Definitely feels like it would win some swing games for me.
Yeah I'm gonna try that list out with a second chieftain instead of White Eyes.
from this list I don't have Aya or White Eyes... how necessary are they? Specially White Eyes, I've been thinking I might need to craft the 3 family heads
People really having trouble with warlock as shaman?
I posted this yesterday and I am 19-1 against renolock, it may seem not that impressive of a deck, but don´t sleep on the golems as being evolution targets. The match is not a short one but is a clear one in your favor. Pirate warrior is a biggest threat but it still is a winnable match
Yeah, like other people have said, Aya is better in this list. A second chieftain sounds good, or pretty much any of the broken Shaman cards tbh.
The Aviana + Kun + C'thun deck Savjz is playing seems surprisingly good for being such a dream combo.
People really having trouble with warlock as shaman?
I posted this yesterday and I am 19-1 against renolock, it may seem not that impressive of a deck, but don´t sleep on the golems as being evolution targets. The match is not a short one but is a clear one in your favor. Pirate warrior is a biggest threat but it still is a winnable match
This seems super greedy. I don't know how you stay alive past turn 5 against pirate warrior.
Yeah I have heard some top players say that the Kun + Aviana combo decks are kinda legit. Though it remains to determined which particular combo will win out in the end (Malygos combo or Cthun combo).
This seems super greedy. I don't know how you stay alive past turn 5 against pirate warrior.
EDIT: Holy fuck! Jade claws work with Bran! I´ve never even thought of that!
Huh. Guess it would.
You mulligan hard for mistress of mixtures, dirty rat, lightning bolt, claws and board clearers, waterspeakers is also pretty great, but yes, warrior is a really tought match
EDIT: Holy fuck! Jade claws work with Bran! I´ve never even thought of that!
Yeah I have heard some top players say that the Kun + Aviana combo decks are kinda legit. Though it remains to determined which particular combo will win out in the end (Malygos combo or Cthun combo).
I got destroyed by a Rogue jade deck. She used shadowstep on Aya and went off filling the board on like turn 6.
Peléo;226314425 said:I don't think Evolve has really good synergy with Jade Golens, unless you use them for health recovery. Jade golens are (X) X/X, while the average minion of a certain cost is normally (Y) Y-1/Y. So when you evolve a Jade Golem, you are essentially getting the same thing.
Additionally, Shaman Overload mechanic has negative synergy with Evolve. Totems are good though. Same for Jade Spirit or Chieftain work.
that's not it. you think he gets played because of consistency instead of because he's able to impact the board in exchange for nothing but it's pretty much the opposite.Like I said, Patches' strength comes from raising consistency overall.
I can't believe I'm saying this but...
Unlicensed Apothecary is good... it is really good in DiscoDemonLock
Leeroy hasn't scared people off from using that card yet? The only thing I keep hearing about that card is how much it keeps backfiring.
I really like that card, it can be good in a lot of decks and win you the game on the spot if played correctly, especially against Reno decks.Dirty rat appears to be real good in control paladin.
I think I need to craft another one.
I really like that card, it can be good in a lot of decks and win you the game on the spot if played correctly, especially against Reno decks.
it might seem a completely random card but it's actually more skill-based because you have to get a read on your opponent's hand and find the best time to play him.
Just beat a dragon priest who got 2 tirions before I played my 1.
Dirty rat appears to be real good in control paladin.
I think I need to craft another one.
Losing despite playing 2 tirions?
3rd game with pirate warrior and I told my opponent well played. He friend requested me and said "nice bm you playing cancer" then he told me my mom is giving bjs in hell but it wasn't that nice.
This deck is the bomb!