestions all have about 50% win rates was really interesting because the community assumed they sucked. I bet there are other things like that where players assume one thing and it makes for a negative narrative but Blizzard could show stats showing the opposite is true. I understand why they don't divulge that stuff from a business/design perspective though.
I have neither reno nor arya FeelsBadMan
I got ripped off in my arena run. One match I clicked start game too early. I clicked cancel immediately. Then the game crashed. I come back in and it's all good. No notification that I lost a match. I checked the score I don't have an extra loss. Several matches later I am suddenly at 2 losses when I should be at 1. I even checked the deck tracker to double make sure... what a fuck up.