Living roots with no choose-one mechanic. But it's a beast, although as a 1 drop the beast tag is about about 0.2 worth of value in my eyes. The battlecry also doesn't go well with the buff mechanic. I agree, it's a fine 1 drop though, problem is other cards which are ridiculous which makes it looks meh in comparison... kind of how like Earglehorn Bow is solid 3 cost weapon, but Fiery War axe makes them look shit as a vanilla weapon anyway... I still play it, secrets or no secrets.
Dispatch and Kodo are really good though. Shaky Zippgunner is solid too, would be amazing if it was a beast, how many times I have wished he was a beast.
Trogg beastrager is ok but not great.
The legendary Knuckles is utter shit though.